not a chapter

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So this isn't a chapter, just a who knows what thing.

Sebastian and Noah know Riley was abused by Kevin but they don't know it was sexual too.

Lucas doesn't know about Kevin

All brothers know about the gym teacher

Noah has his suspicions that their dad hurt Sebastian but he doesn't know how bad it actually was. So from his perspective it was just a few hits not full on beatings. But he isn't too sure as of now.

Riley knows Sebastian was beaten and took them for Lucas and Noah. She doesn't know how bad it was though.

Lucas doesn't know about the abuse. He was too young and when he was old enough to remember it was done when both Noah and Lucas were out

Lucas and Noah were never hit by their dad but they were taught to be killers however they embraced it and Sebastian took the hits for their mistakes.

Lucas and Noah don't know Sebastian took the hits.


I know alot of you want everyone to know everything but I think this will be the end goal, however things can change.

And I know probably some of you if not all are thinking if Sebastian was nicer to Lucas, Lucas might not be a dick. But personally I feel Sebastian is already nice, he has protected his brothers since they were born, he hasn't shown his love because he was never allowed so he struggles to show he cares ect so he's sort of trying. And Sebastian only looses his temper with Lucas because he's the first one to start it.

And here are a few things of what will happen in the next few Chapters

So Lucas will make an appearance next chapter and he's going to be drunk
So lots of shit is going to go down

I'm thinking about making Riley tougher so that is going to happen.

I also kind of want to have Riley see a scary side to Sebastian even though I love his character it's inevitable and needs to happen, so please don't hate Sebastian.

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