Chapter 105

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"where are you going" Sebastian asked.

It had been a few hours since Sebastian had told Lucas and it was getting a little late.

"I'm going to do something to show I'm sorry" Noah said

"Well yes but it's a bit late" Sebastian said.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it, I don't know what I can do so I'll ask her in the morning but when she wakes up I'm going to give her like a box of lots of her favourite stuff" Noah explained.

Sebastian smiled "that's a good idea" he said and Noah nodded "I need to talk to talk to the guys who I have guarding father too, I won't even acknowledge his existence but I just need to check he's not causing trouble"

"Okay fine. Lock the doors behind you when you go out" Sebastian said.

"Got it. I'll see you in the morning Sebastian"

A few hours later and Sebastian was stuck in his thoughts as he laid trying to sleep, he got frustrated and gave up. Night time was the worst for him as that's when the really dark thoughts entered his mind with nothing to distract him.

He decided that he needed an outlet to avoid doing anything dangerous and although he usually went to the work out areas in his room, the punch bag was broken and so he made his way down to the gym.

He attacked the bag like it was his enemy letting a his anger out, anger for himself, for his father and for life. He finally stopped when he had broken 5 punch bags. He felt a little better and decided to try get to sleep.

He paused in the hallway, debating on checking on his siblings but decided against it and went back to his room.


Riley was deep in thought, she thought back to the lecture Noah gave, he had a point, Sebastian hadn't had to do anything but he did, Sebastian had always been there for her...but he changed so suddenly... but he must have had a reason....but he hurt you. Riley couldn't help but go back and fourth with her thoughts until she decided enough was enough and closed her eyes.

Trigger warning of abuse.

He was there. He stood menacingly watching her try to escape, he held a knife and a blow torch, she tried to escape but he grabbed her leg and pulled her roughly back. Her head hitting the floor as he pulled. He pressed the knife into her and smirked. She tried to kick him and break free but it only pissed him off and instead he broke her leg, telling her she wouldn't be going anywhere.


Riley's eyes snapped open, she sat up as she tried to calm her breathing. Her mind was racing with horrid thoughts and tears ran down her face.

Her brothers wouldn't understand, well maybe Sebastian but he wasn't an option.

She tried to relax but she couldn't stop looking in every corner of the room expecting him to jump out. The wind got louder, hitting the window with such force it made her jump. Riley decided that getting a drink to calm down would be a good idea.

She never made it downstairs though as she had stopped in front of Sebastian's door. Noah and Lucas would give her comfort but they wouldn't understand.

She quietly knocked and with no anwser she hesitantly entered. Sebastian appeared to be asleep and so she quickly turned to leave but stopped when she heard Sebastian.

"If you are going to bother me you might as well tell me why you are here especially since you entered without my permission" Sebastian still had his eyes closed, he wasnt in a good mood, he was frustrated that he couldn't sleep, he had heard the knock but chose not to anwser hoping Noah would go away because he
presumed it was Noah checking in on him. He knew Lucas never came to him at night and Riley hated him at the moment so logically it had to be Noah.

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