chapter 93

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Sebastian and Noah looked at each other before quickly leaving the office.

They made it downstairs and saw Riley and Lucas, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Noah was the first to speak, he was rather annoyed Lucas called them down for nothing especially because of the importance of the conversation.

"What is it Lucas, I swear if this isnt fucking important"

Riley was taken back by Noah's tone but said nothing.

"There is a visitor you might want to see, I opened it so he doesn't know Riley is here"

Sebastians cold look turned into a deadly anger.
"Sebastian" Noah asked but Sebastian ignored him and walked to the front door. He knew before he opened it but the shock of seeing him stood smirking was hard.
The man didn't wait to be invited in, he just pushed Sebastian aside and walked in.

"He's not dead" Noah said in shock.

"Who is he" Riley asked.

"I'm your father, didnt you tell her about me Sebastian" the man said.

Sebastian snapped out of his shocked state when he spoke to Riley.

"What are you doing here, we had a deal"

"Your deals mean nothing to me" their dad said.

Although they had a deal, they hadn't come face to face with each other until now.

Riley took a moment to process this information, this was supposedly her father, the father who beat Sebastian. She was overcome with anger and it all happened so quick that Sebastian couldn't even stop her.
"How dare you do that to him" she shouted and her hand connected with his cheek.

Sebastian was first to react, he always was when it came to family. Their father was a little taken back but he quickly recovered and went to slap Riley but Sebastian was quicker and managed to place himself in front of Riley.

"You stupid brat" their father screamed and began attacking Sebastian.

Noah and Lucas were in shock at what their father was doing. Noah was the first to snap out of it, he grabbed  Riley, a little harshly out of urgency and pulled her away "Lucas take her and get out of here" he said and Lucas nodded and grabbed Riley.

Lucas couldn't believe what he had seen. He wanted to jump in and help Sebastian but he knew Noah would sort it.

"No, what about Sebastian"  Riley tried and failed to get out of Lucas'grip as he took her out.
Noah didn't have time for Riley he just gave Lucas a look and Lucas nodded and dragged Riley out.

Sebastian was still being hit and after discovering how much Sebastian hated himself, he knew Sebastian wasn't fighting back because he thought he desevered it. So Noah decided to put an end to it fast. He grabbed his gun from one of the locked cupboards and shot their dad in the leg.

He fell almost on top of Sebastian but Noah was quick to pull Sebastian out of the way.

"I'm going to kill you both and then I'll find that daughter of mine and turn her into a killer if she doesn't comply I will shoot her between the eyes" their dad said.

This instantly made Sebastian angry. "You will do no such thing" and he punched his dad so hard it knocked him out.

Noah noticed the change. Sebastian would protect his family but never himself.

"You didn't fight back" Noah stated.

"Where is Lucas and Riley, are they safe" Sebastian ignored the statement. He had a reason for not fighting back. One he didn't want to admit.

"They are safe, Lucas took Riley out" Noah reassured him.

"Good, we really should close up his wound" Sebastian said glancing at their father.

"And shoot him in the head" Noah added but Sebastian shook his head.
"Why not Sebastian, he would kill us' Noah was confused by Sebastian, usually he wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who did this.

"Because I can't" Sebastian admitted.

"Why. I can help, I will always help you" Noah said, he suspected Sebastian couldn't out of the belief he deserved it.

"Noah please" Sebastian looked away.

"Okay but we are putting him in lock up until we decide what to do"

"But.." Sebastian started.

"What if he hurts Riley and Lucas"

"Lock up it is, but you need to do it, I can't" Sebastian said.

Noah found two things strange, first as soon as he mentioned their siblings he wanted him in lock up, surely he thought about them before. And second, he thought it strange how Sebastian couldn't do it.

"Okay Sebastian, I'll take him now, do you want to go find Lucas and Riley" Noah said not wanting to push Sebastian to tell him.

"No" Sebastian looked away again.

"Why" Noah asked.

"They just saw me getting beat up that's why" Sebastian stated coldly and walked off.

Noah sighed. Sebastian had always been their protector, he knew that Sebastian must have been doubting the three of them that they would still look to him.

But Noah still saw Sebastian as strong, he saw him slightly different though because of all the pain he was going through. The pain...Noah panicked and quickly followed Sebastian.

"Sebastian don't do anything stupid" he called.

Sebastian who hadn't gone to far turned "I'm fine really I am"

"I know you can't lock him up but what I'd feel so much better if you was with me, Im not sure I can do it without you Sebastian, I'd feel safer if you at least rode along with me"  Noah said, he decided to take a different approach, he could do it himself but he didn't want Sebastian to be alone and he knew if he included him, if he made it seem like he couldn't do it, if he made it known to Sebastian how much he needed him then Sebastian would come.

"Fine but I can't be the one to lock him up" Sebastian agreed. He didn't want anything to happen to Noah so he agreed.

And although Noah had said those words to get Sebastian to come, they were entirely true.

Noah really did feel safer now Sebastian was coming.

The chapter you have all been waiting for....

just to make it clear though as when I reread it I was thinking it sounded like the brothers stood around and let Sebastian get beaten but they didn't, it happened in seconds so for a few seconds they were shocked and then after it they snapped out of it and noah stopped him.

What do you all think the deal was and why Sebastian can't lock him up himself?

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