chapter 52

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The next morning was stressful for everyone.

Sebastian had a meeting with the school again about Lucas' behaviour.
The social worker was due later on and that caused alot of stress for Riley, she was suppose to come a few days ago but an emergency stopped her.
Noah had several meetings this morning, twice the amount as normal because he was covering for Sebastian's meetings.
Sebastian had spoken to Lucas all morning about the meeting. It was important and Lucas had to decide what he wanted.
Sebastian had told him if he wanted to stay and would keep his head down and get on with his work he would fight for him, if not he would allow them to expell him.
Sebastian didn't want to have weekly meetings where he convinced the school Lucas deserved to stay.

Lucas saw how much Sebastian cared and decided to get his head and actually focus on school, this made it easier for Sebastian as he believed Lucas so whatever he said today was the truth.

He was aware that the social worker was due at 2pm. He hated her and wished he could throw her in his cells.
In his mind she was a bitch.

He was trying to support Riley, talk to Lucas about everything and on top of that he had to make sure they had everything for school and had a good breakfast.
Noah wasn't around to help as he had to leave before they got up so Sebastian was handling everything.
It was stressful especially when they hadn't alot of time before Sebastian had to take them to school.

He didn't mind, no matter how stressful and busy he was, helping both his siblings at the same time with completely different things, he wouldn't change a thing.
No matter how much he had to do and there was suprisingly alot.

A normal morning usually consisted of Noah making breakfast and either Noah or Sebastian would take Riley to school, Lucas still hadn't gotten his car back so he would reluctantly go with them.

Today Sebastian's morning consisted of making breakfast, making sure they all had everything they need, several forms needed signing, reassuring Riley and talking to Lucas. All had to be completed with 90 minutes. He had chosen to divide his time up.
30 minutes for breakfast
30 minutes for Riley
30 minutes for Lucas.

It might have seemed alot but it really wasn't, Riley was on the verge of a panic attack so it took 20 minutes calming her and then they had to talk which 10 minutes wasn't long enough, by the time he got to Lucas they hadn't much time and they had to set off to school so Sebastian wrapped up the conversation by telling Lucas to trust him and go along with everything he said.

They reached school a little later than normal, but still on time. "I have a meeting in 15 minutes" Sebastian spoke as he switched of the car engine. "Right well I'll just get in school then you can come in, can't be seen with my big brother" Lucas joked, Sebastian scoffed and pushed Lucas playfully "I'll have you know everyone wants to be seen with me" he retorted. His comment seemed to make Riley smile which made him smile. "I guess non of those people actually know how embarrassing you are" Lucas said also noticing Riley smile, both brothers saw their teasing amused her so they kept it up. "Embarrassing? Me? Lucas you have just made a big mistake, why don't you get out and go inform the office you will be at the meeting instead of class" Sebastian said with a smirk on his face "I wouldn't want you to be seen with your embarrassing brother" he continued. Lucas rolled his eyes and got out "bye Riley" he didn't bother saying goodbye to Sebastian as he would see him in 10 minutes for the meeting.

"I'll walk with you" Riley offered. "Aw that's very sweet of you" Sebastian accepted Riley's offer for several reasons.
1. He knew that although Riley was offering for him she wanted to walk with him, he just decided against bringing it up as he didn't want to force her to talk about it and he knew it was a difficult day for her.
2. He wanted her present for what he was about to do.

They entered school and Luke Sebastian thought, Riley didn't want to leave him. Sebastian noticed but chose not to comment at first because he spotted Lucas talking to his friends.
He smirked, the plan was to embarrass him but being around his friends made it so much better.

"Lucas honey you forgot to give me a hug" Sebastian shouted loudly so everyone could hear.

In fact everyone stopped talking, some stared at Sebastian whilst others started at Lucas.

"Sebastian what the hell" Lucas groaned.
"What is it sweetie, there is no need to embarrassed, it's okay to hug me"

Sebastian said but his smile dropped at the end.
It was ok to hug him.
He didn't do hugs.
Only Riley.
But it was okay for his brothers now too. He could do that.
Could he?
Father wasn't around anymore, he couldn't tell him what to do. He couldn't stop him.

It was okay.

Lucas was so embarrassed by this especially when Sebastian had called him sweetie and honey in front of the whole school. His embarrassment faded when he heard the last part. It was okay to hug him?
Surely not?
Lucas knew it wasn't anything personal, he just knew Sebastian didn't show those sort of emotions. He knew it was hard for him and growing up it became normal, it wasn't a big deal, not really and he didn't feel like it had any impact on him but he knew this was alot for Sebastian.

"Oh and Lukie remember to be good in school, and find that nice boy you insulted and apologize"  Sebastian continued. He was enjoying this way to much.

"Sure thing and i just want to thank you for that heart to heart, I mean those inspirational words, they really did touch my soul" Lucas said back.
He was embarrassed yes but that didn't mean he couldn't embarrass Sebastian back.
Only it didn't embarrass Sebastian because he didn't have to see any of these kids again. However both brothers knew Sebastian had a reputation and these kids could easily tell their friends and parents or whoever and word would get out.
One thing everyone knew, Sebastian was not inspirational, so for Lucas to say that they knew it would start rumours.
"Seriously" Sebastian commented with a smile.
"Oh most definitely and don't be shy about the idea of taking dance lessons' Lucas continued.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at this but Lucas just laughed.
He glanced at Riley and saw she was laughing to just like most of the hallway. "Are you coming Riley" Lucas asked with a smirk hoping she would agree.

Riley saw what Lucas was trying to do and she nodded "yeah" and she walked to  Lucas "come on Riley not you too. Aren't you suppose to be on my side" Sebastian said making sure to be extra dramatic so Riley didn't take it seriously. "Sorry Sebastian" Riley said with a smile.

As the two walked off Sebastian's smile grew. "Have a wonderful day kids, I will definitely be making your favourite meal tonight. Spaghetti hoops and dinosaur nuggets."

"Sebastian" both Lucas and Riley  said at the same time.

"Yes I'll add beans now get to class" Sebastian laughed dismissing them.

As they left for real this time, he smiled to himself, having kids was great, he had never embarrassed none of his brothers like this before but he enjoyed it. A little too much and he knew it wouldn't be the last time.

Sebastian is definitely my favourite character to write now. Just loved writing this chapter, I want him to be more dramatic about it all so hopefully there will be more embarrassing moments

Thoughts on Sebastian this chapter?

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