chapter 67

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That night Riley couldn't sleep, all she could think of was if Kevin hadn't been arrested, what then? She would have still been locked in her it wasn't her room. But it was.

Her mind was conflicted, she wished she could say it want her room but the truth was a part of her still believed that she deserved it.

She checked the time, it was almost 5am, she didn't want to disturb Sebastian, he looked so tired earlier and she knew he needed sleep, he shouldn't have to be worried about her all the time. So she tried to sleep but failed.

She carefully left her room, giving up on hopes of sleep, she was about to head down when she saw Lucas had his light on still.
Maybe he forgot to turn it off?

She decided to risk it and knock.

"Come in" a muffled voice could be heard, Lucas was half asleep, half awake, he hadn't been awake long and he was feeling like shit.

He noticed Riley and smiled "how come you're not in bed" Lucas asked.
"Couldn't sleep and I saw your light on" Riley explained.
"Don't you usually go to Sebastian" Lucas said as he thought back to when Sebastian told him that they cuddled.
"He looked so tired earlier, I didn't want to disturb him, I think I'm going to just go downstairs" Riley said.
"Nope. Come tell me what's on your mind" Lucas said, he has fully woken up by now and he couldn't help but worry about the state she was in. Riley reluctantly agreed.
Lucas lifted his duvet up but Riley just stared "well I'm getting cold, are you coming or not" Lucas said.
Riley was skeptical still, she trusted Lucas but at the same time, this was Lucas.
"Im wearing shorts if that's what you are worried about, if you want to grab my hoodie I will put it on" Lucas ressured her gesturing to the hoodie that was hung over his chair.

Riley hadn't been wondering as she knew Lucas wouldn't suggest her in bed without him wearing shorts but it did make her feel better, she nodded and grabbed his hoodie on the way to his bed.

He quickly put it on and she got in. "So what's on your mind" Lucas asked.
Riley didn't know what to say. She knew he should know, Sebastian and Noah knew. Sebastian had figured it out and telling Noah wasn't as hard as she thought.
But she didn't have Sebastian with her this time.
And they were all alone.

"You know it helps to share, how about I tell you why I'm up if you tell me why your up" Lucas suggested.
"Are you ok" Riley asked.
"Yeah I'm ok, just you know Tony and my other old friends well they have become a bigger problem, Noah and Sebastian are sorting it though and it's just words, they don't believe I can beat my addictions but I can" Lucas shared, it was a big step for him to admit that.
"I'm so sorry, if it helps I believe you can" Riley said.
"It does help Riley, anyway what about you" Lucas replied.

"Kevin...I....he...well" Riley tried to get her words out but she couldn't.
She really needed Sebastian.
"Kevin was your step dad" Lucas confirmed.
Riley nodded, Lucas looked at her and saw nothing but fear. "He... he...." Riley couldn't do this.
Lucas pulled her into a hug. He wasn't going to let her leave in this state. He saw her fear when she mentioned Kevin so he decided to ask the question that came to mind. "Did he hurt you" Riley cried further, she couldn't stop the tears. "Yes, every day, I promiseitriedtostophim" she said fast, she hoped he would believe her.

Lucas was fuming. How dare he. He planned out his murder. He planned out which bones he would break first.
"Please don't hate me again"
"No I won't, come here" he pulled her into a tighter hug and they hugged it out.

Riley eventually fell asleep into his chest and Lucas soon followed.

Noah and Sebastian were downstairs, they were getting worried, both Lucas and Riley hadn't come down for breakfast so they headed up to get them.

"Sebastian come quick" Noah whisper yelled from lucas' doorway, granted Sebastian was only stood meters away.

Sebastian took one look at his siblings and smiled before getting our his phone, Noah was doing the same.

"Should we let them sleep"Noah asked.
Sebastian was hesitant to let them stay in bed but just one look at them he was able to make his mind up. "Yeah I'll call the school and say we have a family emergency" he said and Noah nodded.
"I'm glad they are finally getting along" Noah said and Sebastian nodded. "They are adorable" he agreed as he entered.
"What are you doing, don't wake them" Noah whispered.

Sebastian ignored Noah and walked over to them. He first approached Riley and tucked her in, he noticed how worn out she looked up close but it was ok because she was sleeping. He then walked round to Lucas and did the same, only this time Lucas opened his eyes. "Don't wake her" he mumbled. "Ssshhh go back to sleep" Sebastian said. Lucas closed his eyes again but Sebastian noticed just before he did, he looked over to Riley to check if she was still there.

"Sweet dreams kids" Sebastian whispered as he walked away.
Noah had watched fondly, he loved the new Sebastian.
"We love you" Noah added whispering.

They both left and they both had a smile on their face.

"I feel like a parent" Noah admitted making Sebastian smile "me too" he said and they both looked at each other and laughed "god imagine if we actually had our own kids" Noah said and Sebastian smiled "I think I'll pass, I'm too busy with the ones I got. I'll have grey hairs in no time the way everything is going"  Noah laughed "same maybe we should dye our hair" he suggested. Sebastian couldn't help the loom of disgust "either way Im happy with how things turned out, I couldn't have done it without you Noah"

"I barely did a thing, it was all you. Especially with Riley, she adores you."

Sebastian smiled at this, he loved how she didn't see him as a monster, he loved how he was her favourite.
She was a mini version of him when she wanted to be.

"She's going to be the death of me. I worry so much about her. Do you think I did the right thing not tracking her down"

"Of course it was the right thing. Kevin abused her but if you had tracked her down you father would have killed her, she was never meant to be a killer and you know what would have happened" Noah reassured Sebastian.

It was true though, their father wanted all his kids to become killers, his perfect little soldiers and both Noah and Sebastian knew there little sister wasn't a killer.
That would make it worse, their father never wanted a daughter, so much so that he planned to get rid of the girl. Either that or turn her into one of them.

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