chapter 82

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"I'm going to call Lucas and check everything is ok" Noah said as he wiped the blood from his face.

"Leave them, if they fuck up then I will deal with them when we get back" Sebastian said as he removed his blood stained shirt and tossed it in the wash.

"Do you not hear yourself, they are your siblings not your victims" Noah was getting frustrated with Sebastian by now.

"Speaking of victims, I don't think half of them will be talking any time soon" Sebastian quickly changed the topic to their previous activities.

Before getting to the hotel, they had visited prison, Kevin was now back in the infirmary, the system was corrupt and one word from Sebastian and he had people to do the work for him.

Then it was off to find the others and start the torture, he left a few still able to talk because he wanted information but in his mind they all didn't need to talk just a few of them.

"Yes well I'm sure by tommorow evening we will have what we came for"  Noah said and walked out of the room and back to his bedroom.

He wanted to check on his siblings, with everything going on he doubted they were okay.

He decided to take a shower and change first as he was covered in quite a bit of blood.

Lucas picked up after the 4th ring

"Is everything okay" Lucas asked

"Yeah everything is fine, I just wanted to check on you both"

"Oh right yeah we are both fine, no parties don't worry" Lucas couldn't help roll his eyes.

"Good. Sebastians mood is getting worse so just keep it that way for now" Noah told him.

"yeah  we won't do anything"

"Have you both eaten, what did you have, have you both done your homework" Noah suddenly found himself worrying further about them.

"We ordered food, I'll cook tommorow and yes we have done homework"

"Okay good, is Riley there, I would like to speak to her too"

"She went to bed not long ago. I'll go see if she's awake stil"

"No it's fine just make sure you check she's still there before you go to bed. I have a little time if you want to talk about anything, we didn't get to talk after school today"

"Don't worry Noah, school is fine, i have new friends remember, they are much better than the old ones... actually I guess I should confess something one of them told me about Riley" Lucas was hesitant to say but he knew things had a way of coming out.
"What was it" Noah asked.
"So it's Clara's brother, Jack, well he was the one to drop Riley off last night" Lucas started.
"At least she didn't walk home alone" Noah commented.
"Yes especially in her state. Apparently she was really drunk, Clara had expressed her concern about Riley to him on the way home, apparently she weny off with a guy for a little while"


"Don't worry I made Jack ask Clara, they only danced. But still, it looks like our little sister is quite the partier...oh and the guy wasn't Blake!"

Lucas was sharing the news like it was gossip by the end of it, at first he was quite serious about it all but the last bit of information he shared it with such excitement like anyone would with gossip.

"Find out who the guy was" Noah wasn't too happy about learning this information.

"Okay, are we sharing this information with Sebastian"

"No. As long as it was just dancing he doesn't need to know" Noah decided.

"I don't need to know what" Sebastian had walked in at the exact moment.

Noah didn't reply so Sebastian grabbed his phone "what don't I need to know Lucas" his tone was deadly and Noah had no doubt if he was asking in person, Lucas would confess.

"What's that Sebastian, I can't quite hear you" and Lucas did the only logical thing and hung up. But it wasn't logical, no one hangs up on Sebastian.

Sebastian turned to Noah "just dancing, what don't I need to know"
Noah couldn't think of a single excuse, he had plenty of reasons if he hadn't of said the first part about it being dancing.

"Nothing really, just Riley was dancing alot last night which was expected anyway"

"Who with. I'm not stupid Noah, tell me what happened"

"Nothing. Just some guy who wasn't Blake"


"Okay? You're not angry, you're not going to throw anything"

"Did he touch her in anyway she wasn't comfortable with"

"No. Lucas made sure it was only dancing"

"Then it's fine"

"It is?"

"Yes, no big deal"

Sebastian was taking this better than Noah thought he would, something was off.

"Sebastian are you sure"

"Of course, she already disobeyed me, broke the rules, why not add a stranger to the mix"

"You're not fine are you"

"Look we are here to do a job. I don't wish to discuss what she has been up to. It's a party, as long as she wasn't hurt I don't care for now"

"Okay" Noah left it at that.

"Tommorow we start for real"

Finding HappinessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora