chapter 109

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Trigger warning of violence

"Get off me" Riley screamed as she pushed the man away. She struggled against his grip. He was strong, her struggles did nothing but anger him. He slapped her and pushed her to the ground after having enough of her, he began to kick her violently.

"You are nothing but a waste of my time" the man spat as he looked at her. Riley weakly tried to get away but the man taunted her by throwing knives in her direction, he was playing with her now, she backed away and he would throw a knife.

"Please don't do this" Riley begged him

"You deserve this. It is all your fault, you stupid girl" he brought the knife closer.

"No please. Sebastian please don't do this. Please, you said you wouldn't hurt me. You promised"

"Why the hell would I do that, you useless bitch" the knife was closer now.


"Riley please you have to wake up"

"Come on, please open your eyes"

Riley opened her eyes and saw Sebastian standing over her. She didn't register the worry in his eyes, she just saw him standing like he was before.

"No. Get away from me" Riley backed away.

Sebastian tried to approach her but Riley freaked out further.

"You promised. You lied" Riley whispered as she grabbed the nearest thing to defend herself.
A lamp.

If the situation wasn't so serious, Sebastian would have laughed but this wasn't a situation to laugh about.

"Riley I need to know what happened. You need to tell me.  I never pressure you to tell me but after what I just witnessed. I need you to tell me" Sebastian said in a somewhat authoritive tone.

"No. Stay away"



"Riley I need to know"

"Leave me alone Sebastian"

"I can't do that. Not after what I just saw"

Riley said nothing she just watched Sebastian, Sebastian watched her back. Finally after what was probably at least 30 minutes, Riley slowly put the lamp down, she laid back down and turned away.

Sebastian slowly sat on the bed when he heard her cry. He didn't know how to approach this. This was different from her usual nightmares.

Sebastian had heard her when he was going to bed, he walked in not expecting her to be thrashing around in her sleep. Not expecting her to be begging for her life, not expecting her to suddenly go quite and move about with a look of pain and finally she went still, no movement but tears falling from her face.

He didn't hear her call his name and beg him not to hurt her so he had no idea what the nightmare was about.

He slowly laid down not wanting to startle her and pulled her into a hug. She didn't face him, instead she cried. The events of the nightmare played over in her mind.

"sshh, it's okay, you're safe" Sebastian whispered as he held her and stroked her hair.

She didn't feel safe though.

"Please tell me"

"Y... you h..hurt a...and th...threw kn...knives" Riley couldn't help but strutter. She was afraid of his reaction

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