chapter 79

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Riley found it easy to sneak out, especially when all her brothers were busy, Lucas had gone to his room and Sebastian and Noah were argueing in the dining room.

Once she had gotten out she went to Claras who was getting ready.

"Which dress" Clara asked as she pulled out a few.

Riley chose the black one and Clara nodded happy with the choice.

"Are you wearing that or do you want to borrow some clothes. I love what you have on now but you can change if you want, I don't mind" Clara said.

Riley had never thought to change, her focus was getting out.

She felt considerably underdressed compared to Clara, Clara had a black dress on and she had a t-shirt and leggings.
"Can I borrow" Riley asked and Clara smiled. "Ok pick any, I can do your hair too if you want" Clara was starting to feel excited about this party, which she had not wanted to go to.
So Riley chose a red dress for herself and allowed Clara to do her makeup.

Riley was greatful to have a friend like Clara.

Clara even opened a box of tights and threw Riley a pair of skin nude tights. "I always wear them with dresses" Clara commented.

And so once they were ready to get went to the party, the house was already filled with drunk teenagers which got Riley on edge but she was handed a cup and told it was vodka and coke. At first she was hesitant but then she thought why the hell not and drank it.

A while later

Riley had messed up big time, to anyone else at the party, she had done what they all did but to her she had done so much worse
She had sworn to herself that she would never drink not after Kevin. But she did.
Not only that but she broke Sebastian's rules.

And after one drink she had several more.

And more.

And a whole lot more.


Noah hadn't been able to get Sebastian to say what had happened. They argued back and fourth until Sebastian stormed out.

Noah was angry and so he decided not to check on Riley because he didn't want her to see him like this.

Hours past and he finally calmed down and so he went to check on Riley.

It was pretty late so when she didn't reply after he knocked, he wasn't surprised. He was about to walk away but he decided to check on her.

He opened her door expecting to see her asleep but when he saw she wasn't there he panicked.

"Riley" he called looking around, she wasn't in her bathroom or the walk in closet. Maybe she had gone he had come from there. Maybe she was with Lucas, or even Sebastian.

No. Sebastian was in a foul mood, she wouldn't be around him.

He quickly went next door and quietly opened lucas'door, Lucas was asleep but no Riley.

He was panicking now. He closed the door again and walked to Sebastian's room hoping they made up.

He didn't bother knocking, Sebastian was working when he walked in and Noah's heart sank when he didn't see Riley.

"Do you not know how to knock" Sebastian snapped.

"Riley" Noah managed to get out.

"What about her" Sebastian said not really paying attention.

"She's not here, I just came from downstairs I would have seen her, she's not with Lucas, she's not with you, she's not in her room" Noah was panicking.

"What do you mean she's not here" Sebastian was furious.

"Go wake Lucas up, he might know. Search the house" Sebastian ordered and out his work away. That could wait.

Lucas had know idea where Riley was and the three brothers searched the house hoping to find her.

"Sebastian"  Noah called when he found a small note in her room.

Sebastian was in her room in seconds "what is it" he asked.

"I think she's okay" he muttered as he read the note again before handing it to him.

Sebastian read it and his anger just got worse

If you see this, it's means you know. I'm okay, went out with friends

"I specifically told her no" Sebastian shouted and threw the paper on the floor.

Hearing this, Lucas came in "what happened"

"She left a note, she went out with her friends" Noah explained.

Noah wasnt pleased but he couldn't exactly get angry when he had done the same thing when he was younger.

"At this time? Are you sure? The only people out would be those at a party" Lucas said, he knew how house parties were and he hated knowing she might be at one.

"And who are the people throwing parties tonight" Noah asked.

"Not a clue, I don't assoisate with that crowd anymore" Lucas said, he also knew that he couldn't ask them because they would be drinking right now and wouldn't anwser.

"I swear she's in so much trouble when she gets home" Sebastian muttered darkly.

"Sebastian calm down, it's bad what she did and I agree there must be consquences but both Lucas and I snuck out all the time, Lucas still did up until just recently"

"That's not the point. I told Riley no, she left anyway. Lucas is 18, he can do what he wants he's an adult. And I know you both snuck out but you weren't out at 2am at the age of 15 were you"

"No" Noah and Lucas both agreed

"So what do we do" Noah asked after a moment.

"Nothing we can do, we have no idea where she is, you both can go back to bed, I'll be up doing my work anyway so I'll listen out for her"

Lucas was worried but he was tired and he knew Sebastian would take care of it so he left first.

"Want some company" Noah asked.

"No I'm good"

"Really because you have been lashing out at everyone"

"Look Noah, I'm going to my room I'm going to get on with some work, she will be home soon, just go to bed"

Noah reluctantly did and left Sebastian standing in the corridor.

"Fuck" he muttered as he walked back. He was pissed off but he was also very worried.


"It's getting late, we should get you home or do you want to stay at mine" Clara asked.

"I should go home, they will notice in the morning" Riley said.

"Okay let's get going"

"Yeah let's get me back home, Sebby won't be happy if he sees. He's so grumpy today" Riley said slurring her words.

"Jesus Riley how much have you drunk" Clara asked although she was slightly amused and quite drunk herself.

"I'll call my brother, he can pick us up and drop you off" she decided.

"Thank youuuuu for dropping me offffff" Riley said as she got out of the car.

She walked up the long drive, maybe she should just sleep outside, the walk was so much longer than she remembered.

She quietly opened the front door expecting no one to be up and to get upstairs without any of her brothers knowing.

"And where the fuck have you been"

Sorry this chapter kinda cuts alot out, lots of time skips but nothing happened at the party, she got drunk danced, drunk more. Nothing serious.... next chapter is going to be Sebastian confronting Riley ect 😬😬😬😬

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