chapter 69

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It was Friday night now and everyone had just finished dinner.

Like every Friday, Lucas and Riley caught Sebastian and Lucas  up on the week.

Before Riley, Friday was the day where Lucas would tell Sebastian about school and anything else over dinner, he often told noah in advance but sometimes he would leave it till Friday.
That's not saying he couldn't talk to them before Friday, it's just that Sebastian saw how distant Lucas had gotten so he made it complusery.

Now that Riley was here, they talked alot more so nothing was new to report.
At least nothing new that Sebastian didn't know.

But they still  went through the week and once they were done, they got onto the topic what they were looking forward too.

The weekend.

"So have you both thought of what you would like to do" Noah asked .

The truth was Riley had no idea, she hadn't been here long and she had no idea what to do. She had asked sebastian and he wasn't much help, he wouldn't tell her what he had planned either, and Noah was just as cryptic so she went to Lucas.

Lucas was also undecided so they both worked together and looked through things to do online.

One of the things that did come up was a family walk and Lucas and Riley had bet on it.

"What are the chances Sebastian will take us on a family walk" Lucas had said.
"It would be nice regardless"
"Let's make a bet"

"Well I for one would have loved to do nothing all day, I don't really feel up to strenuous activities so both Riley and I worked together and we decided on the location together. We would like to go to the beach" Lucas told his brothers.
"If that's okay with you both" Riley added.
"Sure we can go" Noah replied.
"Really, thank you" Riley didn't expect them to agree so easily.
"Anything else" Sebastian asked.
"Yes , so since we have the location, Riley and I also would like to do one activity each if that's okay"  Lucas said, he had seen how nervous Riley was so he had taken charge of the situation.
"Sure, what would you both like to do"
"I want to go jet skiing " Lucas said.
"I don't really know yet but I will come up with something" Riley added.
"Ok that's fine. Will breakfast be eaten before or are we getting it on the way" Noah said.
"Riley is choosing were we go for breakfast and I'm choosing were we have  dinner, is that okay" Lucas told them.
"Sure, we will set off at 9am" Sebastian said.

After dinner, Sebastian pulled Riley to the side.
"Are you ok Sebastian" she asked and he smiled, Riley was too good.
"I am, I just want to talk with you about tommorow" Sebastian asked. He had a few worries and concerns.
"Can you swim" he asked straight out.
Riley knew she could but she still had fear from the times when Kevin drowned her.
"Yes but can't I stay on the sand anyway" she asked.
"You don't want to jet ski" he asked.
"I do, it looked really fun. It's not in the water though, it's on it, so it's ok" Riley tried to explain her logic.
"Good" Sebastian still had his doubts but he didn't want to pressure her into anything.
"Oh and also did we get you beach stuff, you know like swimwear because if not we will quickly go get you some now"
"Yeah Noah was like 'we have a pool what if you want to use it' " Riley anwsered and thought back to their shopping trip.

Noah had picked up way to many stuff and she hadn't worn half of them. He was observant and could tell when she wanted something but was too scared to ask so he had put it in anyway whilst Sebastian had walked behind with the basket, he hasn't enjoyed himself much but he was there because he was paying for it.

"Good" Sebastian smiled and was about to leave when Riley stopped him
"You won't get angry at me right" it was Riley's biggest worry ever since they decided on the beach.
"Of course not, why would I" Sebastian asked confused.
" s..scars
Sebastian sighed, he knew the feeling, his had faded or he had tattoos covering them. He had been anxious to take his top off for so long, he told his brothers it was part of the job because he did get hit alot by the enemy so they never suspected.
But this wasn't about him. It was about Riley.
"Listen Riley I know how you must feel but please never think I will be angry at you for them.  I know it's hard but trust me it will be okay. We know of the abuse we sadly know there will be scars" Sebastian told her.
"You won't get angry then" Riley asked.

"I promise I won't get angry at you. And I am so proud of you for choosing something so out going"

"Does that mean you're going to tell me what you have planned"

"Not a chance"

"Please sebastiannn"

"Nope, you have to wait and see"

He laughed at her facial expression, she was adorable and he was having a hard time saying no.

"No. I'm not looking at you, I'm going now" Sebastian refused to give in.

Riley knew what she was doing and laughed slightly at how Sebastian straight up walked away from her. They both enjoyed each others playful side as it was new to both of them.

"But Sebastian you can't just walk away from me" she said and followed him.

"I can and I will" Sebastian didn't even look back. He was having too much fun with this.

"But who will I get my hugs from now"

Sebastian stopped in his tracks, he didn't turn to face her, he had a smile on his face.
"Hm, maybe you could ask Noah or Lucas"
He didn't want that at all but he knew she wasn't expecting him to say that.
"But they aren't you"
Sebastians heart warmed at this.
"On second thoughts Noah might tell me" she said and walked past him to find Noah.
She didn't get far though because "why you little...." Sebastian grabbed her arm, making sure he didn't hurt her as he did.
He pulled her into him and hugged her tight.
"Sebastian" Riley whined as tried not to laugh but she was failing.
"Riley" he said in the same tone she used and hugged her tighter.
"Noah won't tell you, you might as well stay with me" Sebastian said not wanting to let her go.
"I suppose your right"
Sebastian was pleased she agreed because he knew he would have to let her go if she disagreed.

"Let's go watch TV"  Riley exclaimed and Sebastian allowed her to grab his hand and drag him into the living room

She was the only one he would  let do that. She was his sunshine after all.

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