chapter 30

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2 days had past since the incident and I was struggling to breath at times, when Sebastian grabbed me in his sleep, he had done it too tightly and the small bruises that were once there had become bigger. I knew I had to have it checked out but Sebastian was already feeling guilty about my bruised wrist. I didn't want the others to know because it was between Sebastian and I.

Maybe I could pretend to fall down the stairs?

"Are you coming to school today" Lucas asked as we ate breakfast.
I was about to anwser when I started coughing.
"Noah, Sebastian" Lucas shouted as he patted my back whilst I continued to cough.
Sebastian was in the room in seconds. "Noah already left" he said in explaination and got me water.

I grabbed my side in pain as I coughed, Sebastian noticed and the fear of him finding out was enough to ease my coughing.
"Lucas why don't you go make sure you have everything for school"
Lucas was hesitant but left and once the door closed I gulped.
"Lift up your t-shirt" he said and I knew that there was no escaping this so I reluctantly did. His eyes went wide as he saw the bruises. "What happened" he asked. "I fell" I lie not wanting to hurt him. "Ok what really happened" I didn't know what to say, the truth would hurt him so much but I knew he wouldn't believe anything I told him unless it was the truth. "I walked into a door" I try but he gives me a look. "Ok fine you grabbed me in your sleep" he looked confused for a moment then his eyes widen and then guilt appears. "I'm sorry Riley, you deserve a better brother then me" he whispers and I don't say anything at first, I pull him into a hug "you are the best brother, sure Lucas and Noah are great but you're amazing Sebastian. Please don't ever doubt yourself" I tell him, and slowly he hugs back.
After a few minutes he parts "we need to get you to the hospital to check you out" he states and motions me to follow him.
Lucas came down the stairs as we  got to the entrance. "Is she ok" he asks Sebastian. "Yeah just get to school" he anwsered.

Time skip because I have no idea what's going on anymore 😂

Sebastian had ordered a doctor to perform a check up immediately when we got to the hospital, and now we were waiting for the results. I could see how scared Sebastian was and how guilty he felt.

I decided to start a conversation with him and it wasn't going to be a pleasant one.

"Sebastian, you have nightmares don't you"
His head snaps found facing me , a dark look in his eyes. "If you tell anyone.." his tone was dark but he stopped when I flinched back. "Sebastian what happened that night wasn't your fault. Can I ask what the nightmare was about" I slowly say and he thinks for a minute. "Dad tried to take you from me, I had to protect you. I couldn't let him hurt you" he whispered, his voice was completely broken now and I immediately hugged him.
"I'm not going anywhere"

After our little moment the doctor came back. "Good news, no broken ribs but severe bruising. I will prescribe you something for the pain and I advise you to stay rested for a few weeks"
Sebastian let out a sigh of relief at hearing this "don't worry doc, she will definitely be resting"


I can't believe I did that to her. I fucking hurt her. My sister had those bruises because of me. I didn't deserve her forgiveness or her hugs.

Protect your siblings, don't let dad get to them

I failed. I hurt her, I was just like dad. I don't even deserve to be her guardian, she deserves a family that was normal. A mum, dad maybe a few siblings and a pet,  Not 3 dysfunctional brothers, one with a drug problem, one  who needs to be in control of their situation and me, the monster.
I was too selfish though, I refused to find her that sort of home, I want her here with me but I know my time with her is limited, she will soon see the monster and then our relationship will be broken.

Okay I know this chapter is super short and it's terrible but I haven't published in a while so I wanted to get something out. I have no idea where I'm going with this story so there will be a few terrible chapters. I do know that I want Riley to see the 'evil' side of Sebastian so that will come soon.

Anyway should I give any of the 4 a love interest?  I probably won't but still could be considered.

I'm also still debating on the dad being alive but then it might be repetitive of the  promise books.

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