chapter 88

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The day passed quickly, mainly because Lucas slept for most of it, Riley found herself reading more than just section 8.

Noah had gonw straight to the gym after he came down to cool down. He was angry with Sebastian.

And Sebastian had remained in his office since Noah left.

Noah came up from the gym around 5pm and started making dinner.

Whilst he was in the middle of it, Riley came in holding the book which suprised him a little.
"Did you finish the section" he asked as he handed her a drink.
"Yeah, I read a few more sections too" Riley said but there was something off about her tone.
"And what sections were these" Noah asked.
"Drug abuse and child abuse" Riley whispered.

Noah stopped his cooking and turned around.


"How many years did he get, what if he gets out, what if he's good in prison then gets released early. What if he tries to take me? What if his friends try to take me?"

Riley was spiralling and Noah hated it, he pulled her into a hug "you are not going anywhere besides Sebastian has dealt with it"
"Dealt with it how" Riley asked not liking the sound of it.

"He knows people" Noah knew he had said to much but he knew Riley wouldn't stop worrying.

Riley didn't want to know anymore, she didn't want to know what her brothers did.

"How about you help me cook" Noah asked changing the topic.


And so Noah instructed Riley to chop some veg whilst he finished the potatoes.

When they were plating the food up, Riley asked the final question that had been on her mind.

"Your....our dad where is he, did he go to prison for what he did to Sebastian"

Noah shook his head "Sebastian has never mentioned what he did before you came along. Please, please do not mention him to Sebastian"

"Why what happened to him" Riley asked.

"What happened to who" Sebastian said walking in.

"Oh no one, it really doesn't matter" Noah quickly said.

"I'll be the judge of that, Riley who are you talking about"

Riley looked at Sebastian, she saw nothing but darkness but she didn't think he would hurt her.

"Your dad"

"Riley why don't you leave" Noah quickly said.

"I want to know though"

"Riley. Leave" Noah said a little more forcefully.

"Why are you asking about him" Sebastian said causing Riley to stop walking out.

"Well he was a bad man and well he's not around, I just was wondering what happened to him"

"I see. He's gone and that's all you need to know" Sebastian said, which Noah was suprised at considering how calm he was.
Maybe there was hope for him

"Is he dead"

Noah saw how angry that made Sebastian, he saw the deadly look in his eyes and he knew that it wasn't going to end well.

"Riley, go" Noah said in a rush and Riley wasted no time leaving.

The truth was, the day everything went to shit, only Sebastian had the anwser to that question.

But Sebastian was deadly, he doubted that Sebastian would move on with his life if their dad was still alive. He had to be dead, Sebastian wouldnt leave him alive, especially considering how much he hated him.

"Sebastian" Noah carefully said.

"I think it's best Im not here" Sebastian said.

"So you do care what Riley sees" Noah knew it wasn't a good time.

Sebastian didn't say anything he just left.

He was about to leave through the front door when he heard Riley.

"I'm sorry Sebastian"

"I don't want your apology, you need to stop getting involved in things that don't concern you" he said harshly.

"He's my dad too" Riley knew she was making a mistake but she wasn't going to cower away from Sebastian. Last night she had done, but today she wouldn't.

"He may be your dad but you never met him so you don't have a say in the matter. In fact you don't have a say in any matter. You are a kid, I am the adult."

"Just tell me about him"

"Fine you want to hear about him, let's talk about Kevin first. Should we start with how he abused you or should we talk about the basement. Should we visit his friends and see what they thought of him. Maybe you would like to see them"

Riley looked at him with tears in her eyes "how could you even say that, I only want to know what happened to him, you know what happened to Kevin"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, he took a step closer to Riley who backed away. He smirked at this and took quick steps till they were inches apart. "Stay out of my way, I don't need you around me, you are just a burden. Don't ever mention father again, unless you want to see Kevin and his friends again" Sebastian warned.

Riley quickly nodded "I understand sir, I'm sorry, I won't bother you again"

Sebastian backed off, he  had to say it. He had no choice.

He turned to leave but before he walked out completely he spoke. Riley knew by how quiet he had said it, she wasn't meant to hear.

"I'm sorry Riley"

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