chapter 31

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3rd person. (a look into Sebastian's past)

Sebastian  is 12
Noah is 8
Lucas is 5

It had been 2 years since the boys lost their mum and sister, Lucas was too young to remember much but both Noah and especially Sebastian missed them both greatly. Sebastian had been the second one to hold his baby sister after his mum. He cherished them both dearly but even he knew she was safer away from the tyrant they called father.

"Sebastian, you little shit get the fuck to the training room now"

A young boy gulped hearing his father's angry words and quickly ran to the training room. Nothing good ever came when he disobeyed his father.
The training room was his own personal hell.
Weights that were too heavy for him yet his father expected him to lift them.
Ropes attached at least  30 feet off the ground that he had water thrown along then to make them more slippy
Balls that had to way at least 20lbs were thrown in his direction...he had learnt his lesson. Dodge them like his life depended on it.
A treadmill that he had to run on until he reached the point of exhaustion.
And many more items that his father found a way to use.
This was just training though, punishment was always worse.

"Get moving or I'll have Lucas lift the weights" his father threatened as Sebastian had only started off in a small jog.
Sebastians eyes widened. Lucas would be crushed if father did that. He quickly increased his speed. He would not let his brothers get hurt.

(New scene)

"Noah take Lucas and go hide in a guest room. Lock the doors, go into the bathroom, lock that too" Sebastian instructed not wanting both his brothers to get hurt. His father was on a rampage and it didn't help that Lucas had broken a glass and Noah had asked if Sebastian was okay in front of their father.
Noah was hesitant but just hearing My as cry in distress he picked the young boy up and ran upstairs, stopping to look at his older brother, he wanted to go back down but Sebastian gave him a sharp look and he knew not too.

"Boy what the fuck is all this"

And it had started. Sebastian fought away the tears, crying was a sign of weakness and focused on the fact that his brothers were safe. He would take all the hits in the world if it meant their father wouldn't hurt the boys.

(New scene)

Sebastian is 16
Noah 12
Lucas 9

Noah and Lucas stood watching their father shoot at a practice target, Lucas flinched as the bullets left the gun and hit the wooden target. All were head shots.
"Your turn boys"  their father said.
Noah had handled a gun only a few times and for Lucas this was his first time.

Their dad was patient with them which annoyed  Lucas, he often wondered why Sebastian was so cold and hated their father.
The truth was Sebastian had made a deal with his father. He would take all the hits  instead of his brothers and their father had accepted.
"Where's Sebastian" Lucas asked. He had once called Sebastian Seb but their father hated it so much that when night time came he had beaten Sebastian and Sebastian was forced to tell Lucas it was Sebastian not Seb.
"He won't be joining us today" their father spoke.

Sebastian wasn't even in the house, he was in a dark alley way dressed in black waiting for the target. He had become a killer, he had to shut his emotions off or he would have a breakdown.
After every kill he would always tell himself it was for the boys. After all his father always told him you kill them and I won't kill the boys.
Today as he saw his target approach, he hesitated. The man had a daughter, she looked about 6...Riley would be 6 by now. He wondered how she was doing, how was mum. Where they okay. He thought about tracking them down and checking on them but then he realized that his father would find out and drag both of them back.
He slowly walked up to the man who  noticed  Sebastian straight away. "Take your daughter and any other family and get out of the country. I'm sparing you but no one can know" the man nodded fast, grateful for being spared. "Get on the floor close your eyes" Sebastian ordered. His father always required photograph proof. The man looked confused but did as he was told
The little girl cried for her father but Sebastian gently took her "I won't hurt your daddy princess just please let me do this. My father requires photos"  he told them mainly directing the last part at the man who understood.
After a lengthy discussion and a few punches Sebastian took the staged photos. He wished he could use Photoshop but his father was too smart. The man picked his daughter up and comforted her "get out of the country" Sebastian warned and walked away. He had one more job. He had to supervise a shipment coming in.

When he got there he was net with 2 of his father's enemies. He rolled his eyes as they nervously struggled to hold their guns up. Sebastian chuckled at how pathetic they were and in seconds both were on the ground dead.
That night was bloody. Sebastian spared none of his enemies. They were killed in seconds and once dead he left again. He was known to be a killer who disappears in a instant, it was like he was never there. No one had ever seen his face and he was well aware of the names the media had given him
Silent killer
The devil
And the most stupid one, the mystery man in black. He always thought that they should have been more creative but he didn't have time for such stupid things. He had to get home, he had to make sure his brothers weren't hurt or worse....

So this chapter contains 3 different scenes of Sebastian's childhood. I didn't want to make it to dark so it's mostly implied his father beat him.
Hope you guys enjoyed, should I add more chapters like this?

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