chapter 27

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The house was like it usually was when Riley and Noah got back which was a relief to Noah as there was no dead bodies scattered around.

"Why don't I go get Sebastian and you go see if Lucas is hungry" Noah suggested as he placed the pizza on the coffee table in the living room. He didn't know what state he would find Sebastian in so it was better for him to get Sebastian. Riley agreed and both went their separate ways.

Riley found Lucas easily, he was throwing darts at the dartboard in his room whilst laid on the bed. "Hi Lucas, Noah wanted me to ask if you were hungry" Riley started to feel nervous as Lucas stopped playing and just looked at her. "if you throw a party Sebastian would not care" Lucas mumbled which made Riley laugh slightly. She wasn't oblivious, she knew Sebastian was easier on her than Lucas.  "I wouldn't throw a party though" she said which Lucas smiled "of course you wouldn't, I wouldn't let you throw one to begin with. Anyway let's go get pizza I haven't eaten since breakfast" he got up and put his arm around Riley's shoulder and guided her out.


Noah went straight down to their gym, he knew Sebastian's anger was to much for the punch bag in his room and as expected, he found Sebastian beating the shit out of a punch bag, with 5 damaged ones laid on the ground.
"He fucking had her in the basement" Sebastian shouted once he saw Noah enter.
Only 10% of his anger was directed at Lucas, the rest was built up anger that he had refused to show in front of Riley.
Noah wasnt as angry probably because he didn't see it for real but he knew he probably could break a few bags.
"I hope you got the message through to him that he was dead" Noah asked and Sebastian turned with a smile, not a real smile but a sadistic smile, the glint in his eyes was pure evil which made Noah shudder. "I did" Sebastian said as he thought back to what he did. "Pizza is upstairs" Noah wanted to change the topic because even he was a little scared when Sebastian became like this. "Im not hungry" an unhinged Sebastian stated. Noah knew it woukd be best to just let him carry on but he also knew Riley would just worry about him.
"Riley will be concerned if you don't eat" Noah said knowing it would work. "Tell her I'll eat later" Sebastian said as he threw a few more punches. Noah felt annoyed. "I will not tell her. You are going to stop taking your anger out on the bag and we are going to eat dinner as a family" Noah left after that not knowing whether he should stick around but deciding not to as he knew no one was allowed to speak to Sebastian that way.


As I  sat down, i saw Lucas flicking through the channels and Riley saying no to all his suggestions. But to be fair most of his suggestions had violence in anyway. I sat down next to Riley who leaned against my shoulder. The affection she was giving me suprised me but I put my arm around her nevertheless.
"What about this" Lucas asked but before I could tell him no, Riley anwsered.
"No Lucas, I've told you so many times no horrors" Lucas reluctantly changed it. I grabbed the pizza boxes and let Riley and Lucas take a piece before getting my own.
"I guess Sebastian is busy" Riley stated and I nod "he might be up later" I tell her and she nods. "We can watch this" Lucas said throwing the TV remote onto the chair across. I look and see it's an age appropriate film so I don't say no.
Not even 10 minutes into the film, Sebastian walks in, he gave me a dirty look and sat down next to me. "Took you long enough" I whisper and he shrugs but his eyes are glued on Riley. She was leaned against me eating pizza as i stroked her hair. "Pass me the box" he said and I smirked, I don't think he was happy with the fact he's not the only one Riley can go to for comfort. I'd even say he was bordering on jealously

For the rest of the night we watched a few films and ate pizza. I was suprised that Riles didn't go to Sebastian once.  I was expecting her to go sit with him but she didn't.

When Sebastian came in I didn't bother to move as I was already comfortable. I figured I'd go sit with him later but as time went on I began to feel more comfortable. Noah and I hadn't been on the best of terms recently and I decided to make the most of it. .

"It's a school night, you both should get to bed soon" Noah suddenly spoke, it seemed he had been to focused on the films that he forgot about the time.
But school was the last thing I wanted right now, sadly I knew I couldn't skip. After this weekend and even the week before I think I rather have Sebastian angry with me then go to school.

After a while everyone left to their rooms including me. I starred at the ceiling for hours. All the shit was on my mind and although I knew it was best to talk to one of my brothers but I was also wary at disturbing them at 1am. Eventually I built up the courage and went and knocked on Sebastians door he would have the final say so it was best to talk to him.
"Come in" he said after I knocked. I slowly entered to see he was laid in bed. "how can I help you" he asked and I could help but look at the floor. "Riley it's the middle of the night , what are you doing here" he said, I could tell he was getting inpatient but I was struggling to answer him.
"Well now I'm awake" he said after a moment and sat up. He switched the light on and I flinched, I didn't mean to wake him up, I just...
"Calm down Riley and tell me why you are here" he didn't seem happy. I had upset him, he was probably going to hurt me for waking him.
"I can't sleep" I whisper not wanting to get him even more annoyed.
"Sit" he told me. I quickly took a seat on the sofa he had in his room. He grabs a t-shirt and quickly puts it on, he already had loose knee length shorts on,  before joining me on the sofa. "I know you have trouble sleeping, what has caused you to come to me" he asks. I had to tell him, I'd already woke him up. "School" I mumble not being able to look directly at him. "What about it" he asks but I had a feeling he already knew where this was going. "I don't think I can go tommorow" I decided to be brief about it. "Ok, do I need to be concerned" he asked. I look at him this time and although asking if he should, he already looked concerned. I didn't anwser instead I hugged him, he was quick to return it. "I just need a day to feel normal again" I whisper after a few minutes. "That's okay. Take all the time you need" he replied, I was glad he wasn't pishing me for details but it was obvious why he wasn't. He knew exactly why.
He knew practically everything but yet there was so much he didn't know. He knew the most out of all my brothers though.
"Let's get you to bed" he said when I yawned. I nod starting to feel sleep take over.


I knew exactly why she didn't want to go and I didn't blame her, this weekend was tough and that sick fucker last week  was still on her mind. She yawned a second time as we left my room. She was half asleep which made me smile, she looked adorable trying to stay awake.
We reached her room and I guided her to her bed because I was pretty sure she would give up on walking to her bed and sleep on the floor, in fact if I didn't accompany her back I would probably find her sleeping on the hallway tommorow morning.

"Don't leave me Sebastian" she mumbles as she grabs my arm trying to stop me leave. I carefully remove her hand but she grabs it again"please" she whispers. I didn't know what to do now. I hadn't been in this situation before, dad forbid me from comforting my brothers so staying with them was definitely out of the question. "I don't want to be alone" she says making my choice harder. I decide to forget everything my dad told me and I slowly got on top of the bed, she was under the duvet and I was on top. I expected one of two responses to this, she would either freak out or go to sleep.  She did neither. Instead she curled up into a ball against my chest.

"You're the best brother ever"

I love you too Riley.

Finding HappinessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora