chapter 84

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Lucas had connected his laptop to his phone so they could call off that. he set it up on the coffee table for them and they began watching a film with their snacks.

Riley was a little better, but she was still on edge, Lucas knew it had to be Sebastian to reassure it. He seemed to be the only one who was truly able to reassure her.

Lucas was worried for Sebastian, as they sat watching the film, Lucas started to think about his childhood and how tough Sebastian was. He didn't want that for Riley, they all needed Sebastian back.

Soon Noah called and they paused the film and anwsered.

"You just had to call when we were getting to a good bit" Lucas teased.
"Fine I'll go" Noah joked.
"No. Don't" Riley quietly said.

"See Riley's happy to see me"

"Is Sebastian not coming" Riley asked

"I'm afraid not, he might come at some point, he's just a little busy, why don't you both tell me about what you have been up to"

And so the three of them started talking, Noah and Lucas insulted each other in a joking manner every now and then, mainly to cheer Riley up.
Noah was happy to see his siblings, it had been several days since they left and that was several days too many for him.

Meanwhile Sebastian had left his room and he stood at the doorway watching Noah talk and laugh with Lucas and Riley.  He couldn't join them though. No matter what Noah said.

"I need to go out" he said walking past Noah.

"Where, do you need some company"

"No it's fine, enjoy your night. I won't be back for a few hours"

"Can't you stay for a few minutes at least" Noah tried. He wanted Sebastian and Riley to talk.

Sebastian looked over and thought about it, "I cant"  and then he left.

Noah sighed, something was going on and he didnt like not knowing. He now knew how much Sebastian had protected them growing up, or that's what he thought because there was so much that he didn't know.

Lucas decided to try lighten the mood "I hope you haven't destroyed anything of mine whilst you have been there, I know what you're like"
"Hey, I'll have you know I didn't touch any of your grubby stuff" Noah replied pretending to be offended.
"You have been there before" Riley asked.
"Yeah, Sebastian owns the hotel, the full penthouse is ours" Lucas said.
"Yeah we found it easier then staying in a hotel so every place we have business, we have a hotel not to far away" Noah added.
"Oh, I didn't realize you owned it" Riley said.

"Yeah Sebastian pretty much has his own empire at this rate" Lucas told her.

"Oh okay. I'm suddenly feeling tired I think I'm going to go to bed" Riley said and left before Lucas could stop her.

"Should I go after her" Lucas asked Noah.

"It's your call, maybe just give her a little time she probably needs a little space"

"Ok well let's talk about Sebastian, we need to get him back"

"Yeah, I don't know what we can do. He's so closed off"

"Maybe we could...."

"Or maybe...."

Each suggestion the brothers gave, the other would tell them it wouldn't work.
They had grown up with him, they knew how heartless he could be but this was different.

"It's been an hour I'm going to go check on Riley" Lucas stated, he was worried about her.

"I know Sebastian isn't in a good place but she needs him. He's the one she always went too. Not us, I'm trying my best but Sebastian is the only one" Lucas explained as he stood.

"I know"

"When are you coming home"

"Hopefully soon, we are almost done here"

"Good, right Ill come back and let you know how she is"

Lucas left and went upstairs to check on Riley.

"Riley can I come in" he asked after knocking. When he got no answer he presumed she had fallen asleep so he quietly opened the door just to check.

When he glanced at her bed and saw it was empty, he swung the door open and looked around "Riley" he called.

He started to panic more as he searched more rooms including Sebastian's. She wasn't here.

He raced downstairs "Noah, Noah. Oh god, she's gone Noah" Lucas rushed in a panic.

"What do you mean"

"I searched all the rooms, I don't think she would go to another party would she"

"She would have to be very stupid to go to another after the trouble she got into

"So she's gone" Lucas stated.

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