chapter 86

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"Good to see you're in bed this time" Lucas joked as he entered after knocking.
Riley looked at him with fear, something that worried Lucas.

"No" she quickly said in panic and got up.

"Okay, well I just came to make sure you're okay" Lucas tried and took a step forward.

"No please leave, I'm sorry, I'm sorry sir" Riley had tears falling down her cheek and she moved into a corner.

"Noah" Lucas shouted going into the hallway. He didn't know what was happening.

Noah didn't come though, it was Sebastian who had been waiting in the hallway.

"What is it" he asked not liking the shouting.

"Something is wrong with Riley. It's you isn't it. You did this. You scared her, you bullied her into this" Lucas accused Sebastian, who rolled his eyes. He walked into Riley's room and slammed the door shut behind him.

He took one look at Riley and his walls fell down.

"Please don't sir, please just leave" Riley cried.

He hated seeing her like this. He hated how she called him sir.

"I'm not going to do anything, but I'm not leaving you either" Sebastian told her.

He sat down on the floor with his back against the wall.

He didn't speak, he just waited for her to trust him.

"Please leave" she said after a few minutes.

"I will leave once I think you're stable enough" Sebastian said.

They both sat in silence at different corners of the room.

"Why are you being nice again" Riley asked breaking the silence.

"I'm not. I just don't want you doing anything stupid"

"So you are still angry"

"Yes. You just left out of nowhere after I warned you. I'm still dissapointed and angry however I'm going to give you two choices, you face the consquences of your actions or you talk to me"

"Why? It's not like you want to talk to me anymore"

I do Riley, I want to talk but I cant

Sebastian ignored his thoughts.

"Well clearly you ran off for a reason so to prevent that, you can tell me and that way we can sort something out so it saves me going out to find you at 1am" Sebastian said.

"I rather not talk to you"

I don't blame you.

He ignored his thoughts again.

"Well it's either that or we can discuss serious consequences for your actions" Sebastian told her.

"Are you going to hit me,sir" Riley asked.

Sebastian looked at her in horror.

"No Riley, never. You should get some sleep, it's late"

"But the consequences" Riley asked.

"Tommorow Riley" Sebastian stood up as he spoke.

"No you can't do that, you need to give me them, I disobeyed you, I broke the rules, you need to do something" Riley told him as she also stood up.

Sebastian looked at her, he saw how frustrated she was getting.

"I said Tommorow Riley, you should be pleased I dont have the energy to deal with you tonight"

"Why" Riley asked.

"Because you have disobeyed me so much these past few days, you have disappointed and angered me. I was in the middle of an important meeting but I had to fly back to find you because of your stupidity. I have better things to do" Sebastian snapped.

"Why did you even take me in then"

"Because you're blood but maybe I shouldnt have bothered" Sebastian said darkly and walked out, not giving her any time to answer.

Riley looked at the door Sebastian had just left through. A tear ran down her cheek and soon she was crying.

She tried to sleep that night but she was scared and upset. The wind battered the windows causing her to be on edge.

She would usually go to Sebastian but she no longer had him, he didn't want her here, he didn't care anymore. He wasn't the man she thought he was.

She must have drifted off to sleep at some point because she woke up and saw it was 5am, but the reality was she hadn't really slept, last time she saw the time it was 4am.

She knew she wasn't going to get anymore sleep. Riley decided to start getting ready for the day.

By the time she was done it was 5.30am, she had learnt with Kevin that she had to get ready quick or he would get angry and not let her out.

She knew her brothers were probably still asleep and not wanting to be stuck in her room she decided to quietly go downstairs.

When she entered the kitchen she didn't expect to see Noah.

She was about to turn and leave when he spoke
"Hey kid, what are you doing up"

"Couldn't get back to sleep"

Noah looked at her closely "did you even sleep" he asked her because in his opinion she hadn't slept.

"Did you" Riley countered.

"A little, wasn't tired though" Noah confessed.

"I think I slept a little" Riley said as she went and sat on one of the stools next to Noah.

"Want to talk about it" Noah asked.

Riley just shook her head, she didn't want to seem weak.

"You need sleep Riley" Noah didn't like how Riley was looking at the moment.

"Maybe later" Riley knew she wouldn't.

"I know that whenever you struggled sleeping you would go to Sebastian, I don't want to replace him in any way but I'm going to go back to bed, if you want, you can come sleep in my room" Noah offered.

Riley smiled but it was more of a sad one. She missed the old Sebastian.
"Thank you Noah"

"I know you miss him, he is just going through stuff he will be back" Noah reassured her, but he wasn't sure.

"Can we just sleep" Riley didn't want to talk about it, she didn't want to see the reality.

"Of course, let's get some sleep"

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