chapter 39

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"I don't think I can go in" I whisper as we stood outside Sebastian's office. I was terrified at the consequences I was going to face.
I messed up.

"Wasn't he your favourite person though, you know Sebastian could never hurt you" Noah was trying to reassure me but it wasn't exactly working.

I trusted him sure but his anger this morning had me on edge.

Noah didn't wait for me to reply, he knocked on the door and then walked in. I suddenly felt very awkward just standing outside on my own so I quickly followed him into the room.

Sebastian still looked annoyed but his attention was soon on us or rather it was on me.
"Sebastian it might be best for you to talk with her later, you still look annoyed" Noah said and stood in front of me which I appreciated.
"I'm not annoyed, besides I owe Riley an apology" he spoke, although his words were sincere, his tone lacked emotion. "It's okay Noah" I say seeing as that Noah had no intention of moving.
He reluctantly stepped aside and I saw Sebastian was watching us. "leave us Noah" he calmly said, Noah was about to protest but I quickly spoke "I'll be okay" he nodded. He didn't leave straight away instead he walked to Sebastian and whispered something in his ear which must have been bad because Sebastian looked saddened with whatever Noah said. He nodded and Noah seemed happy with his acknoledgement and he left.

"I first want to apologize for how cold I was earlier"

I nodded, I didn't trust my voice at the moment, I was scared of him still.
"Ok silent treatment, I get that" he tried to continue to get me to talk.
"I just didn't want you in the room for any longer than you had to be and I certainly don't want you around me when I'm angry"
Something about his explanation got to me.
"Y.. you didn't even t..try to c...comfort" I couldn't help but stutter and I felt guilty when I saw his face.

"I'm sorry sunshine, can we talk though"
I reluctantly nod. I wanted this over with as soon as possible but I didn't want to face the consequences which were inevitable.

"So you hit Lucas" he started and I gulped this was it.
He looked to be struggling with a decision which I found amusing. 
"It's quite hard to make a decision. On one hand I am proud of you, how far you have come and everything but on the other hand there needs to be something done about it" he explained which confused me.
He was proud of me?

"I think I rather have the consequence" I tell him truthly. I knew if I didn't then I wouldn't stop thinking about the what ifs, like what if all my mistakes were building up.
"Ok. You will be grounded for a week and you will do double chores" he said and I couldn't help but sigh in relief. It wasn't bad at all.
"It was an accident you know" I tell him and he nods.
"Lucas is a dick and I hate saying this but he deserved this however he still your brother and yes I know respect works both ways but I would appreciate if you made a little more effort even if he doesn't"
"He's your brother too, I'm pretty sure you wasn't being respectful when you called him names" I suprised myself when I said that, was I really defending him. No. I wouldn't. However if I had to be respectful to my brothers, then so should Sebastian.
"I am his legal guardian, after everything he's done he deserves to be called a fucker" Sebastian said. Although I didn't disagree, Lucas was out of line saying all that but at the same time Sebastian wasn't exactly the perfect brother to Lucas.
I could never forgive Lucas for what he had said to and about Sebastian.
But Sebastian telling me to respect Lucas when he doesn't do it made me annoyed.
"He's being awful and you don't deserve what he said to you however I believe respect is earned, you haven't respected him so he's not going to respect you"
He looked annoyed. "Riley...just don't" stupidly I didn't listen to his obvious warning. "So basically from what I'm hearing, you can do whatever you want and everyone else has to do as you say" I say to him and he nods "exactly, I'm your guardian so when I say you haven't to get violent, you don't get violent" he told me, his tone changing to one with more authority. "Says the killer" I mutter, I don't know what came over me but I said it and I regretted it instantly. I had gotten off easy with just being grounded and double chores but the look on Sebastians face told me differently. "I believe we are done here" he simply said then picked up some papers that were on his desk and began working.

I had messed up.

"I'm sorry Seb"
Maybe a nickname will make him happier, I always preferred Riles from Noah then Riley.
"It is Sebastian and only Sebastian. Do not use Seb ever again" he said in such a cold tone it made me shiver i wasn't stupid, something had clearly happened that made him hate the shorter version of his name.

"Ok Sebastian, I really am sorry. I'll do as you say, I'll be good and won't cause any more trouble"

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