chapter 77

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The next morning was a little hectic but it settled once breakfast was made.

It was Monday morning which meant two things.
Lucas was in a bad mood.
And Sebastian was super busy, the amount of work that piles up over the weekend had him starting work as he ate breakfast.

Noah and Riley were the only ones who were having breakfast normally.

Noah however noticed Riley was being a little too quiet, she was always quiet but something seemed different. At a guess he figured it was either Lucas'bad mood or Sebastian was too busy to talk and she didn't feel confident enough to speak.

"So Riley what classes have you got today" Noah asked trying his best to start a conversation.

Riley just shrugged.

"Anwser your brother when he asks you a question" Sebastian said, it shocked them all. They didn't even realise he had been listening to them.

Sebastian hadn't used a nasty tone with her, but it was different, it was his business one. The one that had very little emotion. The one he used when they first met.

Another thing that shocked Lucas and Noah was that he was talking Noah's side.

" English, maths art history, Spanish" Riley quickly said, she didn't want to get told off by Sebastian.

"That seems fun. What about you Lucas what do you have" Noah replied

Like most teenagers, Lucas hated Mondays, his bad mood was due to waking up early for school.

"Science, English, geography, economics, maths then football"

Noah nodded "I'm so glad I'm no longer at high school"  he muttered understanding Lucas' hate for Monday's.

"I didn't think high school was that bad" Sebastian commented but didn't look up from his computer and continued to type.

"No suprise there" Lucas said, Sebastian was the smartest of them all, he knew everything and he had never had less than an A.

"School isn't that bad, is it" Riley asked, she too enjoyed most aspects of school.

"No it's fine, I just don't like the early mornings" Lucas quickly said not wanting to cause Riley to panic.

A little while later, Noah took Riley and Lucas to school as Lucas had lost his car for the week thanks to the bet. Sebastian had gone straight to work after he finished breakfast.

Lucas got out and went inside the building but Riley hung back.
"Are you ok" Noah asked concerned about her.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about earlier, I should have anwsered it's just I didn't feel like talking"

"Why didn't you feel like talking"

"I don't know, Monday morning I guess"

"As long as that's all it is"

"Yeah that's all, actually is Sebastian annoyed with me, he usually wouldn't speak in that tone"

Noah didn't have an anwser for this, he too had been confused by Sebastian's tone. "Yeah he's just stressed with the amount of work, I bet he was also curious as to what you had today" Noah said trying to make it believable, it worked because she just nodded "okay"

"Great, I'll see you after school, don't make any plans straight after school though because Sebastian and I need to talk to you"

"About what. I didn't do anything wrong did I" Riley asked in panic.

"No, nothing wrong. We just have a few business meetings and stuff" Noah was conscious of the time and so he wanted to be vague as it would take a while and she needed to go to class.

"Okay well see you after school"

Noah arrived at work, his intention was to confront Sebastian about his mood but when he saw him he knew now was not the time. Sebastian was in the middle of reprimanding a woman. Noah quietly entered and took a seat on the sofa. He was interested to see what she did what caused Sebastian to snap.

In the end she was fired and Noah knew there was nothing he could have done to prevent it. After she left he decided to carefully approach the subject.

"Was that really necessary" he commented.

"Shes lucky I don't have her head"

Yeah something was pissing Sebastian off and noah knew that he needed to out a stop to it before things got worse.

"So why are you in such a foul mood"

"I am not in a foul mood"

"Really because right now you are not acting like yourself"

Sebastians eyes darkened at this as he glared at his brother "I'm not the person you make me out to be. This is my true self"

"Bullshit. I'm not going to lie you do some fucked up shit but you are not this person. You are a good person Sebastian, a good person who does bad things when it's needed"

"I am, now if you will excuse me Ive decided not to show that woman mercy" he opened a drawer and produced a gun.

"Sebastian stop. What's gotten you like this"

"Do not get in my way"

Noah was nowhere near as strong as Sebastian but he did try.

Sebastian just pushed him aside like he was nothing.

"Think of Riley, what would she say if she saw you like this"

Noah was aware he shouldn't have used Riley but he couldn't have Sebastian go shoot a woman in broad daylight.

"Riley just needs to get used to it, I'm done treating her like she will break any minute" Sebastian snapped, he did put the gun down however which gave Noah a little reassurrance but he still stormed out.

"Fuck" Noah cursed.

He went after him but stopped when he realized it would be best to let him calm down. Sebastian wasn't going to hurt anyone, he would still have had his gun if he was.

It was a mess, Sebastian was on edge for the rest of the day, he must have fired a dozen people today and Noah couldn't stop him. He was in a mood where no one wanted to even approach Sebastian.

It was nearing the end of the day and Noah and Sebastian met coming out of different meetings.
"Could you at least try and be nicer with Riley" Noah asked, he was worried Sebastian would snap at her like he had been to everyone else all day.
"I'll be nice if she doesn't cause trouble" Sebastian walked of leaving Noah to wonder what was happening with Sebastian.

Finding HappinessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora