chapter 34

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"so is anyone going to tell me" Noah asked. No one spoke. A tear fell down my cheek as I remembered what happened that day. "Did he hurt her" Noah asked Sebastian, probably starting to realize what had happened. "Yes" Sebastian looked at me and I shook my head. I didn't want him to know. I felt disgusting with Sebastian and Lucas knowing. Sebastian sighed "As much as I would like to tell you, I think it's best Riley does so" he paused before continuing, this time looking at me"unless you want me to tell him"

I thought about it. I was disgusted with myself.
Sebastian knew I was abused by Kevin but he didn't know it was sexual abuse too.Thank god because I don't think I could ever look at him again.
Sebastian knew too much already, he knew about sparks, he knew what was down in my old 'bedroom'.
"Not now" I finally reply, I didn't want to be in the same room when he found out. Sebastian and Lucas were scary when they found out. Sebastian nodded "whenever you are ready. No one is forcing you to tell him or anyone else" I nod and smile with appreciation.
"Noah is going to go cook dinner, why don't you go help him Riley" Sebastian said, it may have come off as a suggestion but it definitely wasn't. Noah looked between Lucas and Sebastian and I knew Lucas was in a ton of shit for today.
"Come on Riles" and for some reason Noah held my hand and walked out and I let him. I was starting to warm up to him again.
On our way down to the kitchen, he spoke "whatever he did, I won't be angry with you, I won't blame you either" he said and I doubted that. He would hate me.
Sebastian probably had some idea as to what happened with Kevin but he didn't know the extent of it, he  didn't know that what Sparks did was not the first time it had happened.
"Maybe later" I say, I knew he was going to find out eventually.
Thankfully he doesn't press the subject and he begins to cook with me helping.


3rd person

Sebastian was pissed but at the same time he felt awful for making Riley fear him. But as soon as she left with Noah his anger grew. Not only had Lucas started a fight for such a petty reason he had been high at school.
Everyone had their coping mechanisms and sadly Lucas's was drugs, but it wasn't just at parties anymore.
"Seriously Lucas, getting high in school" Sebastian started which got him a shrug. "You never bothered before" Lucas really didn't see the big deal. "Because it was just parties now it's effecting your education" Sebastian really was trying to stay calm but it was hard. "Oh please Sebastian, you were killing like 10 people a day at my age" Lucas said as he started to get annoyed.

Sebastian shuddered at the memory. The memory of his father forcing him to kill those people, or he would kill his brothers. It wasn't an empty threat either, Sebastian knew his father didn't have purpose for them. Sebastian was to take over the gang but the other two were just soldiers. Every man killed by Sebastian was all to stop their father killing Noah and Lucas. The only comfort he had was these men weren't innocent, they were criminals, dangerous ones, most were  murderers.

Not that they would ever find out why he killed.

"I don't fucking care, I don't want you doing drugs anymore, and as for the fighting it will stop now. Riley needs friends and I won't have you bullying them. Yes I get that after Sparks you see every guy as a threat but she can't be kept away from all guys that aren't us the rest of her life"  Sebastian spoke in his usual cold tone but this time it had an edge to it. Lucas ignored his 'warning' though and rolled his eyes "I'll do whatever I want, I'm an adult now. You don't get to tell me what to do". Sebastian was trying his hardest now to contain his growing anger. If this was one of his gang members they would be locked up or worse dead.

"Fine, do what you want. Endanger Riley with your drug habits" Sebastian said and got up to leave before he lost his patience and punched Lucas. He knew Riley was important to Lucas, it was a low blow but he said it anyway.
In return Lucas got up and without hesitation, he punched Sebastian in the face. Sebastian had been to shocked to see it coming but after it happened he reacted immediately. He grabbed him and pinned him against the wall, his arms behind his back,restraining him. Lucas wasn't half as strong as Sebastian so his struggles didn't even effect Sebastian. "I fucking dare you to try that again"  Sebastian warned and he expected his brother to back down but instead Lucas kicked his leg causing Sebastian to let go in suprise and horror. Of course it didn't hurt, Lucas could take on lots of people however Sebastian wasn't one of them. He had been taught to withstand pain.
Another punch was delivered to Sebastian who was still in shock but by the third punch he snapped out of it. And grabbed Luca's arm as he tried for a fourth. "Why are you acting like this Lucas" Sebastian was angry, furious even but he had decided to mask it and try the calm approach.

"You, you're such a hypocrite. I get it dad was hard on us but it wasn't anything too bad. You were the strict one you always were. Dad wouldn't care if I got high"

Sebastian was pissed at the outburst. Their father was a monster but Lucas never saw it that way. He just saw their dad as a difficult man, a man Sebastian hated.
After processing the words Sebastian had one thing on his mind.

He would have cared, I would have took the beating for you

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