chapter 92

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So another warning of sensative stuff near the end. 
(I don't go into specifics to avoid spoiling it)

Noah arrived at work, he joined the meeting Sebastian was in and although he sometimes offered his opinion he just sat and watched Sebastian. Sebastian was aware of this but said nothing.

Throughout the rest of the day both brothers got on with their work but Noah was always close by. He didn't know how to approach such conversation.

"Is there something you want to say" Sebastian asked when they left the building to go home. He had noticed Noah was watching him closely all day.

"I don't think we should have this conversation out here" Noah carefully chose his words. Here wasn't the place.

"If it's about me being like this again, I don't want to hear it" Sebastian said.

"It's not. Well maybe it is but it's something more important. Please just let's go home and talk about it" Noah didn't want Sebastian to go off somewhere, wherever he usually goes.

"Ok" Sebastian saw Noah was desperate to talk so he agreed "if I hear another lecture about how I'm not actually bad and I need to think of Riley, I'm leaving though"

"Yeah of course" Noah quickly agreed.

They both went there seperate ways, having taken seperate cars to work.  Noah was reluctant to leave Sebastian but he did so in hopes he would come straight home.

Noah knew Sebastian wouldn't be happy that he went into his room but maybe he could finally help him.

Riley and Lucas were already home when Noah got back. He suspected, Sebastian was taking the long route home so he had a bit of time to talk to the kids.

"How was school guys" he asked putting a smile on his face for their sake. They couldn't know something was wrong.

"Great" Lucas anwsered with sarcasm.

"It was good" Riley said but Noah and even lucas could spot the fake positiveness.

"That's good" Noah would find out the truth later, right now Sebastian was more important.

"Sebastian and I are going to his office to talk when he gets here so it's best you both stay away from the office until we are done" Noah told them both, he didn't want them hearing things especially if it turned to shouting.

"I'll definitely be staying away, you both will end up shouting" Lucas commented.

"Well maybe but that's just how things are at the moment. They won't always be like this" Noah reassured them.

"Doesn't really matter anymore if they are or not" Riley muttered, she didn't expect Noah to pick up on it.

"Why is that Riley" he asked.

Riley didn't anwser and Noah didn't like that so he asked again "why Riley"

"I hate him" she confessed.

Lucas didn't say anything, he was in shock at her statement. Growing up he had a difficult relationship with Sebastian but he could never hate him.

Noah wasnt pleased by her confession either and although he accepted it was just how she felt, he didn't like it.

"I understand you feel that way but we do not hate in this family. We are all each other have, there should be no hate. Sebastian is not himself at the moment and I accept that he has said some awful things but I believe he does everything for a reason. Family means everything to him so to act like this, he has his reasons and we all have to accept that he has a good one"

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