chapter 44

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Next day

Sebastian had a few things to get done today and he was taking Lucas with him. He needed to show Lucas that he cared but this was new to him.

His way of caring for his brothers was always to protect them from their father but then time went on and he became cold and closed off to protect himself from the pain.

"So where are we going" Lucas asked not really having spent time alone with Sebastian in a while. They either spent it as a family or doing work.
"I need to do a few things then we can go grab a coffee" Sebastian had no idea what to do with Lucas. He had never really had a childhood or even experienced his teenage years properly so he didn't really know what Lucas would want. "What things" Lucas asked, he had picked up on the fact Sebastian was unsure. "Oh well I need to grab a few things from the shop" Sebastian said.

So they both left to the store. Lucas didn't mind really, it wasn't as boring as he thought it would be and the two of them actually ended up having good conversations. Sebastian had asked him about school, about what he does in his free time ect. Of course Sebastian wasn't actually that detached from his brother. He knew exactly what his brothers did, especially Lucas.
Lucas was failing a few classes but was doing well in sports.
He would often hang round the mall with friends, go to the gym, play sports  or was gaming in his free time.
Unfortunately parties and getting high and drunk were also something he did regularly
And then there was work.

It was safe to say Sebastian knew everything but he knew Lucas didn't think he knew, he knew Lucas thought he didn't take any interest in his life so he just had to ask.

They finally got to the coffee shop and sat down with a coffee each. Lucas saw Sebastian was trying and he felt good about it. Maybe Sebastian did care?
"So do you think Riley is having fun" Lucas couldn't help but ask. She had been so mad at Noah yesterday it was hard to picture them having a good time together.
Sebastian snickered as he knew exactly why Lucas asked. Noah and Riley hadn't even been talking this morning.
"They will be having so much fun" Sebastian replied with so much sarcasm.
"You know we can go back" Lucas offered feeling a little sad.
"Absolutely not. She's not in any danger and I already said yesterday I'm spending time with you" Sebastian replied and Lucas couldn't help but smile.
He really did care for his little sister, but he couldn't deny the fact that the attention she got made him a little sad, he had never really experienced that from Sebastian and after today he knew he liked it.
It made him feel like he wasn't just a screw up.

Everyone wanted Sebastians faith, but only a select few ever got it. Even friends and strangers who knew who he was would look to Sebastian for praise and he wasn't one to give it but Lucas knew now why so many people did as he said and it wasn't just out of fear.

"So we have discussed, school, hobbies and how you're doing" Sebastian started.
Lucas nodded, their conversations had been really good.
"But we haven't discussed your love life" Sebastian finished with a smirk. It was the one aspect of Lucas's life he didn't pry into or bother finding information out.
He knew Lucas had hook ups and slept around, all three of them did so he wasn't about to lecture Lucas on it when he slept around just as much.
"Non existent" Lucas answered.
"Really, no girl caught your eye yet" Sebastian asked when he saw how red Lucas had gotten, he was embarrassed and it made Sebastian want to ask more questions.

"You're one to talk. Never seen you in a serious relationship" Lucas turned  it back onto Sebastian.
"Do I look like the serious relationship type to you" Sebastian asked and Lucas chuckled. "Not seen you with a girl in a while, are you having a little trouble" he was definitely risking getting in trouble here. But thankfully Sebastian just rolled his eyes "maybe because I have better things to be doing. Besides this is about you not me" Sebastian said trying to turn back to lucas.

"Fine. There is no girls in my life, not that it's hard to find any, quite a few have crushes on me but they are too needy. Now let's talk about you" Lucas replied.
Sebastian was sceptical but nodded "what about me"
"Well the focus of our conversations today has been me but what about you. I mean granted you are never around really but surely you must have hobbies when you are not working. You're so secretive that when you're not at the gym and not working we don't know what you do, and this is before Riley because I know you now spend it with Riley"

Sebastian looked at his coffee and took a big drink of it. This was definitely a touchy subject.

"I don't care if you want to go out, you will work or train. Nothing else"

Their father's words came to mind. He wasn't allowed to do anything other than that. Sure he now occasionally went out to bars and clubs but nothing special and if he was honest with himself he only went to them because it was part of the job sometimes.
He spent his childhood and teen years training and protecting his brothers, becoming the monster he was taught to be.
"Reading, I like to read" Sebastian anwsered, which was true. He may have been taught to be a ruthless monster but he was exceptionally smart and had received multiple scholarships to prestigious universities and thankfully he convinced his father to allow him to attend the closest one on the condition he comes home and does his job. Sebastian would read many books to escape the harsh actions of his father.

"Oh come on, we all know that. You're like super smart but what else Sebastian" Lucas was well aware of how academic Sebastian was. "Work and family have always been my priority" Sebastian shrugged. Lucas thought for a minute. "So you said we are spending today bonding" Lucas started hoping Sebastian would agree to what he was about to say. "Yes" Sebastian replied.
"Then let's go out, we can have a drink and you will have fun"
Sebastian smiled at his offer "you're not exactly the nicest person when you drink" Sebastian said, he didn't think drinking was a good idea for Lucas. Id wasn't a problem because they had connections to plenty of bars due to work and Sebastian knew Lucas most likely had a fake Id."ok fine but you need to have fun. Work isn't the only thing in life. And yes I know your concerned about me drinking but if it helps I will only have one and we can just mingle" Lucas tried. Sebastian thought about it, it had been years since he just went to a bar for fun, he usually went because someone there owed him money or something.
"Ok but we are not getting drunk" Sebastian compromised.
"great, and we can leave when you're not having fun" Lucas added.

"But after tonight I don't want you drinking or doing drugs. I know why you do it but it's not good. You become a completely different person"
Lucas thought about it and nodded,he barely remembered the other day and he saw how Riley was pissed at him, he also knew now that it had effected Sebastian. And if he could have a relationship with Sebastian like he has today then he would definitely try to give them up.
"I'm not addicted you know, it just helps me forget" Lucas said as he knew Sebastian probably thought he was an addict.
"Either way it's not good and I need you to stop"
"Ok deal, you come out tonight and I stop drinking and taking drugs"

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