chapter 36

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That night no one could sleep.

Noah was pissed and was taking his anger out on a punch bag, he was intent on going to the gun range tommorow as his anger wasn't fading. Eventually he left to go sleep well attempt.

Lucas was still annoyed at Sebastian, the 'conversation' they had was not pleasant and made him want to act out further.

Riley lay awake, the memories of what had happened haunted her. Every sound made her jump, she was scared of even the wind at this point.

Sebastian, he had joined Noah in the gym for a bit but was overwhelmed with tiredness, maybe because he hadn't been sleeping properly so he headed to bed only he couldn't sleep. His thoughts were dark and he wanted to forget.

The wind was especially bad that night and as a branch flew onto Rileys window she let out a small scream, probably only audiable if you was in her room. She couldn't stay here any longer so she quietly got up and left to find the one brother who suprisingly provided the best comfort.

She knocked on his door, he answered straight away, wearing nothing but sweats. He looked down at her and quickly went to put on a t-shirt. Riley couldn't help but look at all his tattoos did they hurt?
"What are you doing here" he asked her, she didn't say anything, instead she flung herself into his arms and cried.

Maybe being vulnerable around him wasn't the worst.
In that moment, nothing else mattered only Riley so he hesitantly led her inside.
"I'm scared, I don't want to be alone" she whispered against his chest. He didn't say anything at first as he was debating his options. 'you can stay here tonight" he offered and she gladly accepted. She shivered as she realised just how cold it was in here which he noticed straight away and within a minute probably less, he had handed her a hoodie.
"You have a hoodie" she asked staring at it. He nodded and her suprise grew to shock. She had never seen her brothers in hoodie, well apart from lucus. She put it on and it went past her knees making her love how oversized it was.
"Thanks" she said and again hugged him. This was odd to him but quickly embraced her too.
"Did you have a nightmare" he asked but she shook her head. "Everything that happened at dinner has me jumpy" he nods understanding why. "You can sleep under the duvet I'll sleep on top" he said as he helped her in bed. "Won't you be cold" she said not feeling comfortable stopping in his room if it meant him being cold. "No I'll be fine"
"You know I trust you right, I know you would never do anything like that" she said knowing his reason was probably something to do with her fear which she didn't have, at least not right now. He sighed "you're not a little girl Riley, I fear it maybe a little innapropraite" he said voicing his concern. "Are you going to make it inappropriate" she asked knowing he wasn't. "No god no" he spoke instantly. "Well if it gets to cold on top of the sheets you can always lay under the duvet" she said and he smiled. "I know I'm probably being a little stupid but after everything you have been through I don't want to trigger you or anything. I also know that this is just me, your brother providing comfort to you my sister. There is nothing innapropraite about it" he spoke. He still wasn't sure on the line he couldn't cross when conforming her as he was a man and she was a child, he had read so many times that this sort of behaviour is frowned upon. Yes he had read a few book about looking after a teenage girl ect. Most stated not to sleep in the same bed but this was Riley, his innocent little sunshine. He wasn't going to deny her comfort, whatever she needed he would give her.
Then there was another fear that crept up on him. What would he do to her? He didn't want to hurt her anymore than he already has but what if?
No. He wouldn't. He would have control. He would lay with his back to her once she slept. Yes that was a good idea.

Short chapter I know and I'm sorry I'll make them longer. I'm still undecided about boarding school or rehab as I like the boarding school plot but he needs rehab so this book might go a complete different way.
And yes I agree to all the comments saying they all need help and at some stage they will

And finally who do you think she went too?

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