The Proposal Part 1

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       Glory woke up to being suffocated by Deathbringer's neck. She moved her talons and pushed against his neck. He gurgle something and put his talons against her long neck and kissed her. She whined and kissed him back. She put her talon on the back of his head and pulled him on top of her. He bound his tail against hers and kissed her confidently. She moaned quietly as he moved to her neck, kissing all the way down.
"Deathbringer. . .stop. " Glory whispered, but she couldn't finish that sentence when Eeathbringer came back up to her lips. She finally opened up her eyes and pushed him away. He complained and chuckled. Glory felt hot and uncomfortable, but her lips said otherwise. Uncontrollably, she turned over and sat on top of him, the blankets on them rolling away. He laughed and pulled her closer. They went that way for an hour until the sun went up. She heard her friends slowly waking up, and she definitely did not want to see them looking at the couple. She breathed heavily and fell to the ground eight when she stepped on it. Her tail twisted in an uncomfortable way, and she cursed.
       "You are gonna make me laugh. Don't make me laugh," Tsunami said, her voice muted by the door that led to the guest room. Glory looked that way and walked up over there. She saw Sunny make a weird face, and Tsunami's face puffed up as she tried not to laugh. Glory, who wasted all her energy with her time with Deathbringer, barely giggled.

Some time later, at breakfast, Deathbringer wanted to say something to the girls.
"Can you send a messenger to Clay and Starflight? I want to say something they can all hear." He smiled and looked down at his plate with the boiled quale eggs and oranges. Glory tilted her head at him.
"And that would be?"
"You'll know," he said, looking at her in a way she couldn't comprehend.
"I'll send a messenger now."

      It was two hours later when Clay and Starflight showed up together, Clay guiding Jim through the rainforest. Sunny immediately greeted them and led Starflight to the infirmary to get his eyes checked.
"All better," he had said, and Sunny laughed at him. Back in the pavilion, the rest of the dragon's were gathering, telling each other about their relationships. Clay had said that Peril was more comfortable, and she wore some type of armor on her to not burn anything she touched, and she could finally read and write.
"Well that is great. Now that everyone is here, I mean," Deathbringer said, beckoning Suny and Starflight closer. "I would like to say something. Glory?" He looked at her expectantly and immediately she knew what he wanted her to say.
"Um. Well. Me and Deathbringer. . .are. .dating.  ." Glory whispered, looking down at the floor. When she looked back up, her friends were staring at her(all except for Starflight) with confusion.
"DEATHBRINGER?????? WHAT IN THE NAME OF ORCA ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Tsunami screamed, leaping at Deathbringer. He quickly rolled her over and stood back up again.
       "And I have something else to say." Tsunami snarled at him and was about to whack him with her tail when he said,"Glory, will you marry me?"

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