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       Dove sat up in the hammock her servant made for her and frowned at her surroundings. There was an open window where she could easily climb out, but the fall would cause death, and she was determined to get back to her boyfriend.
       Her boyfriend, Titan, was extremely thin since there was barely any food in the swamp land except a few small piglets and birds they could never catch. She had decided to come to the rainforest to start a new life with him, but she wanted to make sure it was safe to live in, so she came. Dove looked out the window and widdened her eyes. There were rainbow dragons all around her, turning different colors or disappearing into thin air! Dove quickly took out her notebook and flipped s couple note filled pages to an empty one, and jotted down what she saw: shifting scales, like different colors of the rainbow; can camouflage naturally; curled tails
"Wow," Dove gasped and smiled. They looked so happy, smiling and passing fruits to one another. They looked so peaceful unlike the swamp dragons she'd seen. They were normally grumpy, came in packs, and was always hungry. But these dragons. . . They were just different.
       A noise behind her made her turn around and she yelled in fright. The same butterfly dragon from yesterday day had snuck up behind her and was looking at her with those mythical eyes.
"Road growl roar. Crack roar a gor?" She asked. The dragon tilted her head and smiled. "Crack roar a gor?" She repeated.
"I can't understand you and you know that!" Dove snapped and turned around to not down her notes. A small claw the size of her foot reached over her head and hooked on to her notebook. Dove jumped to grab it but the dragon took it from her reach and turned around. "GIVE IT BACK!" Dove ordered and stepped on her tail. She roared and smacked her tail into her, and Dove fell to the ground with a thump. "Stupid fricking dragon!" The dragon looked back at her with astonished eyes, grabbed Dove's pencil, and started writing. Dove looked at her and climbed onto the dragon's back and looked over her shoulder.
       She had written something in her language, extremely similar to Dove's language.
"Shifting scales," the dragon whispered, to Dove's awe. She looked back at the girl and smiled. "Shifting scales."
"Yeah," Dove whispered. "Shifting scales." The dragon looked delighted and flapped around.
"SHIFTING SCALES!" she yelled and fell to the ground, giggling. "Shift."
"Listen, dragon. I don't have time for this, but I'd really want to-" Dove started but stopped when the dragon smiled and made a really goofy face. "Can you show me the dragons?" The dragon didn't seem to understand, but when she pointed at her scales, the dragon turned into a vibrant purple mixed with orange, baby blue, and a autumn red. Dove gasped and the dragon turned into other colors. First red, then orange, yellow, green, torquise, mint green, blue, violet, purple, magenta, and every color of the rainbow.
"Wow," she gasped and pointed to the dragons shoulder. The dragon tilted her head and picked up the scavenger. Dove screamed and slammed her fists into the dragon's grasp, but she didn't let go and only grunted. The dragon set Dove into her back and flew into the air.
       With a quick adjustment, Dove gasped and held on tightly to the spikes along the dragon's neck. Now, up high, she could see everything from above. There were vine walkways, platforms with sleeping dragons, hammocks that carried some sloths, and some small dragons bouncing up and down on s trampoline. The dragon flew higher and higher until they crashed through the trees and into the thick air.
       Dove gasped and held on tighter. She looked around st the world and smiled.
There were mountains in the distance and there was a large area of white sand. In the distance, she was sure she could see ice and the ocean. She'd never seen those before. . .
"Growl gork?" The dragon whispered. Dove looked at her with a wobbly smile and blurry eyes.
"Thank you."
"Shifting scales," the dragon nodded, and flew around. "I."
"Yep," Dove laughed, and then buried herself into the dragon's scales as they went back down.

       While Dove was working in her map, the dragon seemed busy with something else, like a necklace. She whispered into it and the necklace glowed for a second and then stopped. The dragon draped the necklace over Dove's neck and smiled.
"Can you understand me?" the dragon asked. Dove's eyes widened.
"You are talking like me!" The dragon smiled.
"I'm Hyacinth. You are. . . " Hyacinth trailer off, peering at her.
"Dove. What is this place? I mean- it's the rainforest, but where. I've never seen this place before, " Dove mumbled. She had so many questions.
"Well, this is the Rainwing village. Thus is the pavilion, where the queen makes all the decisions," Hyacinth explained.
"So the gray dragon- Rainwing is the queen?" Dove wondered.
"No, my mom is the queen. Which makes me the princess. My brothers are away at school right now, so I can't introduce you to them." She understood and took out her notebook to write everything down.
       After thirty more minutes, Dove almost knew everything about dragons, Rainwings in particular, and wrote everything she possibly could. A dragon roared in the other room and Hyacinth stumbled to get up.
"You can go to the bedroom while I go to the throne room." Hyacinth laughed and flicked her tail. "Grandeur is calling for me."
"Grandeur?" Dove asked. This world seemed to get bigger and bigger!
"The assistant or vice queen when Queen Glory isn't here." Hyacinth flicked her tail again and turned s light orange.
"Queen Glory. . . ?"
"My mum," she sighed. "I gotta go, so I'll be back to get you some food. Explore the place, except for outside."
"And why is that?" Dove taunted. "Wondering if dragons gonna eat me?"
Hyacinth shook her heD and started to back seat just as the dragon roar came back again. "Nope.just scared if you fall and tumble off the edge. You won't die or anything, hopefully, but you'll get some serious OUCH. Gotta go! Bye!" She hurried off, leaving the human all alone.
"I'm pretty sure I'd die if I 'tumble of the edge.'" Dove closed her book and climbed into a hammock, awaiting a deep sleep.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now