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Make sure to read my new(not really) book, Cold Devotion. It will also be posted on a Friday, just like this one, so I hope you like that one just as much as you like this one. (Which would also mean that I'd have to work extra hard tho T-T) Enjoy that though!


Venus rose into the air and almost immediately fell back on the soft grass. Today was a nice windy, clear day. The green was cut, the clouds were barely there, the sky was blue, her dad wasn't bothering her to read a scroll or two before she went for her midday nap. Her dark yellow scales with white speckles here and there shimmered as she jumped into the air again and flapped her black wings into the sky, only to fall back down. Her brother, Mossstone was watching from below. As she crashed into the floor again, he giggled.
"Stawp lafing at me!" Venus shouted, struggling up right and stomping her foot. Mossstone stared at her and frowned.
"No." He stuck out his tongue and waved his talons from his ears. Venus yelled and charged at him, making him yelp. He took to the sky almost immediately and flew above her to only crash land into the grass.
At her chance, she pounced on him and sat on his back. He objected and wriggled around but her weight wouldn't be enough to get out of.
"DADDY!!!!" Mossstone shouted, banging his fists into the dirt. Venus snarled at him and shoved his head into the dug-up dirt. "HALROP!"
Almost immediately, their blind father stumbled outside and walked over there. He scooped up his defiant daughter and his screaming son.
"Alright, that's enough," Starflight said, smiling. "Let's go inside." He put the two on his back and traveled back into their little cottage. Mother had gone back to the really tall hill because she had to do some work for her students, apparently. Their grandma was supposed to come today, and that was Venus's favorite part of her month, because she came so rarely.
Inside the cottage, she could smell potato fries with chicken salad. Mossstone jumped off of his back and ran towards the smell of the food, while Venus waited until Father was done moving to jump off. Her brother already had three fries stuck in his mouth and four more between his claws.
"Nom nom," he chewed, swalloing quickly before stuffing his mouth with more.
"Hey!" Venus objected, trying to take a salty fry from him. "I wood sum too!"
"Listen you two," Father frowned. "There is enough for both of you, but not enough for me. So either you tried share a portion and I get the rest or-"
"Or starve and give the rest to me," said a sweet familiar voice from behind. The twins gasped and ran toward their mother.
"MOMMY!" they shouted, barreling into her and nearly knocking her over.
"Hi Mossstone and Venus!" Mother laughed, hugging them both tight. Venus liked being near her mother, having her warmth around her. "Hi, Starflight." Father walked over and quickly kissed her and backed away, scooping up his kids with her.
"Can you teach me to fly, Mommy?" Mossstone asked, bouncing on his toes. His semi black tail thumped his dad's talons and he winced.
"Of course, after you finish your lunch first." Mother laughed as he bounded away to go steal some more salad. Venus gasped and tackled him when he took half the bowl.
While they were fighting, Venus was able to hear her mother saying something.
"Queen Coral died," Mother whispered. Father frowned. "Tsunami's upset about it."
"I don't blame her," Father muttered. "If I'd known my mother and learned she'd died seven years later, I'd be just as upset." He lowered his head. "Not my father, though."
"Give him a chance, Starflight. He's growing old and has no one to keep him company-"
"He has Feirceteeth. He doesn't need me." Her father growled quietly and they became quiet. Venus stop hitting her brother and crawled under them. Mother looked down and smiled.
"Yes, Venus?" She said, scooping her up with one arm.
"No fight." Venus crossed her arms and frowned, practicing a scowl. Sunny stopped smiling for a bit.
"We aren't fighting, Vee. Wait, you heard us?" She questioned.
"She has your ears, Sunny." Father laughed and then turned his smile into a frown. "I think we should make a travel up to Jade Mountain Academy and give our condolences to her."
"What's a comdonenses?" Mossstone asked, stepping up with his cheeks full.
"Never mind that," Mother said, scooping him up with her other hands and had to sit down to support them both. "Any one ready for a trip?"
"I though Granny Thorn was coming." Mossstone burped loudly and shuffled his feet.
"Next week," her parents said together, and started grabbing food and packing them in hats for the travel.
"Granny Thorn never comes," Venus grumbled and her brother nodded in agreement. "She too busy for us."
"Now that isn't true," Mother objected.
"Never mind that," Father interrupted. "Let's go now." He fumbled around unt he felt Mossstone and put him on his back, Mother doing the same thing with her daughter. They walked out of the cottage door and Mother led her blind husband into the air.
To be honest, it felt weird being so high up in the air when you aren't the one flying, but Venus counter that as a plus since she couldn't do that yet. She liked travelling with her family. She loved them.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now