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Hyacinth sat directly in the corner, her wing angling at an angle she DESPISED and her tail having to STICK UP because the STUPID WALL wouldn't flipping MOVEEEEUHH. Dove, on the other talon, seemed perfectly fine with sleeping on the freezing, uncomfortable, rocky stone floor. Titan, her brother kept waking up and nervously looking around before taking his place on Dove's lap. His fluffy brown hair made him look more like a brown chicken then a scavenger- human.

It sounded so weird, having two humans as pets. It also seemed weird that she was their pet, too, giving them rides when they were too tired to walk themselves. Glory said that it was kind of weird, but Deathbringer said that it was fine as long as she kept then far FAR away from him. Apparently, he was scared of them, so she'd use them as an excuse for him not to come into her room before the flood. She never showed her brothers them, mainly because she hadn't even talked or looked at them this whole time. Kolluth probably gotten even more serious and irritable and Poisonwing might have gotten smarter and more annoying.

It was then and there, that Hyacinth decided to leave her post and travel to see her lost brothers. Except she'd have to tell her parents and they'd probably say no because they are "studying" and then she'd have to just go back to her uncomfy corner and sit there until she'd come to use. And that led to her just sneaking away from her pets, from the two combined tribes, from her father who was trying to assign jobs, and away from the whole cave itself.

As she camouflaged herself into nothing, she finally snuck out of the cave she'd known for the past four weeks and out in the open. For a second, it looked similar to the same cave she'd just been in, just narrower and flatter. Also, there were torches here that led the way to the school. There were two wooden arrows that said: Outside; or Jade Mountain Academy. She took the Jade Mountain Academy one and soon, she was in the main hall where ever student was everywhere. It surprised her for a moment as she saw that there were more dragonets in the afternoon than there was anytime else.
"Of course, stupid," she cursed herself as she dodged a swing Sandwing tail. "This is when the classes change." And also when her brothers would be out and about too-
"Hyacinth?" Somebody said, which made her turn around.
"That's me," Hyacinth answered. "Who's asking?" A torquise Seawing smiled at her and sat down.
"I'm Seashell, Kolluth's gir- best friend," Seashell said. "You're his sister, right? He talks about you a lot since you guys came." Hyacinth blushed but kept her violet scales violet.
"Wow. The irrogant one actually has time to talk about someone other than himself. Do you know where he is?" She laughed.
"Yeah." She flicked her blue tail and sighed. "In the prey center, like always. I'll be your escort." She sounded more upset than she did happy. It seemed as if they were having an argument just a minute before, all though she didn't know why.

A minute later, they ended up in a vast cave, full of flying and angry dragonets and terrified prey. It seemed more like a mini war between each chicken than a peaceful truce between meat. It kind of looked amusing, watching dragons accidentally bonk their heads on cave walls after focusing on their prey for so long. Hyacinth snorted and watched as a familiar dragonet quickly snatched away a small goat and killed it. He looked over at the two watching girls and frowned.

Hyacinth was taken back. Shouldn't her own brother be happy to see her after not being able to for a year and a half?
"What's this?" Kolluth asked, walking over and promptly handing Seashell a goat. He narrowed his eyes as sparks of orange flicked from his tail.
"Um," Hyacinth started. "I wanted to say hi to you. I haven't seen you in so long and it really hurt me that I was away from you for so long-"
"So?" She stopped.
"But why here? Couldn't you just called me?" He asked in a sharp tone. Seashell's eyed widened and she backed off.
"Well, no. I'm pretty sure that a Rainwing isn't just going to waltz on in here and expect to be greeted like a queen." She flicked her tail and started to become red like anger. She tried to bring it down a little bit but her scales just wouldn't let her. "I thought you'd be happy to see me!"
He scowled at her, his scales matching hers. "Listen, I don't have time for this, Hyacinth. I have studying and work and a whole bunch of shi- stuff to do." She stared at him.
"Did you almost say a bad word?"
"Oh, shut up," Kolluth threatened. "You were just as colorful in your younger years. Hyacinth, just go back to the cave and do the stupid work that you always do okay? I don't have time for this." She taped at him as Seashell came back to break them apart.
"Okay guys, let's not-"
"I don't have time for you."

The two girls were silent, Seashell silently throwing curse words with her glare. Her tail lashed dangerously as she put a protective wing around Hyacinth. She red hybrid started to turn a soft blue, tears crowding the sides of her eyes. Her wings went from flaring up to falling down and resting on the floor.
"Look what you've done you idiot!" Seashell snarled. "Tell her you didn't mean that." Kolluth didn't say anything but glanced away from his crying sister. "Kolluth, tell her you didn't mean that."
"It's okay," Hyacinth smiled, looking up. "He's like this at home, so I'm used to it." Kolluth got an immediate swat to the face by the Seawing. "I'll just go now."

She quickly turned around and bolted out of the stupid prey center. She didn't want to see anyone right now, especially her brothers or Mother or Father or Dove or anyone. She just wanted to be alone, away from all this chaos. Right when she left through the door to the Main Hall, she bumped into somebody.
"Hyacinth?" He other brother asked and she shoved him away. Poisonwing stared at her, gaping as his friend, Gill, raised one of his brows. "Wait! What's wrong?"
"Leave me alone!" She shouted back, ducking beneath a laughing face and a heated conversation. Someone grabbed her arm and she whirled around.
"Hyacinth," her brother gasped, Gill close behind him. "What is wrong?" She burst out crying on his shoulder, smearing snot on his scales. Thunder crackled in the distance, fitting her mood exactly.
"Kuddot ed he bidnt meed e," she confessed through gasps and sniffles.
"I need you to translate," he said, and she sniffed until her words were eligible to hear.
"Kolluth," she gulped. "He said he didn't need me. He said he didn't have time for me, Poisonwing. He doesn't care about me anymore."
"That's fake, the last part I mean," Gill joined. "He loves you, he'd never do that."
"But he did," the siblings sung together.
"He did it to me," Hyacinth objected, wiping her tears. "I want to be alone. Don't bother me."

She gathered herself and launched into the sky, a butterfly dragon so out of place here. She didn't want to be here anymore. She hated this place. She did t want to go here next year. The clouds thundered and announced a new rainy thunder storm. Hyacinth ignored it and kept flying until she found a good flat terrace to nap on. She wanted to rule a kingdom instead, to practice how to be smart without having time go to the one school she never wanted to go too. She wanted to be back in the rainforest, far away from this trouble and far away from all of this trashy garbage. She just wanted to be alone.
Alone with a thunderstorm.
The best place to be alone right now.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now