A Royal Hatching Day

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This story has no direct pov, so if you're wondering who is telling the story, it is clearly me, the spectator.


For the first time in a whole month, Kollutg was without his egg. Of course, he felt releived but at the same time a feeling of loss. He was excited to have fun and chill for a while, even if it would cost him some disruptive orders from his father.
"Kolluth!" His father card again while he was napping in his bedroom. He groaned and flopped on his back, curling his tail to the farthest it would go. "You have cleaning to do before your birthday."

His birthday! It was tomorrow, both him and Poisonwing. They would be celebrating six years now, and in a few weeks, Hyacinth would be having her hatching day by turning five.

"Yes sir," Kolluth said, trying to hide his smile. Father walked in the room, his scales partially gray from age and a few hairs on his chin. "I'll get to work."
"Hyacinth wants to know what cake you want," he said. He shook out his wings but the narrow doorframe prevented him from stretching it. "Make sure you work on the house, okay?"

"The house" was supposed to be the safe place he, Seashell, and the egg (that he soon found out was a girl by his mother) we're to live in after she hatched. It wasn't ready yet, obviously, and the progress was slow due to him caring for his egg. It was in the rainforest, but far away enough that no one would hear them caring for their eggs or arguing who would take care of her next.

"Alright," Kolluth said and reluctantly got up, stretching. He rubbed his head and yawned. "Can you tell Hyacinth that I want a carrot cake?" Father nodded and Kolluth flew through his window to get to work.


Poisonwing was gathering fruits for Magenta. The prince had gathered her favorite fruits, melons, watermelon, and coconut. Plus, he wanted to do a couple good deeds before he became a little selfish for his hatching day. He had asked Hyacinth to make them a carrot cake, something that they both liked in their younger years. He was also told that some friends we're going to come, mainly his family in law if Kolluth's egg hatches.

"POISONWING," someone bellowed behind him and he flinched. He stopped picking bunches of blueberries on the forest floor and looked up, only to see a massive red butterfly "gracefully" diving toward him. "YOU KNOW WE DON'T HAVE CARROTS."
"And I'm supposed to know that?!" He cried, his scales going green and his ruff flaring.
"Hey!" Someone else called from above. "Watch you language." It was Kolluth, who was diving toward them too.

"Oh PUH-LEASE," Hyacinth roared. "And you asked for carrot cake like that GROWS IN THE FUCKING RAINFOREST."

"LANGUAGE!" the brothers screamed together and then started to laugh.
"Still," Hyacinth muttered. "You have to tell me a cake you want with ingredients were have."
"You're an animus," Kolluth pointed out. "Make it happen. We want carrot cake."

"And I want a vanilla milkshake," Poisonwing said, smiling. He then looked at the pile of fruits in his bag. "I have to give these to Magenta."
"She has plently of fruits in her part of the rainforest," she said, her scales toning down a bit.
"She lives in the 'not-very-good-place-to-grow-fruits' area." She snorted.


- The Next Morning -

Both the twin brothers woke up to singing. Friendly faces were all around, dancing with large instruments or singing the happy birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you!" His family sung, two of them pink and one black. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kolluth and Poisonwing, happy birthday to you!" They clapped and the boys smiled.

"You're finally six!" Mother beamed.
"And growing up so fast!" Father cried. His beard seemed to multiply over the night.
"Soon they'll be marrying their girlfriends," Hyacinth snickered. She was wearing a rose gold necklace and a rode gold bracelet. Her golden horn tips clashed with her outfit. "And I'll be an aunt of fifty nieces and nephews!"
"Wait fifty nieces and fifty nephews?" Poisonwing fretted. "One hundred total?"
"It's a hyperbole, Poisonwing," she rolled her eyes. "I was being sarcastic."

"Hyacinth," Glory scolded. "Don't start."
"It's what they deserve after telling me to use my powers to make them carrot cake."
"You did WHAT?" Deathbringer roared. Kolluth could've sworn that his beard grew just now. "You know that she might lose her soul!"
"Seems like a 'her' problem," Kolluth muttered under his breath. Father frowned at him but the girls had already turned around.

"Tsunami is on her way," Mother called.


For the fourth time today, the twins were being sung with the happy birthday song. It had gotten a little repetitive in a short while but they got over it. They were now outside on a large pavilion overlooking the trees. In the middle was the largest (and tastiest)  carrot cake that they family had ever seen. It tasted as good as it looked.

"Show off," Poisonwing laughed, but hugged Hyacinth tightly. "Oh! I could never imagine a cake this wonderful."
"It was the most simplest spell I've ever made," she sighed. "At least you like it."
"At least we'll get to try it!" Said another voice from behind.

"Seashell!" Kolluth beamed, rushing over to hug her. "Gill, and the rest of you!"
"And me!" Reed smiled. The room went awfully quiet a d the green dragonet ducked away behind Riptide.

"Thanks for coming guys," Deathbringer laughed. "Of course, you could've knocked first."
"And then it would take you years just to open the damned door," Tsunami rolled her eyes. Before Glory could protest, she said, "We brought gifts!"

Ten minutes later, the cake was halfway devoured, gift wrappings were scattered all over the floor, and multicolored confetti littered the ground (which the boys soon realized was Hyacinth). The cake was awfully delicious, with carrot shavings all over it and sweet cream cheese all around. Plus, Seashell made tonghulu (a traditional Chinese snack consisting of several sugar-coated fruits on a bamboo skewer) that they all loved.

The party was a bomb (NOT BOMBED) and even Magenta managed to come with a few of Poisonwing's favorite fruits. Kolluth even managed to forgive Reed from all those months ago. And then the party started to go downhill when Tsunami and Glory started argueing over baby names for the granddaughter and they had to be separated for thirty full minutes.


To be honest rn, I think you could tell that this was rushed and lazy, but I got it out in time. Both stories. Even if it was like hours late. Hope you enjoyed!

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