The Talk

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Flying was easy once you have the hang of it, but flying with two squirming dragonets on your back isn't. Poisonwing kept shifting to make himself comfortable and Kolluth kept trying to jump off her back and fly by himself.
Early in the morning, when the birds starting to sing and the morning sun came up, they had finally reached their destination. From above, she could see Sunny setting up the red and white, checkered blanket and putting down her picnic basket. Sunny looked high in the air and waved to her and Glory waved back. She suddenly cover to the ground and Kolluth yelped. He opened his wings and suddenly he was much higher. Glory growled and rolled her eyes. Poisonwing, the smart one, held on tight to Glory's scales and waited until they reached the ground to climb off. Sunny was there to greet them.
"Glory! Hello- IS THAT A DRAGONET? Glory is that YOURS?" Sunny screamed and took the DRAGONET in her talons before Glory had the chance to respond.
"He sure is. So is his brother, Kolluth, " Glory smiled and then frowned. "Kolluth! KOLLUTH!" She rose up into the air and saw a small dark purple shape fighting with a tourwuise shape. Glory glided down and found her son playing with a Seawing.
"Kolluth, come," she said, trying to pick up the small hybrid. He growled and sniffed the unfamiliar dragonet, who had smacked him.
"Mama what dis?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.
"That is a Seawing that should be in the sea. " She turned to the other dragonet. "What is your name and who is your parents?"
"I'm Seashell and my Mommy is Wasabi," she answered with a big smile.
       Wasabi,. Tsunami. Wasabi. Tsunami. It took Glory a minute to realize what she had said.
"Glory?" Glory turned around at the call of her name.
"Tsunami?" Glory asked. Sure enough, Tsunami was standing in front of her with the small dragonet at the base of her feet. She looked just as startled as Glory did. "That's your dragonrt?" Tsunami growled.
"Yes, she is, " she said. Glory smirked.
"She is pretty," Glory said. "She might draw in other drsgonets when she tried up. " Tsunami held her dragonet closer.
"Thanks. He's yours?" She asked.
"Yep." Kolluth and Seashell were tackling each other. Seashell growled and Kolluth stopped. He lightly batted her face and snarled at her. They laughed, scooped up their kids, and flew back to the picnic sight.

       The delicious smell of tea, cookies, biscuits, and treats filled the air. Well, it did before they smelled rain and it actually starting raining in the middle of the picnic, but who cares? At least the drsgonets could run and fly and play in the mud while the adults had a private session under a tree.
"So. . . How's your life?" Glory asked, Tsunami.
"Well, Mother banned me me from the Kingdom of the Sea," her face fell and Sunny reined her tail with hers. "We can't return to the palace unless Anemone becomes queen because Mother wants to retire."
"That's sad, Tsu," Sunny frowned. Tsunami rolled her eyes and classes her talons together.
"BUT, me and Riptide have an egg on the way so that is good. Seashell is gonna be a big sibling! Yipee!" They clapped for her but she didn't seem delibrately excited.
"How had your life been with Desthbringer?" Sunny asked Glory.
"It is good. He's happy being a father, but I'm not so sure how hell react if we have more dragonets in the future," she said, taking a bite from her biscuit. She stole s glance to see her babies, Kolluth fighting Seashell and Poisonwing countinusly batting them with his wings.
       Now that made Glory wonder. How would Death bringer react if they had another kid? Would he be mad? But he wasn't that kind of father. He was her husband and he'd do anything to please her. He'd been so mad at her the first time. . . She didn't want that again.
       Sunny seemed to notice that Glory was thinking hard so she interrupted. "Me and Star flight are together," she informed. Tsunami choked on her tea and Glory almost spit out her cookie. "But it is kind of a third wheel since there is Fatespeaker. . .but we are going to work it out."
"All the moons. All the dragons you could have possibly ended up with, you ended with Starflight," Glory breathed, rubbing her temples.
"We are working it out. He confessed his feeling for me before you guys went to the Night Kingdom."
"Well, there was a lot going on, like me getting dragonnapped and everything but we are getting used to it." Tsunami and Glory leaned forward, expecting something. "We- uh. We kissed. "

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