Birthday Party!

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Magenta was flying through the village. Poisonwing was supposed to meet her at the infirmary but said that he had to do some things first. Father was doing some work in the Nightwing village because of what he did last week. She was in the infirmary for the whole week, the doctors treating her broken wrist and wings.

Poisonwing seemed to be a lot more protective over her and she appreciated that. Sometimes, when it rained and he would take her outside, he would stand over her to protect her from the rain.

"Hey!" Someone called her from behind. Magenta turned around slowly and gasped.
"Princess Hyacinth!" She said, bowing her head respectfully mid air. "Do you need something?"
"Poisonwing told me to get you," she said, her butterfly ruff flaring a bit. "Although he could get you himself. It's your birthday, right?"

Magenta totally forgot about her birthday! She was mostly unconscious in the infirmary, thinking of her father and Poisonwing, that she completely forgot!

"Yes, it is," Magenta answered.
"Good," Hyacinth said, yawning s d stretching. "Come with me."

The two flew toward the Queen's Pavilion, cut the short line of dragons, and dropped in. Magenta gasped again and bowed before the queen.
"Magenta, I've been expecting you," Queen Glory said, getting up from her throne to touch her head. "Poisonwing had been fretting all morning."
"It's her birthday, Mother, of course he will. He's POISONWING." The princess examined her claws for a quick moment and yawned again. "I'm so tired. He literally asked me to bake three dozen cookies like anyone is planning to eat that."

Magenta smiled but her wings trembled. Queen Glory must've noticed it and said, "Hyacinth, why don't you give our guest a tour of the place? You can bring her to the ceremony." Ceremony?

Hyacinth nodded, told Magenta to wait a little longer, bounded off into the seperate house, and came back a minute later wearing a tiara.
"Come with me," she said. They toured around the pavilion, visiting the kitchen with dirty baking supplies, the King and Queen's bedroom, The princes's bedroom and the princess's bedroom.

"Lets go into my room!" Hyacinth said, bounding off and kicking her door. She twirled on in and then there was a whole bunch of squeeking. "Come ON, Magenta! We gotta get you ready!"
"We?" Magenta asked, quickly slipping into her room. It was quite large, obviously larger than hers since she slept in a closet. "Oh wow."
"Yeah," the princess smiled and something behind her squeeked. "You can borrow a tiara."
"Woah, no, I couldn't!"
"Yes, you could," she growled playfully. "And you WILL."

Ten minutes later, Magenta was ready. She had borrowed a silver bracelet and a vine tiara with silver jewels imbedded in it.
"Stunning!" Hyacinth sang, twirling around while attaching a golden orchid lei necklace and bracelet. "Poisonwing is definitely going to fall in love!"
Magenta was surprised and her scales turned brown with worry. "He told you about me?"
"Thats all he ever talks about," she snorted. "'Magenta was looking pretty today!' or 'I wonder how Magenta is feeling right now' or 'Would Mom be mad if I visit Magenta again?'" She laughed and Magenta turned pink with embarrassment. "You must be a great match for him if he talks about you more than his own family."

Imagine, she thought, smiling. Her scales turned back to her normal color and she smiled.
"Anyway," Hyacinth said, grabbing her wrist and taking to the Hall. "You're late!"

They ran until they came to the dining Hall. Magenta gasped and stood extremely still. In front of her, the table was full of treats, so many fruit cookies, banana smoothies that had magenta food coloring, and a massive watermelon cake. Just watermelon completely.

"Magenta, LETS GO," Hyacinth whispered, stepping inside and creeping around the table.

Magenta stared at the dragonets, Prince Kolluth, a happy looking Rainwing she partially remembered as Mango, and Poisonwing. It was a small party but with a big heart. The last time she had a birthday party.  .  . Her mother was alive. When she hatched, her father was there, looking happy with her mother, Parrot. She had a slice of melon in front of her and her mother said that she needed to get something, but instead killed herself. It was then, that she realized that her father wouldn't take care of her. That she was on her own.

But Poisonwing made sure that she was okay. He out Father in his place. But was that really the best thing?

"Happy birthday!" Sung some voices, and she looked up from her thoughts. Poisonwing was in front of her, wearing a small crown and a magenta bow tie.
"You look great," he said, taking her in his wings for a hug. She was speechless, taking in a the decoration. "Happy birthday."
"Thank you," she whispered. "I feel so awkward. This is the first time Ive ever been in the spotlight."
"Imagine how I feel," Princess Hyacinth sighed, but her scales were yellow. She bounced and smiled. "DOVE! Music please!"

To her surprise, two scavengers ran out to a little platform used for plates, but was cleared away and stored with two instruments. The female one, she suspected was Dove, picked up a wooden flute and started to play it. The male one picked up some drums and played beats on it. Soon, music started up and everyone started to dance and take snacks.
"You were really prepared, huh," Magenta said to Poisonwing, who was pulling her in for a fast dance. "I can't believe its all for me."
"And I have a special gift for you later," he laughed and she gasped.

Five minutes later, the music stopped and they all feasted around the table. Magenta blew out the candles on her watermelon cake and the room erupted in cheer and applause. Magenta never felt so appreciated! Then they ate all the food and even the queen and king helped to finish it all. After the party was finished, Poisonwing took Magenta to a sun time platform high above to watch the sunset.
"Thank you," Magenta said to him, taking her place in his side. "Thank you for everything. For the party and the cakes and the accessories."
"You're my girlfriend," Poisonwing whispered back. The sun started to fall under the mountains and below the horizon. "I'd do anything for you."
"And I'm four now," she joked. "I feel like an adult!" After they laughed, it was quiet, with Poisonwing's warm wings surrounding her and her warmth surrounding him. "I wonder how Father is feeling."

Poisonwing was silent, and he pulled her closer. His tail flicked and he tapped his aws into the pavilion vine roof.
"Yeah," he said. "I'll deliver some leftover watermelon cake to him, whether he wants it or not."
"He would." She smiled as the sky became dark and stars appeared. "And he'll know that I still love him, even if he's abusive."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."

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