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Shoutout to Katisawriter2! If anyone was wondering, they are not me.   (ˊ˘ˋ*)

"And she hurt me so bad!" Jade cried again, rubbing her arm anxiously. Kolluth thrashed his tail and narrowed her eyes. "It was horrible. It was like she was drowning me under the water although I could breath under the water. . . "
Kolluth shook his head and pulled Jade closer to him. "That just didn't seem like her. She'd never do that."
"Well she did," she said while sticking up her nose. "There is more to everyone than we know. And she obviously wouldn't attack anyone that you like."
"Yeah-" Kolluth stopped and looked at her. "What do you mean?" Jade flushed.
"I meant- I meant that she wouldn't hurt anybody that you like." She twitched her nose and looked down at her claws.
"Right," he nodded and they walked on.

"I swear it was SO STUPID!" Gill growled. Poisonwing rolled his eyes and Gill glared at him. "Like the girl just WOULDN'T STOP TOUCHING MY STUFF! Like f-ing F YOUUU!" Poisonwing laughed.
"Sounds like you'll have some. . . Uhh. . Rivals in your class from what I hear," he smiled.
"Literally! Dude, everytime I'd try to answer a question, she'd stand up and FRIGGING TALK OVER ME! Like what kind of WORLD do you live in where DISRESPECT is tolerated?" Gill snarled, lashing his tail for the seventeenth time since he got out of his classes. Honestly, can a Skywing get any WORSE? He knew that Skywings were all grumpy but he never knew how selfish they could be!
"Too bad for you, I have all the best teachers with all the best students," Poisonwing grinned with mischief. Gill scowled at him. "I have your mom and she is fi-INNE." He walked on, and didn't even know that Gill had stopped long before him.
"Bro, what?"
"It is Seashell," Gill pointed out, looking horrified. "It looks like she is crying, and I have NEVER seen her cry." He ran towards her.
Gill was worried about her, since he'd never seen her cry. Well maybe he had since he took her favorite crab once three years ago, but that was back then. It was probably one tear but look at her now! She is balling!
"Get back," a Rainwing growled. Her wings was covering Seashell's face but he could still hear her sobbing.
"I'm her brother," Gill protested. "Seashell, what is wrong?" His sister drew back her neck to peer at him.
"None of your dumb business," Seashell snapped. "Mango, make him go away."
Mango, the Rainwing growled unmenacingly and turned a bright red. Gill snorted at the same time when Poisonwing spurred a spark of fire.
"Get away," Mango demanded and turned to Poisonwing. "And stop looking at me, hybrid. You aren't anyone special." Poisonwing growled.
"Be careful who you speak to," he snarled, another spurt of fire coming from his nose. He turned a deep red and narrowed his eyes.
"Anyway," Gill smiled. "I think we should go for a fly. I know you like that." Seashell narrowed her eyes at him.
"No- actually. That might be a good idea," she muttered and lifted her torquise wings to fly. Mango quickly reoriented herself and flew after her friend. Gill and Poisonwing took their places behind them, weaving between the clouds and trees below.

       Seashell flipped in the air as they flew, accidentally bumping into Mango. It was the middle of the day, and Mango was falling asleep while flying. Gill snorted and overshot them both, throwing a moss ball toward Poisonwing, who fumbled with it and then threw it back.
"Bro," Gill teased. "PRACTISE YOUR AIM." Poisonwing playfully snarled and shifted into nothingness. A second later, Gill was falling out of the sky with the hybrid holding the small ball.
"The heck was that for?!" Gill rubbed his nose when he went aloft again.
"You said practice my aim and that is what I did," he answered and got an immediate squat to the head with the Seawing's tail.
       Seashell watched them with amusement and realized that she felt much better. She also realized that it was her brother that helped cheer her up, although the only emotions he'd ever gave her was annoyance and anger. Maybe embarrassment too.
"Thanks, Gill," she smiled at him and grabbed the moss ball from Poisonwing's talons.
"You're welcome. . " Gill tilted his head.
"For giving me comfort." She flicked her tail and punched his shoulder. Barely touched him but he still managed to fall out of the sky dramatically. The three laughed, except for the sleeping Rainwing. They turned around back to the academy, ready for their next connection (art, home ec, PE, ya know) class or going straight to their winglet for bed.

      But something was still bothering Seashell. Either the time that Kolluth had called her selfish, or that he chose a complete stranger over someone he'd known for five years.


What do you guys think is going to happen between the two? Or three. Or just two.
"The more the merrier." Maybe I should make this a third wheel. Put your theories in the comments! Thanks and have a great week and day!

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon