Dance of the Year

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Kolluth read the sign in the middle of the Grand Hall, literally right next to the gong that ordered every student to get to class. It, unfortunately, stated:

This year, we will be having fun because of all the supposedly stressful boring things in your classrooms. We will be having a dance that will be happening on a Saturday, away from your studies. You can have one other partner to dance with and you can get to know them better. This whole event is to make sure that you have friends and allies to count on. Have a great day! ~This party is going to be at six o'clock SHARP, so be there!

Kolluth frowned and walked away, to bothered to even care. He realized that all the other dragonets were already talking about it and arguing about their partners for next week.

"I heard that you have to get straight As to get in," giggled a Sandwing. Their friend, a Seawing, rolled her eyes.

"You'll already get in, Haze." Kolluth narrowed his eyes at them and nearly bumped in with his brother, Poisonwing, who was talking to Gill.

"OOOOOO!" Poisonwing smirked. "Who are you gonna take to the dance?" He turned a bright yellow of amusement and curled his tail around his talons. Koluth shrugged.

"Don't know, don't care." Gill squinted.

"I think turquoise, black, and a whole bunch of rainbow scales go together great," he smiled, perfectly matching his friend's smirk. "Kolluth and Seashell sitting in a tree, M-A-T-E-I-N-G." Poisonwing laughed and pushed up his glasses.

"Don't you throw me at her!" Kolluth objected. "We're just friends." The two looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Whatever you say, Kully," they said in sing-song and then waddled away in their boyfriend looking ways. He glared at them and walked back to the infirmary, where his heart lifted when he saw a beautiful Seawing. He nearly mistaken her for Jade in the dim light, but walked onward.

Ever since Jade attacked Seashell and got expelled, Kolluth had felt this slight loss of her irritating jumpiness all around him. It had occurred to him that everytime Seashell was around him, that Jade would constantly peel him back, and he'd never be able to say "hi" to her for weeks.

As he walked on, Seashell blinked at him and narrowed her eyes. She managed to sit up right with all the scratches across her body and smiled weakly at him.
"Wow." She flicked her tail and winced. "Jade's puppet is finally breaking free and suddenly has time for someone else. " He scowled at her and she scowled back, wincing again. She rubbed her neck for a second and glared at him with shiny eyes.
"I'm not her puppet," Kolluth objected and climbed on her bed to sit across from her. She frowned at him.
"From what I've seen, you are." He glared at her and she did it right back, which made his heart stop and soften.
"She's kept me busy," he mumbled. Her blue eyes widened and became even more shiny. She looked away just when he saw a tear fall down her chin. He opened a wing to comfort her but she flinched back. "Um," Kolluth said quickly. "There is a dance. I wondered if you wanted to come with me." Seashell looked back at him and shook her head.
"You don't want to come with somebody who looks ugly," she argued. "Especially somebody who embarrassed herself by loosing a stupid fight."
"It wasn't embarrassing. Jade got expelled-" Kolluth suddenly got cut off when she slapped him with her talon, burning with anger.
"YOU WEREN'T THERE!" she shouted. "You didn't have to fight your enemy! She didn't tell you that you didn't need me! She didn't bully you for weeks without end! You weren't there! YOU WERE NEVER F***ING THERE!" Seashell broke into tears and curled into a ball.

He sat there, figuring out what she said and nearly broke into tears, too. His heart burned with anger and love, but he didn't know what this was. Sure, he loved her but not like this. . . He instinctively reached over to her and out a wing around her. She shoved him away but he fought back and curled himself around her, silently crying. She shivered and cried harder. They sat there for at least five minutes, with her crying and him affectionately comforting her.

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