Animuses and Dragonets don't work well with eachother.

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       It was finally time for the boys to go to kindergarten. Sunny had started a kindergarten across the mountain of Jade Mountain, the place they would go two years from now. They would be learning the basics. Math, Grammer, history, some cool science experiments, and other cool stuff. Glory didn't like the idea of having her dragonets so far away, so instead, she established a school with a kindergarten in the village. It was near where the Rainwing homes were because most dragonets didn't even have an education. Glory didn't even think about schools until after her dragonets.

      Meanwhile, Poisonwing was reading to his new sibling that was still in the egg. As he was flipping the page, the scroll fumbled over and closed. He groaned and put a claw through where he thought his page was. When he flipped it, the title said "Animuses In Pyrrhus History."
"What's this?" He said out loud. He started reading and then looked at the egg. "Wanna listen?" The egg didn't respond but the shape inside wiggled. "OKAY!"
       He started reading before hand before reading a paragraph that stood out to him.
"Dragonets in eggs born six months before hatching have a higher risk of becoming an animus. Most animuses are hybrids or normal dragonets. They can be found with magical powers at year seven or six. It is rare to have powers at age one or below," he read and looked at the egg. It flashed and wriggled. "Do you think I could be an animus?" The egg wriggler again. He sighed. He looked at the rug underneath the egg.
"Enchant this rug to fly," he tried. Nothing. He wasn't an animus. He looked at the egg. "I am going to go get some lunch. I'll be back to read to you another scroll!" He bounded off and let the egg alone.

       At lunch, the servants served baked cheese snacks with candied bananas on top. Sun time would be coming up soon so they wanted to eat first. As they were eating, Poisinwing sudden remembered his scroll.
"Guess what I read!" He smiled. Deathbringer turned to him.
"What did you learn, bud?" He asked. He took a bite from his cracker.
"I learned about Animuses in a scroll that I was reading. It said that it is really rare to have it and sometimes a dragonet under six months could have powers! Do you think baby egg would have powers?" He informed them. AGlory and Deathbringer looked at each other. After a minute, Glory said, "Well, maybe. But eggs and animus powers don't really. . . Go together." Poisonwing's face fell. "But maybe they could be. We will just have to wait a few months before they hatch." She smiled but he looked away.
"POISONWING!" yelled Kolluth suddenly. "Wanna fight?" Poisonwing shook his head.
"I'm going to read to Hyacinth." Glory tilter her head.
"Who is Hyacinth?" She said, actually confused.
"My baby sister!"
"How do you know it is a girl? It might be a boy like me," Kolluth growled, opening up his mouth and accidentally blew up his crackers.
"I just know."
"Well go on and read to the egg- I mean, Hyacinth, " Deathbringer corrected.
       Poisonwing jumped off his chair and walked over to where the egg was and gently curled around it. He grabbed a scroll and read until he was tired and until the little egg didn't twitch any more.

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