School's Over. YIPPPEEEE

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Hyacinth was doing flips in the air. So many flips, she nearly vomited in the sky. She also kept fake-falking asleep and falling out of the sky, and then her dad would have to catch her again. So much fun!

But the real reason they were flying is that today would be the last day of Jade Mountain Academy, and she'd see her brothers for the first time in. . . A whole month since they moved out of the mountain. Oh, how she'd missed them. But they were flying for two full days, and Hyacinth's big butterfly wings helped her to go faster and catch up with her parents. Kolluth and Poisonwing would see how she'd grown up so fast and hoe big and grown she was.

Dove and Total were still home, eating bananas and drawing maps of the rainforest, just so they know where to go and what not. Hyacinth had left them with a week's supply of food, unless she miscalculated how many times a human eats. Dove said it was enough for her boyfriend, but complained it might not be enough for her. Oh well.

"Jade Mountain is coming up," her father  called to her. "Stop flipping and look presentable."
"I do look presentable!" She smiled. "I'm wearing my golden spray flower lace and my bracelet and my golden spray bag."
"Where on earth did you get golden spray?" Mother asked.
"Animus magic," she shrugged.
"You know better than that," Father scolded her. "No using spells or what ever animuses do and don't make yourself lose your soul."

Hyacinth sighed, but when the Mountain came into view, she gasped and sperded toward it. At least fifty dragons were waiting there to pick up their dragonet. As they landed on a soft platform, a male orange Rainwing turned his head back to look at the queen and gasped.
"Your Majesty!" He cried, being quickly. A smaller, red dragonet turned around and raised his eye brow.
"Oh," the dragonet said, turning back around. Deathbringer frowned at him, and looked at his father in disaproval.
"You should make sure your dragonet respects dragons higher than him," Deathbringer said, and Glory swatted him. "I'm just saying to teach that man's child some respect."
"Idiot," Glory cursed at him when the Rainwing turned around to scold his child. "The Hell's wrong with you?"
Deathbringer shrugged. "I'm a king and I run-"
"Help," Hyacinth interrupted.
"A kingdom," he finished. He smiled at her and she smiled back. "I gotta have responsibility."

The two laughed and Mother gave them annoyed looks, obviously fighting a war with her scales to keep from turning pink and staying red.
"The dragonets are coming out!" Hyacinth exclaimed, beating on her butterfly wings to higher ground. She looked around and saw a branch that was overlooking most of the platform. She planted herself on it and squinted her eyes. "And there's Tsunami. . . And Clay. . . And that blind librarian, Moonwing or something like that. . . Seashell and Gill. . . and POISONWING AND KOLLUTH!!!" Her parents laughed.
"WE ARE OVER HERE!" Father joined in Hyacinth's hollering and jumped into her branch.

The tree tipped over some, but they were stable enough to keep screaming. "WE'RE OVER HERE!" they both shouted, and soon the twins boys flew over to them with big smiles.
"Mom!" Kolluth yelped. "Dad! It's great to see you again."
"Hyacinth!" Poisonwing collided with Hyacinth, and they rolled on the floor laughing. "You've grown so much!"
Hyacinth couldn't keep her scales from turning a vibrant pink and yellow.
"You have to tell me anything and everything and I want to know everything that happened since I left so long ago!" She yelped, raising into the air to get away from him, only to sit on his back.
"Hyacinth!" Glory scolded, but couldn't keep her scales from turning pink and yellow, too. "Calm blue." Hyacinth nodded and immediately hopped off of Poisonwing back and turned a soft blue with soft pink and yellow speckles hear and there. Her golden lace necklace bounced as she nearly curled her tail around her ankles and pointed her snout halfway to the sky.

"Not at thine point should a princess become rowdy with thine sibling, and if thout are to accomplish thine task, that it hath be a pleasant and feminine matter, for feminism is an important role of a lady," Hyacinth said with mock haughtiness. "Nor shall a man become rowdy with thine sister, for she has important duties to follow to become heir to thine throne of her mother and father, who gave birth to her as their offspring and their sons as they unimportant offspring also." Kolluth snorted at her and Poisonwing chuckled.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now