Apologize You Lummox

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Kolluth felt bad.
Normally he would feel bad after some chicken was stake for too long or some dragonet spat into it and gave it to him without knowing. It made him feel horrible. His sister was apparently missing, Seashell wouldn't talk to him anymore, and homework kept piling up and he didn't even have time to do one paper, he was missing out on his working out sessions, no one wanted to talk to him because he was apparently scary. . . He sighed.

He felt as if everyone was ignoring him, and it was somehow his fault. Sure, he could be scary when he wanted to, but this was just over the top. He sighed again.
"Can you shut the hell up?" His Icewing roommate growled, who's name was Typhoon. "You've been muttering trash this whole time. Some dragons are trying to sleep."
"I deeply apologize," Kolluth shot at him, rolling his eyes. Typhoon stood on his hind legs and expanded his wings.
"Listen, squirt. Just at least try to listen before you go ahead and define someone."
"I'm not defining you and do not call me a 'squirt.'" The hammocks was sleeping in swayed as he twisted to peer at the blue Icewing.
"No, you most definitely are," Typhoon rolled his eyes, going back to his cold stone ledge. "Don't try to control Queen Snowfall's grandson."
"Pfft," Kolluth snorted. "You're barely royalty. I'm the son of a queen and an heir to the throne. You're a last resort and pathetic." Typhoon growled and clung to his hammock, nearly knocking him out of it.
"SHUT UP!" Kolluth's other roommate, Storm, shouted. "SAY SORRY, GO TO BED, AND ARGUE IN THE MORNING. PLEASE." The two dragonets took his advice and shut up, tossing and turning in their beds to get the most comfortable position.

Now, Kolluth felt very bad for some crazy reason. His sister was missing, Seashell wouldn't talk to him, kids were scared of him, he had way too much homework to finish, Typhoon riled him up, and apparently his other roommate was made at both of them. He sighed softly, listening to the soft snores of his roommates. Maybe it would all be better in the morning.

"And the former queen Blister had exploded into a pile a black dust and the war was saved. That us how Queen Thorn is the Sandwing queen and how the Dragonets of Destiny saved the world. The end," his history teacher, Gill, finished. As if on cue, the morning bells ring to go to the next class, and the kids gathered their things to move. Kolluth sighed and slammed his chin into his desk. He was a dull purple and blue, a feeling of exhaustion and sadness. Seashell was still ignoring him and wouldn't even bother look at him. Like WHAT DID HE DO WRONG?

He got up, gathered his things, and waited for the next class to pile into their seats to leave. There were early no more dragonets in the hall, except a few scurrying Sandwings and Skywings. But, across from him, he saw Seashell disappear into his math class with Mango. He frowned and followed them, stopping at the entrance, and going inside.

"You're late, Kolluth," his teacher, Mrs. Wave, a green Seaswing spat. "One more tardy and you have detention with Headmaster Tsunami. Would you like that instead of enjoying your weekend?" She tapped the floor with her matted green claws and smirked. He frowned harder and shook his head, taking a seat next to Seashell. "Let's begin shall we?" 

As she started teaching about coefficients and factors, it was finally his time to talk to Seashell. When he tried to get her attention, she shrugged him off and started taking notes in her scrolls. He frowned even harder and was tempted to snatch her scroll. 

"Kolluth!" Mrs. Wave shouted, and all the kids turned to look at him. "Seashell is trying to study and work harder. Stop bothering her and let her do her homework. Speaking of homework, how a but everyone turn in theirs from Monday. You've had enough time to do that." Kolluth's heart dropped a little. His homework that he was supposed to do, that was in his cave, that was still brand-new and hasn't been worked on. Maybe this time he would get detention, and that wouldn't look good on his record. 

"At least try to do the work, even if it is too hard to do,"  he remember his dad telling him. "Be smart. Trying to get good grades and a good attendance is the best thing you can do, and should be at the top of your list. At least  try to pass all your classes." Kolluth sighed and looked around as all the kids aorund him groaned and took out their finished homework to give to her. After a minute, he was the only one still sitting down without his homework. 

"I have homework from Seashell, Mango, Storm, Bank, Equalwings, Nickel, Tumbleweed, and Geo." Mrs. Wave smirked at him. "Kolluth, your homework please."
"It's in my cave," he said. "I don't have it."
"You should have it. A prince who doesn't even do his own homework is a bad example for his younger siblings and a gives a bad reputation to the family. Do you want to be a bad example?"
"I'd rather do that instead," he rolled his eyes. "Does it really matter? I wouldn't be a king." She raised a Talon and pointed to the door.
"Get out. You're going to detention," she announced. He frowned at her and then to Seashell, who was silently giggling. He smiled at her and then to the teacher.
"OK," he joked, gathered his things, and headed out, sneaking a glance at his laughing girlfriend on the way.

"You gotta be better than that, Kolluth," Seashell scolded. Kolluth rolled his eyes.

The two were outside during break time.  It was softly drizzling outside, and the rain kept pooling in his wings and he kept have to shake it out.
"Well it's better to see you laugh and get detention than actually do my homework," Kolluth laughed. Seashell frowned at him and than at the raining sky. Instinctively, he put a wing over her and pulled her close so that he would shield her. She grumbled a thanks and he grumbled back a your welcome. "Can you tell me why you ignored me?"
"It was just," she started. She shifted uncomfortably and rubbed her temple. "It's just the way that you treated Hyacinth. Your own sister, the heir to the throne, the only daughter. You should be better than that."
"Normally she gets over it. It's not like every time  she cries over something she's used to," he snorted and then got an immediate slap to his nose.
"Just apologize to her. Please?"
"I need a deal," Kolluth said, and Seashell gasped. "You've been ignoring me for two days and then just started talking to me today. Also, I'm protecting you from the rain, so I deserve it."
"You can't just apologize to your sister without a deal?" When he didn't answer, she sighed. "Fine. If you say sorry to her. . . I'll give you a kiss." His scaled immediately turned pink.
"Deal!" He chuckled, flying away from her and through the building to get to where his family was. Maybe he wouldn't feel as bad.

Inside was CHAOS. Rainwings were everywhere helping Nightwings pack stuff, collecting food, nitting vests for warmth or helping write messages to give to the queen. Apparently, when he walked through, everyone snapped to attention and sulatef to him before going back to their work. It felt weird to be seen as so royal, since no one treated him like that anyway.

As Kolluth walked through, he spotted butterfly wings and smiled a bit. He trotted toward her, smiling as he got closer. When Hyacinth turned around, she stared at him and frowned as he stood before her.
"Hyacinth-" he started, and then she started to walk away to deal with someone else. "Wait!" She didn't turn around but kept walking faster. "Do you want an apology or not?" She stopped.
"Okay," her voice rasped. She turned around slowly and started to become a dull blue, sadness and a slight emotion of depression. "Go on."
"Listen, I shouldn't have done you like that," he said. "It was rude and horrible of me and I should have done that. I was being so. . stupid, honestly. I hope you forgive me."
Hyacinth nodded and smiled at him. "I do forgive you, but don't do it again. It really hurt me, Kolluth. Imagine you haven't seen me in years and when you finally did, I said that I didn't have time for you. Don't do it again." He backed away from her astonished.

He was glad she forgave him, but her voice was so stern, kind of like Mother's but worse. It made him want to obey her immediately.
"Alright. Thank you," he smiled.

Kolluth felt better now. He had two things off his list. They quickly said their goodbyes and he ran back to the school for his fourth period. All he had left was to get a quick kiss from his girlfriend.
And complete every single page of his homework.

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