Seashell vs. Jade Part 2

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       Jade was walking toward her next class, and fortunately, Seashell was there also. She looked shaken and horrible mad. Her friend turned the same torquise color she was and made a hilariously accurate facial expression. Jade sat directly in front of her and started to write some notes on a piece of light brown paper, tore of a piece, and wrote a small note in next, cursive handwriting.
"How are you feeling?" She wrote on the paper and passed it back. Seashell grabbed it and gave it back to her in a span of three seconds. Don't talk to me, it said. Jade smiled and wrote something else.
"Jade, stop. Please," the Rainwing beside Seashell frowned. She put a wing over her friend and pulled her in close. Jade secretly wished Kolluth would do that to her. "She doesn't want to be bothered."
"Can she at least meet me at the clear river under the mountain?" Jade whispered back. Seashell frowned at her. "It is where all the Seawings hang out. You could come too..."
"Mango," Mango smiled.
"SHUT UP," ordered the teacher ahead. Some of the dragonets snickered and the girls snapped back to attention.
"We'll see out about it," Seashell muttered and Jade smiled.

       An hour later, school was finally over and they were able to do anything that they pleased. Mango decided to go outside for "sun time" and Seashell went to the clear river.
       When she got there, she was massively surprised to find the amount of Seawings already there, swimming with their friends and showing tricks to each other. Seashell felt a pang of anger to think that that should be Kolluth and her, not Kolluth and Jade. She also felt affection after thinking about him, but she shoved the tiought away and countinued walking until she saw a familiar Seawing.
"Hey, Seashell!" Jade called her over as she bounced out of the seawater. "I didn't think you'd actually come." Seashell narrowed her eyes.
"Why wouldn't I? We are settling things, aren't we?" She growled. She flicked her tail. "You can leave him alone. He obviously doesn't even want you."
Jade narrowed her eyes. "Haven't you noticed that he isn't hanging out with you? He obviously doesn't want you."
Seashell growled and immediately sprang on her, clawing her arms and belly. Jade screamed and clutched her horns, pulling Seashell to the ground.
"You moron!" Seashell yelled, shoving Jade into the water and going in after her, covering her nose and mouth. Jade let out a roar of bubble fury and scratched part of Seashell's face, causing blood to spread throughput the water.
       Something pulled both of them out of the river at the exact time and Seashell through Jade at them. She then realized it was Kolluth looking in horror at the both of them.
"What the heck?" Kolluth demanded. Seashell rolled her eyes and glared as Jade ran up to him and he put a wing over her. "What is going on here? Seashell, why are you attacking Jade?" Seashell lashed her tail and widened her eyes.
Why did she attack her? Why was she do mad?
"Look at my scales!" Jade's voice interrupted Seashell's thoughts. "My scales are all bloody and I didn't even do anything!" She showed all of the large scratch marks all over her arms and stomach. It wasn't even deep and yet she looked like she was going to faint.
"Seashell, say sorry," he growled. She felt anger seeping into her mind.
"She provoked me!" She objected. "She- she literally said that you didn't want me!"
"I never said that!" Jade yelled back, crying. Seashell bared her teeth and rolled her eyes.
"I. I don't know who to believe," Kolluth mumbled.
"Believe me!" Jade and Seashell pleaded.
"You've known me all your life! I'd never lie to you!" Seashell begged. Kolluth shook his head and wrapped his wing around Jade.
"You have other dragons to hang out with. I don't understand why you need to be so rude just because you can't hang out with me," Kolluth snarled. Seashell's eyes widened with fear and sadness when he added, "You are being so selfish."
Her sight felt blurry, and then slightly blurry when s test rolled down her scalry cheek. Get cheeks were hot and her lips trembled.
Selfish. The fact that he emphasized it. The fact that he thought that.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I'm sorry that I hurt your friend's feelings. I'm sorry that I embarrassed you. I'm sorry, Kolluth, that I can't be the ex-bestfriend you deserve." She walked away in defeat, her tail training behind her. She heard Kolluth mutter a curse and Jade complain something else.
I'm also sorry for our relationship, because it will never be the same, she thought and ran out of the cave, toward her best friend who was sleeping in the sun as if nothing could ever be wrong.
       Tears were streaming uncontrollably as she reached her friend and burrowed herself in Mango's wings.
"Whsts wrong?" Mango muttered, glanced at Seashell, and hugged her tightly.
       She seemed to get the message and didn't say anything for a while. Seashell didn't want any talking, just silence with her and her only friend,at least for a while.
       Since she lost her other one.

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