Tourmaline And Their Parents

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"Don't forget to welcome all the new comers, Cloud," Father, or Clay, said. "We want them to feel good on their first days of school."
"I'm the middle of the school year?" Cloud scoffed. "Unbelievable."
"Some dragons just live different," he frowned. "Just go, please. I heard there is a fight somewhere and I need to stop it." He walked off and sighed, seeming tired. He limped through the office door and left his daughter all alone. Guess I have no choice then, Cloud thought bitterly, and followed her father's tracks.

While he turned left, she turned right, and soon, she saw three dragons waiting at the entrance of the school building.
In the middle was a tall Skywing with orange scales. He had golden glasses sitting neatly on the bridge of his nose. The woman next to him was a pale orange and she was smiling. In her arm, she held a small purse filled to the brim. Their daughter was a beautiful tangerine color, with a few golden patches around her neck and wrist, a golden necklace with an azure purple gem in the middle, and was wearing a purple silk vest. She was gorgeous, someone Cloud never imagined she'd see.
"Are you are your guide of Jade Mountain Academy?" The male dragon asked as she walked up. "We've been waiting for five minutes."
"Why yes I am and I am sorry for the perilous wait," Cloud smiled. "I am Cloud, your your guide, and daughter of the principal of the school. You are?"
"I am Clause, pronounced clou-ze," he introduced. "My wife, Red, and my daughter, Tourmaline." Tourmaline didn't seem to like that, since she whispered something angrily in his ear but he shooed her away.
"We heard that this school was a great place for them," Red smiled. "We are wealthy, so we are able to afford any cost." Cloud raised her eye brow. Tourmaline is a them?
"There is no cost-"
"Ridiculous!" Clause nearly shouted. "We'll pay you ten gold pieces for your great service." Red rummagrd through her purse and pulled out exactly ten shiny, gold pieces. She passed it to Tourmaline, who gave it to her.
She touched me! Cloud's mind screamed. She blushed as she put the treasure close to her chest.
"Thank you," she said, grinning. "Now let's begin with the tour, now shall we?"
"Quick question," Tourmaline interrupted, making their father growl at her. "Is this school supported by something? Like a rich community or something?" Cloud raised an eyebrow.
"Um, yes. Queen Glory has given us money and supplies to keep this school going, so, uh, yeah." Red and Claus looked horriblely disgusted, but Cloud ignored them and countinied walking.

At least two hours later, they were finally finished with the tour, and back to the place where they started.
"Tourmaline will be back next week, for she has things she has to do," Clause informed, and then soon got a protest by his "they" daughter. "By the time she arrives, her room should be ready, I'm guessing."
"Her room?" Cloud asked. "Each dragonet doesn't get their own room."
"Well," Red smiled. "We had sent a leader to the head of school, but she hasn't responded back to us. We would like to see her."
Tourmaline shook her head and her pouches when she raised a talon. "It isn't that deep, Mother. I don't mind sharing a room with others."
"Nonsense!" Clause growled at her. "You will have your own cave. We would like to see the headmaster, PLEASE."
"Well, the headmaster, Tsunami, is grieving over the death of her own mother, Queen Coral, so she might not be able to report back to you." Cloud scratched the back of her neck uncomfortably. "She also might be in a bad mood right now so now isn't the best time to do that."
"That's fine," Tourmaline insisted as their parents scoffed and rolled their eyes. "I don't need a cave to myself. That will seem like I'm better than  everyone else-"
"Which you are," her parents interrupted.
"-and I am trying to fit in. Doing that is an IMMEDIATE no no."
"We have a deal then," Claude frowned, walking backwards. Red looked at him and followed suit, their daughter smiling. "Tourmaline will come back next week and, unfortunately, share a room with other dragonets in her winglet. While she is here, you can be her bodyguard, since she might just disappear a lot and I don't plan on reading any letters that involve my daughter missing. Until there is a private room where my daughter can stay in, she will stay in a small smelly cave with dragonets she doesn't even know and might kill her.
"DAD," Tourmaline growled and Red nearly burst out laughing. Cloud smiled. Not only was she going to be able to br near Tourmaline at all times, but the beautiful orange Skywing with the purple vest and necklace would be staying at the most famous school in Phyrria with her.
"That's a deal then," Cloud said, ending the conversation. The four said their goodbyes, and the Skywing family flew off and left the hybrid all alone, standing in a daze.

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