Its Over. It's The End.

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Hello. Thank you for all the people who liked the story last week. I would love to shoutout you guys, but UNFORTUNATELY I do not know all of your usernames and I wrote this story at like exactly 1:30 and then went to bed at six after watching YouTube. If you guys want to see something in this story, PLEASE tell me. I want to please you in what you want to see. Enjoy!


Auklet was flying with at least ten different dragons. If she remembered their names right, they were: Queen Glory, King Deathbringer, Clay, Peril, Sunny, Riptide, Seashell, Gill, Prince Kolluth, and Prince Poisonwing. It wasn't a big army, but they were strong, especially King Deathbringer, who was a trained assassin. The rest of the younger dragonests were with a nice, blind Nightwing, who definitely had his work spread out for him.

"We're almost there!" Auklet called, and the team nodded. As they started to fly around the North eastern peak of Jade Mountain, a rainstorm started to form. Black clouds moved over head, letting out a soft drizzle.

The dragons behind her groaned and complained about the rain, but Peril seemed perfectly fine with it. The rain didn't touch her scales and evaporated immediately.
"The fact it is so close to the school scares me," Clay muttered over head, where his wife was. Queen Glory was flying behind with the dragonets, a calming blue and torquoise.
"I think I should go in first," Peril announced. She looked more like a lantern in the semi darkness. "I'll be able to kill anybody who comes in our way with my scales. We'll have a clear path."
"Then the fire breathers in the back," Glory suggested. "And the venom spitters on the middle."
"Great idea, Glory," Deathbringer said, flying above the queen. "Then, if any dragon wasn't killed by Peril, you guys could easily kill them. We'll kill anyone behind." He looked behind him at his sons, we're arguing with each other about something with the other kids. "Which one is the magical death spitting one and who I'd the fire breathing one?"
Glory sighed. "Kolluth is the venom and Poisonwing is the fire."
"Then what's Hyacinth?" Seashell asked, flying beside them. The other three boys came up behind her, all curious.
"Yeah," Clay muttered. "What is her breath?"
"I dunno," Glory shrugged.
"Guys, we're here!" Auklet informed, and everyone went silent.
"Guys," Poisonwing said, looking nervously behind him. "We have company."

All the dragons looked behind them, Auklet the most concerned. She was expecting Moray to fly straight in front of them, with her dead sisters in her talons and her phycotic army behind her-
"Queen Morhen!" Queen Glory called, stopping to fully turn around. She smiled as the Mudwing queen came closer.
"Afternoon, Your Majesty," Queen Morhen said. "I was about to go into that tunnel where Moray is. She's abducted some of my citizens." The Mudwings behind her shook their heads in disapproval. "What about you?"
"We're here to kill her, too," Auklet piped up, joining the conversation. "The more allies, the better."
"Good," said a familiar voice from behind. Morhen and Glory smiled. "I'd like to help kill her, too, although this many dragons might be unnecessary."
"Queen Ruby!" Peril stammered. "Your Majesty, what are you doing here?"
"I've come to help kill Moray," Ruby explained. "My Skywings went to help her get the Seawing throne. I should have helped Queen Anemone when I had the chance to."
"Thank you," Auklet said. Gratitude built up in her heart with love and appreciation. "Now, let's go in there and kill her. It'll be much easier now than it might be later. Every second wasted could be seconds that my sisters could be killed."

The dragons were gathered down at the tunnel. They were looking down, Queen Ruby looking the most concerned. Auklet wasn't worried about the dragons down there. She was worried of where Moray was and what she was doing to Anemone and Tsunami.

Queen Glory flicked her tail and put up three fingers, three seconds until they sneak in. She then put two, then one, and then the first wave went in, Skywings with Peril and Clay in the front. Then the second wave, Glory, her children, and Seashell and Gill, her nephew and niece. Auklet went in after them, the familiar cool ground soothing her stressed talons.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now