Oh, thats what you think?

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Cloud found herself stalking Tourmaline.

It wasn't every day that you found yourself liking somebody and taking your crush for them so seriously you study their walk and their every move. And since the announcement of the fieldtrip, Cloud took this chance to get to know Tourmaline better. She knew that she was seriously rich and her father was the dragon they were going to visit in the Sky Kingdom, and she also knew that she had an older sister named Amber, an intelligent, wealthy and $10 thousand silver dollars and at least 30 million golden dollars since last month.

Dollars were Pyrrhia's currency. The lowest were bronze coins, then gold coins, then sikver coins. Then, in dollars, there were gold dollars that normally paid in $500 and silver dollars that paid in $1000 and more (technically $00 in USD because silver is quite rare to find in Pyrrhia apparently (made that up🤭)).

Anyway, Cloud was stalking Tourmaline from the back of the class. She had specifically made sure that theorange Skywing was in all of her classes, thanks to Dad not rechecking the student schedules. "He's just built different," said Squelch, and then he got a big talking-to from Mom.
While in class, Cloud bet that Hyacinth could tell that she was stalking the Skywing, so she said, "She's that interesting?"
"It's a they apparently," Cloud muttered. Hyacinth raised her eyebrow and Cloud got defensive real quick. "I JUST LIKE HER POUCHES!"

The whole class turned to her and even Mrs. Everest, the reading and grammar teacher, stopped writing on the chalk board to raise her white eyebrows.

"If you like pouches so much, you can surely come up here and talk about them, Cloud," Mrs. Everest said, her tired looking eyes narrowing. "And for you, Princess Hyacinth, I should expect more of the daughter of Queen Glory and King Deathbringer."

"Are you sure she isn't more of just a Rainwing-Nightwing hybrid, Mrs. Everest?" Asked a spiny Seawing named Urchin. "She looks more like she has butterfly dunnah in her."

"Prounounced as DNA and no, I am not part butterfly," Hyacinth growled. "Mind your own business." Magenta, who was sitting next to her had stifled a laugh and tried to keep her glaring face on.

"Are you the ones teaching or am I?" The Icewing teacher hissed, shutting them up. "Cloud, do you plan on speaking about pouches or me finishing the lesson about phrases and clauses?"

"I'll speak," Cloud answered, walking up to the front of the class and shaking out her wings. She glanced over at Tourmaline, who was now studying their claws. She frowned. "Umm, pouches are used to carry small things. They can also be used to carry dollars/coins and can also be used to carry weapons like Rainwing blow darts or cactus bombs."

Tourmaline looked up. "Oh, and don't forget the different fabrics that came be created into a 'pouch,' more known as a bag, Cloud. Leather, cloth, straw, mesh, nylon, and wool, although wool snags onto a lot of stuff." She blew on her nails and pulled out something white and perfumy smelling from one of her bags. "I know all of this because of my sister, Amber. You might know her because she is a famous and rich model."

"Ah, yes," Mrs. Everest said. "I bought one of her fluffy wrist cuffs and scarves. A very create dragoness. Cloud, are you finished?"

"Yeah," she answered, smiling at Tourmaline, who paid no attention and kept painting her nails with the white paint.

As Cloud settled back into her seat, she stared at the dragonet with such love and interest that Hyacinth had to step in her trance. When class was almost over, Mrs. Everest said, "There will be an partner project with the dragonet of your choice. Next week, you will be presenting it in front of the class, so be ready. The project will be a narrative essay." The boys in the front groaned, slamming her muzzle into the desk.

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