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Venus had overhead her mother saying something about a field trip to Daddy, and she kept asking Mossstone what it was and he kept shushing her and eating. He had at least gotten six pounds bigger since school started and he was already looking like Uncle Clay. He kept saying, "Venus, thats body shaming and very, very bad. You are a bad girl, Venus."  Then after that, she'd gotten mad at him and started taking away his midnight snacks at night and ate them. And then he got mad and started complaining to Mommy and Daddy that he was getting robbed and ended up on the floor throwing a tantrum that he was hungry. BOY, you have so much dang CRUMBS on your dang mouth that you can make a whole 'nother MEAL, YOU BIG FAT PIG.

Venus glared at her brother, who was currently throwing a tantrum that his food was gone again. Daddy had to deal with him because Mommy had to work on something in one of the winglets and she wasn't here to make him more. Fat tears were pouring out of his eyes and his wings kept shivering as he sobbed and threw his talons up in the air. Venus turned her head and giggled silently, trying to keep the attention away from her.

"DADDY," Mossstone wailed. "Venus is LAUGHING at me!"
"Am not!" Venus objected, her wings flaring.
"Am too!" He protested. Daddy sighed and felt around for his son and picked him up.
"No argueing," he scolded. "At least not while I'm around," he silently added, sighing again. Venus rolled her eyes and swung her tail, wishing she had a Sandwing barb so she could stab her brother with.

"I'm gonna find Mommy because Mossstone is being annoying," Venus decided, trotting out of the cave without an answer from Daddy. It was still early morning, so few dragonets were out here. But she did recognize that kinda cute Seawing that did everything just to get her attention. She smiled and padded over to him, warbling on the way.

"Gill!" Venus beamed. Gill turned her way with his eyebrow upward, but then broke into a smile as he saw her. He crouched to meet her eyes. "Hi!"
"Hi, Venus," he smiled. His voice seemed deeper. "You look cute today." Almost immediately, he blushed and shut his eyes, making a weird face. Venus knew exactly what to say, copying what Mommy called Daddy on date nights.
"And you look pretty," she smiled back. "I mean, handsome. Very handsome, yes. So handsome handsome isn't even a word to. . . to say. . . You?"
"Describe?" He guessed.
"Yeah! Very handsome!" She smiled.

"Why thank you, Princess," Gill laughed, his face still red. "Wanna go flying?"
"Can't fly yet," she admitted. "Mossstone won't teach me and Mommy and Daddy won't teach me."
"Daddy," Gill muttered. "You can fly on my back." She nodded and smiled. She used his tail to climb on him and sit safely on his back. She held onto the spikes/webs (don't know what to call it) on his back tightly as he rose into the air and outside the school.

It felt nice and she could see herself flying and feeling the breeze on her face as she did so. He flew so smooth but he was tense.
"It's okay," Venus reassured him and he stopped midway. "You don't have to be so. . Umm. Tense?"
"Alright," Gill said, his blue scales looking much brighter in the sun light. He flew again, less tense, and in a wide circle. He went high up in the air and dropped back down. She screamed and laughed and he followed suit, chuckling at her screams.

They flew for a couple more seconds until Venus could hear the five gongs to tell the students to get to class, but aren't there only supposed to be three gongs?
"Five rings?" Gill asked himself. "Wonder what that means." He started to glide back toward the main entrance, dropping on his hind legs and making her slide off.

"Can you teach me how to fly like that?" Venus asked him, bouncing on her toes as he started to walk away. "You'll teach me right, to fly?"
"In my spare time," he answered.
". . . Spare?"
"Free time." She nodded.

They went inside the school and into the mob of dragonets gathered in the main hall. Mommy and Daddy and some of the other teachers including her favorite, Mr. Riptide.

"Good morning, Jade Mountain students!" Mommy announced, all though Venus could only hear her voice, not her body. Gill seemed to notice and let her climb up on his back so she could see. "Queen Ruby has allowed us to visit the Sky Kingdom for a field trip!" The students whooped and and clapped their talons, showing appreciation to Mommy.

"It'll be a two week trip," Daddy said. "Students who do not want to go can stay here, but I doubt that'll happen because we will be in the castle and experience the new Clause Factory. That will be our main focus because we will be getting free technology devices of our own!" The dragonets cheered and Venus had to cover her ears.

Mr. Riptide's wife, Mrs. Tsunami came up and said, "Just because we are going to be leaving the school doesn't mean we are going to act immature and make a fool out of yourself. Please be responsible when we do so, and please bring all necessary items there. We will be leaving next week and hopefully arriving two days after departure. Alright?" The dragonets nodded and Mrs. Tsunami took a step back.

The gong rang again and the dragons ran to their first period class. Even Gill had to leave, although Venus wished he didn't have to go.

"Bye, Vee," Gill  said and Venus blushed. He stopped and looked back, scratching his neck. "If I can call you that."
"Oh, um," Venus started, crossing her legs and front talons. "Sure. I don't mind." He smiled at her, gave her a side hug with his deep blue wing around her and ther trotted off with some other weird looking hybrid.  She blushed again, watching him leave before a yellow figure stepped in front of her.

"Hi, Venus," Mommy smiled. "You should be in class with your brother."
"I will, Mommy," Venus muttered. "One second! Leave me be!" She swerved around her and started to run back to her cave to get her scrolls and then come back.

As she ran, she smiled. First, she got to ignore her brother's tantrum and escape outside, and then she got to see her newly found crush and got to fly with him, and then the rumors about a fieldtrip came true, and then she got a new nickname from Gill! She reached the cave just before the last bell rung, picked up her books and her brother and started to drag both of it toward her next class with Mr. Riptide. Could this day get any better?

Venus bets it can!


I bet it can, too.

Y'all I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday cus literally I was so stressed the whole week and then Friday I went to a dance which was AMAZING and I looked so pretty with my makeup and everything. I didn't even remember I had Wattpad to deal with until 8 o'clock on Saturday so I'm sorry bout that. And then I realized milestones are on my flippin BIRTHDAY like DA FUCC (may 1st btw and may 1 ppl out here????). Oh and wattpad wasn't working the whole week anyway so that's also part of the problem. (Probably cus my phone broke)

I'm so sorry that the story is short and HOPEFULLY you'll be getting the next story on Sunday when I have time so thank you for your patience! I appreciate it! 🤭🤭🤧🤧

- katisawriter ✨💅🏾

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