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Inspired by the one and only Thekingbird! Enjoy!

Parrot was sitting right next to her husband, Gorrillaglide. Her only female egg was shaking violently with cracks all over the sides, not the top where it should be.
"What would we name her?" Gorrillaglide asked her, and Parrot narrowed her eyes.
"We don't even know what she looks like," she said, nat daring to show any emotion. "Be patient for moon's sake."
"Parrot, please," he growled. "She's hatching."

They both turned their gaze to their hatching dragonet, who burst out of her egg a moment later. Her scales were Magenta and so were her eyes. She was so tiny, with her tail curled around her body and her wings sheltering her head.
"Oh," Parrot whispered, bending her head to peer at her. "Magenta should be her name."
"Very original," he snorted. "She's so cute. She has your face."

But I shouldn't be her mother, she thought bitterly.

For her whole life, her parents had arranged a marriage with Gorrillaglide when she was only four years. They had gotten married and mated at when she was six and he was eight, and then she was with egg at six. Now, she was eight and he was ten. She didn't want him. She didn't love him. She didn't want to kids. She didn't want Magenta. She knew what to do now, something that would end all of her pain, even if it causes permanent damage to her "family."

"I'll be out," Parrot said and shook out her wings.
"Your daughter just hatched," Gorrillaglide gasped. "You can't go just yet!"
"I can and will." Parrot started to become red and she swung her tail. "She'll be fine and so will you. Stop being such a moron." She turned around and stopped when he grabbed her tail.
"Woman," he growled. "Stay with you damn child or you will never see her again."
"I could care less!" Parrot screamed and Magenta whimpered. "I never wanted eggs, especially with you! I don't want Magenta! I don't want you!"

"Go kill yourself then!" He shouted. He picked up his daughter and held her close to him. "If you don't care for your own family, you don't care for anyone else. You're a waste of space, Parrot."

She snarled at him and snapped her tail from his grasp. She turned toward the door with a growl.

Suddenly, when she was about to take off, he said, "And when I thought I loved you, I realized a loved con artist."

Parrot stopped, her eyes wide and glassy with tears. Her talons trembled, her wings following suit. Her scales turned blue mixed with red and pink and white and green. He loved me, she thought. And I brought pain to him instead of what he wanted back.

With a short sniff, she took off to the air, tears streaming from her eyes. She flapped harder, narrowly dodging obstacles in her way. She wanted to die. She wanted to do what Gorrillaglide told her, to kill herself. She flew upward and to the sky.

Parrot shrieked and clutched her throat with her talons. She choked herself midair and high above the rainforest. She gagged herself until she saw stars and her vision going black. She soon fell out of the sky, plummeting back to the place she didn't want to go. Soon, she fell through the trees, the branches, choked by a vine, and the soon fell to the floor. With a shriek, she immediately suffocated, the impact from such a far fall and the way the vines choked her. Her ribs dislocated and stabbed her heart and lungs, two of them puncturing her womb and her intestines. She shrieked again with pain, her scales going immediately white and her vision black. She coughed up blood, the only thing she did before she died.

Before she committed suicide.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, except I did not cus my whole body was hurting cus I fell down my stairs. It was late at night and I was gonna wake up my mom with milk in my hand and then I fell down like ten whole steps and that was three weeks ago and I'm STILL HURTING 😭😭. send help pls.

And I'm not sorry that this is a short chapter. You'd understand.

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