Revenge for Queen Coral Part 2

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Tsunami was called to meet with her sisters at the Deep Palace. She hadn't been there in years, mainly because Mother banned her, but Mother is dead. She doesn't have to worry about that anymore.

In three weeks would be the end of another year of Jade Mountain Academy, and she would be needed there than at a place she hasn't been to in years. Although Seashell and Gill were hopefully behaving them selves at school and Riptide raking care of Reed, she still felt as if she needed to do something instead of flying across the continent just to figure out some business with her sisters. She had a dreamvisiter with her, just in case she needs back up. She could call each and every single dragon she knows to help her if she needed it.

Of course, she didn't have a choice, since her little sister was the queen and she'd probably be banned from the ocean all together if she didn't come. But OBVIOUSLY it had to be POURING RAIN while she flew there, and she could hardly even see three feet in front of her! Thunder crackled and lightning tore through the sky. Rain beat down on her wings, making it droop and her travel for slower. She seemed to be flying in clouds, since she couldn't see around her, below her, in front of her, or above her! She tilted her wings in a slow dive, cautiously flying.

Tsunami cursed, praying that she would soon land in the sea instead of hard, muddy ground. Soon, she was able to see the ground, only a meter in front of her. It wouldn't take long to just-
"Oof," she muttered, slamming into the sand. Apparently the ground was much closer than she had expected. So much for a graceful landing. She got up slowly, dizzy from the fall, and immediately water seeped into her eye. She frowned at the sky, irritated.

After a minute, she walked to the ocean shore and plunged in. Tiny fish wiggled away as she swam through, navigating her way to the palace. As she looked around, she noticed the Summer Palace entrance, the one that had been slashed with Seawing claws from the attack eight years ago. She frowned at it, uncomfortable seeping into her talons.

Tsunami had been swimming a while, smiling at clams and seashells. The Deep Palace came into view with Seawings all over the place. They had soldiers on the floor, battling each other with signature loves and dragonets with their caretakers to learn about the war. An elderly Seawing was laying on the floor reading a scroll, Queen Coral's scroll in fact. She also saw mothers taking the unhatched eggs into the hatcheries with their husbands. She beamed at all of them, feeling like Sunny when she sees all of her friends.

A burly, green Seawing swam-waddled up to her and pointed to the middle of the palace, where a pale queen was sitting. He beckoned for her to follow him and she did, swimming down to the floor. All over the place, dragons snapped to attention and waved to her, keeping hard straight faces.

Queen Anemone smiled with her teeth, jumped off her throne, and slammed into Tsunami, hugging her tightly. Tsunami copied her, happy to be in her sister's embrace. The queen beckoned for Auklet to come, and then the sister's had a group hug, all of them happy to see her.

Auklet pointed toward the surface and they swam the way that Tsunami had come.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here!" Anemone said once they broke the surface and were in the air. "You could help me run the kingdom."
Tsunami snorted. "You know dang well that I can NOT speak Aquatic. I could only form tint sentences."
"What about your dreams being queen?" Auklet asked from above, then started flying in the rain.
"That can wait."
"Let me tell you the true reason why you're here." Anemone flew into a cave, not far, but not necessarily close either. "As you know, Mother is dead. I hope Queen Glory told you that."
"Yeah, she did."
"Well, we have some prisoners from Moray that we are keeping hostage," she informed, surprising Tsunami. "A Sandwing and a Seawing. There used to be two Seawings, but Auklet killed one of them."
"Noice," Tsunami chortled. She fist pumped her sister, sitting down on the cold concrete.
"We were asking you to help us find Moray and kill her, so revenge is served for Mother-"
"Woah, woah, woah," Tsunami interrupted. "There ain't no flipping way I am going over to find some rando phyco- hey, that kinda rymes- and then kill her. You know what she did to those soldiers, Anemone. I have kids and I have. . . Kids. . . and a husband. I don't got time for that. I RUN A SCHOOL YOU THINK I HAVE TIME TO BE LOOKING FOR SOME PHYCO THAT KILLED MOTHER???"
"She's located under Jade Mountain," Auklet raised her eyebrows, amused. Tsunami scowled at her.
"You know what, SCREW IT. I'm going with you," she growled. "LET'S KILL A MONSTER! YAY!"

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