Apologies Accepted

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Gorrillaglide was serving the Night wings. He loathed it.

Nightwings kept staring at him as he delivered vines so that they could rebuild their village.
"Gorrillaglide!" Called someone behind him. He whirled around, growling when his boss, Jambu, flew up to him.
"What?" He asked, his scales turning orange and red.
"Queen Glory needs you," the pink dragon smiled. For a second, Gorrillaglide felt anxious. Was his custody over Magenta over? And what day was it? "It seems important, according to what she told me, so you can stop your work. I tell someone to go in your place."
"Right," he muttered, dropped the vines in his hands and passed the staring Nightwings.

He flew to the Queen's pavilion in the dark, and he could slightly make out two shapes on the roof of it. He shook out his wings and landed softly on the vine platform. He looked inside and saw the Queen sitting on her throne, reading something. He exhaled and shifted his scales to its natural state. He walked in and bowed almost immediately.
"Your majesty," Gorrillaglide rasped, bowing low to the ground.
"Ah, yes," Queen Glory said and got up from her chair. He rose and flicked his tail. "We need to talk about your daughter, Magenta, right?"
"She's mine," he answered. "You aren't taking her from me, right? She's my dragonet."
"From the stories that I've heard from my son, Prince Poisonwing," she said, fighting with her scales from turning red. "You abuse you daughter. I don't expect you to come clean about it, but at least tell me why."
"It isn't your business," he growled. "Just give me my daughter because I know she's here. She has work to do."

"Don't you know what day it is?" The queen's scales turned red. "Don't you know why Magenta is here? Have you seen how happy she was today?" His heart dropped and he narrowed his eyes.
"No," he admitted slowly.
"It's her hatching day," Queen Glory said.

Gorrilaglide looked down with shame and inhaled softly. His scales turned gray and red.
"I apologize," he said, not fully sorry. "It's been hard since my wife died. I haven't been the same since."
"I understand. Leaving someone you love isn't a good feeling. But in all of that, Magenta wanted to save some watermelon cake for you. She loves you, but she doesn't get the same emotion back."
"Can I speak to her?" His voice trembled as he tried to get his sces from turning blue. "I need to state my apologies."

Something behind him squeeked and he whipped around, growling softly. He stopped, only to realize that it was Magenta and the young man that had attacked him a weak earlier.
"Gorrilaglide," the prince snarled. "Why's he here?"
"Father!" His daughter smiled, her scales turning pink and yellow. "You came!"
"Right," Gorrilaglide muttered. "Happy birthday."

It wasn't much that he said, but she still ran up to him in tears and wrapped her arms around his neck. She burrowed her face into his wing and closed her wings around him. He smiled, feeling affectionate since Parrot died, and hugged her back.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, crying softly. "I'm sorry, Magenta, I'm sorry."
"Father-" she started, but he cut her off.
"Call me daddy, please," he cried, pulling her closer. He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry I couldn't be better. I understand if you don't forgive me, but try. . . Please."
"I forgive you," his daughter said to his surprise. She pulled away in a sad smile. "Don't do it again."

"And I have something to say, too," interrupted Prince Poisonwing, who had sat down and was watching them with curious eyes. "Well, we have something to say."
"We do?" Magenta asked, staring at him. Something in his expression changed and Magenta made an "ohhh" sound. She bounded next to him and intwined her tail with his.
"State it," Queen Glory said. Gorrilaglide stared at them and something clicked in his mind, telling him what they where going to say.

"We're dating," the two dragonets said.
"That was quick," said a small voice some where (probably Princess Hyacinth), but he ignored it.
"For how long?" Gorrilaglide asked, his scales turning from lavender to orange. "Magenta, why didn't you tell me?"
"And what would've you done if I did?" She cried, looking like a one year old for a second. He paused and looked away.
"Going back to subject," the queen announced, but her scales were pink. "I'll have you on probation for the next week. If the abuse starts again, Magenta, tell me, and I'll have him in prison."
"It won't," the two said.
Glory scratched her head. "HYACINTH. THE CAKE."

A purple dragonet came from the back rooms with a slice of watermelon. With a smile, she offered the cake to him and he took it.
"Thank you." He took the cake and devoured it in a few seconds, savouring the taste. "And thank you all for bringing back my relationship with my daughter. Not that it was your business to interrupt it, but thanks."
"Can I stay here tonight?" His daughter asked, the rest of the dragons smiling.
"Sure, Magenta. I'll be busy in the Nightwing village after all."

They hugged, and soon said their goodbyes. He flew away, his scales bright pink and disrupting his neighbors sleep.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now