First Date Part 2

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Poisonwing waited until there were no more administrative dragons or dragonrts to escape. The small gift in his talons rustled with all the stuffing he put in there, but he ignored and kept going. He ran through the halls swiftly, camouflaging himself to be invisible, until he got to the Main Hall. The space was completely dark, except for the stalactites above, which glowed menacingly. He ran past the stage in the middle and through a tunnel that read: Rainwing and Nightwing Cave. He bolted through and didn't stop until he reached the end. There was an opening to his right that led to the outside, and he saw a mulberry dragon sitting in front. She was wearing a simple silver necklace and a silver anklet.

Magenta. She looked so. . . Wonderful.
"Magenta!" Poisonwing whispered loudly, trotting over to her. He hid the present on his back and smiled. She smiled back warmly and waited until he was close to her to say something.
"Hi, PoiPoi!" She said, pulling him close to give him a hug. "What's that on your back?"
"A gift for you," he answered and she giggled.
"I brought a p iconic basket just in case." She produced a wooden basket and set in the middle of both of them.
"Good. Let's go."

They both took off at the same time, Poisonwing leading both of them to an empty area in the mountains. Magenta set down a red checkered blanket on the floor, set the basket in the middle and the food around, and he put his gift for her to the side of him. They both sat across from each other. She gave him three candles to lit and then put them in the corners of the red blanket.
"Looks as if you were prepared," he observer, staring at the cheese sandwiches, grapes with carrots, and a bucket of water.
She shook her head. "I asked King Deathbringer if I could take the rest of the lung leftovers today, and he said yes, so. . . yeah." Poisonwing lifted an eyebrow.
"You told him about us?"
"No," she said. "He was suspicious about it but didn't go any further."
"Cool," he whispered. He grabbed a cheese sandwich and bit into it, warm cream cheese melting his mouth. "So good."

Magenta smiled, drank some bucket water, and started eating the grapes and carrots. After they finished their meal in silence, she looked up at him with a dly smile.
"I was thinking," he started, chewing a carrot. "Maybe we should make it official. Our relationship?"
"Really?!" Magenta exclaimed and then looked away. "I can't." Poisonwing frowned. "Father is going to be so angry when he realizes that I have a boyfriend, that he might disown me."
"He won't know. Not unless you tell him."
"He'll pressure me into it."
"Magenta," he said, reaching over to her. His nose brushed hers like yesterday and she turned a bright pink. "You can't do everything your dad tells you to. You are your own dragon and you can make decisions for yourself. You're Magenta, not a low life prisoner held captive by him."
"But I am being held captive. I can't do anything without his permission!" She cried, and immediately he wanted to kiss her. Why was she so cute when she fretted like that. She is young, a three year old while he was five. . .
"Be yourself, Maggy," he advised her, stepping over the food to wrap himself around her. She blushed and squeeled inwardly. "He won't bother you once he is banished."
She gasped. "I don't want him banned! He's the only family I have left and if he leaves. . . No, you can't make him leave. He'll come back and try to take me! It's better if he just stays here-"
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, his eyes tired. She gasped again and smiled.

Without an answer, Magenta grabbed his neck and gave him a small kiss on his lips, giving him warmth. Poisonwing smiled in the kiss, closed his eyes and kissed her back. They dat there for another three seconds before he slowly broke away, a buzz where her sweet lips used to be.
"Wow," they whispered at the same time, until Poisonwing kissed her back and pulled her closer with his strong wings. She tried hard to push him back but was soon lost in thought. She opened her eyes, pulled back, and pressed her cheek to his upper chest. He smiled and realized what they just did and pulled her closer until their lips were barely grazing each other.
"I love you," he mumbled, moving his head to hug her. Her neck smelled like perfume, a sweet scent. He nibbled at it and she gasped. "You smell good."
"You don't make such a bad boyfriend," Magenta snorted and he moved away.
"Dang, jeez." He scratched the back of his head. "Where'd this monster come from? I didn't know a cute three year old dragonet could be so fiesty." She playfully growled at him. "Growl."

An hour later, they started to pack up their things and make their way back to the large mountain, in which they said their goodbyes. Magenta didn't want to leave him, and neither did Poisonwing.
"Can we do this tomorrow? And the night after that? And the weeks after that?" He asked, taking her front talons in his. "Please?"
"We probably won't be here for the next couple of weeks, PoiPoi," she said. "We'll probably be in the rainforest by then."
He shook his head. "That isn't possible. The rainforest is still flooded."
"Queen Anemone promised to clear the water from the rainforest as long as Queen  Glory sends some of her troops to look for Moray." She frowned as Poisonwing leaned in as if he was searching for something. "My father isn't on the list to go. He said that I can't take care of myself, although I've had when he didn't."
"Oh, well," he whispered. "Tomorrow then?"
"Of course." She smiled. "I love you."
"I love you, too, Magenta."

He watched her leave to her tunnel, and then parted for his. And then, he finally remembered his gift he was supposed to give her an hour ago.
"Wait!" Poisonwing yelled, bolting back to her. She turned around and raised an eyebrow. "My gift. Here. Open it when you get back to the rainforest, not here." He shoved the gift into her open talons and ran back to his tunnel to go back to the academy.

Poisonwing hoped Magenta loved it. Of course she would, because it was special because he made it during art class. Fortunately, she hadn't noticed the stitching along his fingers and arms.

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