Dayum, she fine~

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Gill wandered the halls.
He should be in his class right now, learning about asexual reproduction and suffiixces and prefixes, but those are unimportant, compared to everything else that he actually wants to do. He's been skipping classes for a week and a half now and his mother wasn't happy about it. He didn't expect her to be.

In only a week, the school year would be over, and they would have three months of vacation. That would also mean that Reed and Princess Hyacinth would be joining next year also. Unfortunately.

As Gill was skipping classes, he wandered into the main hall, where there was a vast expanse and doors that led to crowded rooms. He peeked through the windows, around the stage, and the higher ledges. He even went to the principal's office, looking through the windows only to find Mother and his Uncle Clay. When he stopped looking in, the academy doors opened and he jumped back. He looked around and saw a bush, dove into it, and then peeked out to watch the new dragons.

A Nightwing, bright yellow Sandwing, and two small hybrid dragonets. A male and a. . .Dannnggg, Gill thought. She was fine~ She has mostly yellow scales, but some dark green hear and there and black scales around her wrists and ankles. She had pretty green eyes, from what he saw. He smiled.

"She's cute," he muttered to himself, admiring her features. Although she was so far away, he felt as if he could see her right here. She could only be a year or two old. And being a four year old dragonet, there's no way that she would NOT want to date him. Who cares? Love is love and your partner is your partner. Surely she'd want to date him.

"If she even likes you," Poisonwing muttered, laughing. It after school, and they were outside, enjoying the evening sun. Clouds were coming in for a rain storm maybe, and only few dragonets were out here. "I still can't believe you're crushing on a one year old." He barked a laugh and Gill frowned at him.

He regretted telling his best friend about her.
"Listen, love is love and-" he stopped. Poisonwing snorted.
"What? Cat got your tongue?"
"Nah," he whispered, blushing. "She's back again." They both turned their heads as the family came back around with his mother in the lead- "Shoot! My mom's giving them a tour!"
"Looks like you're in trouble," Poisonwing sung, chuckling as the group came toward them.

"Sunny!" Tsunami smiled. Her blue tail ladies dangerously and her claws hooked on to Gill's shoulder. He cringed away, her nails piercing through his scales. "Have you met my son Gill?"

"No, not yet," the Sandwing (or what she looked like) said. The Nightwing behind him smiled softly. There was a bandage around his eyes, and burn marks all over his body. Their child, a male, looked more like his mother, but fat. The gorgeous female looked more like her father, and to his surprise, only looked a month old! "He looks like a distinguished young man."

"Thank you," Gill muttered, and Mother frowned at him. "I'm Gill, the middle and forgotten child, aka the least favorite. My older sister is Seashell, who I guess you already know, but if you don't, you do now. I have a younger brother, unfortunately, named Reed and he's kind of ugly, seeing as he's green instead of blue, which is obviously the best color. Also, he's annoying and the mistake in the family. This is my best friend, Poisonwing, who is the Rainwing prince. He's the middle child, too, so he's probably not important either, since he's a boy and not even a heir to the throne, like what the fuc-"
"ANYWAY," Tsunami interrupted, laughing nervously. Poisonwing taped at him and turned a peachy red, embarrassed and angry. The Nightwing and Sandwing started laughing, and the pretty girl hybrid burst out giggling. Her brother tilted his head and asked his father for food. "This little moron needs to get his sleep in, and maybe his diarrhea mouth will stop flowing, heh heh." She squeezed his muscle harder until he was sure that his muscle popped.

"He's hilarious, Tsunami," Sunny smiled. "Starflight, introduce the family."
"Oh, alright," he said. "I'm Starflight, my wife Sunny, my daughter Venus, my son Mossstone. You are Gill, and he is Prince Poisonwing. Wait, that's Glory's son!"
"Yep," Sunny smiled. Tsunami smiled back and then frowned.
"So why'd you visit?"
"We wanted to announce our dear apologies for not being here when you needed it most, especially around your Mother's death," Starflight said.
"Wait, mother?" Gill asked. "Mother, you have a MOTHER?"
"B*tch, where the hell do you think I came from?" Mother snarled, beating her tail into the floor. Venus's eyebrows went up as Mossstone chewed on potato sticks and carrots. "Yes, your grandmother passed."
"Who was she?" Poisonwing and Gill asked.
"Ex-Queen Coral," they adults said at the same time.
"Dang, your royalty like me," the hybrid smiled.
"Why wasn't I told about this?"
"It isn't like she would want you as a heir to the throne anyway," Mother rolled her eyes. "You guys are way too immature for that."
"Hey!" The hybrid prince objected, turning a red color. "Get lessons from my mother, and shell make you mature. The group laughed, Tsunami continuing on the tour without the boys.

As they left, Gill found himself staring at Venus, and Venus staring back at him. He smiled at her and she squawked with surprise. She ran over to her father and hid underneith him, Mossstone confused but following suit behind her.

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