spilling them teas.

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Sunny couldn't wait to see her best friends again. It was that time in the hot, hot summer that they all had a nice picnic. Sunny decided to bring both of her kids while Starflight cleaned up the Library at JMA. She told Tsunami and Glory to be their children, too, so that she would get to know them better. She barely saw them at the school.

At their regular spot near the high mountains, she set up a large checkered blanket on the grass, set up a whole bunch of wooden plates, two teapots, whole bunch of teacups, and a picnic basket her husband packed for her. As she waited, her children, Mossstone and Venus were chasing each other in the air. Well, Mossstone was, and being the older brother, he kept teasing her until she managed how to fly and started screaming in fear.

"Come and look presentable!" Sunny laughed, beckoning for them to come over. Venue's mossy green and yellow scales looked so much like her mother's in the sunlight. "I can see Glory from here."

From a far, Glory was an unusual shade of copper with large orange wings and golden shimmers throughout her scales. But instead of three shapes behind her, there was two, one that was brown and bulky and another one that was red. Sunny squinted her eyes. It seemed as if Glory had smoke radiating off of her scales, and before she realized who it truly was, the dragon roared a Skywing roar. PERIL??

"Sunny!" Peril shouted as soon as she came into hearing range. "It's great to see you!"

"I didn't know you were coming," Sunny gasped and jumped into the air to meet her half way.
"I wasn't," she admitted. "We were actually on our way to the Skywing Palace but so happened to see you here. What's going on?"
"Me, Glory, and Tsunami are having a picnic with all our kids," Sunny smiled, dread creeping on her scales when she saw Peril's smile fade. "You're welcome to come."
"Oh, no," said a dragonet behind her. She recognized her as Cloud, the Skywing Mudwing hybrid. "Queen Ruby needs us now. There's some big meeting going on that she needs like 1000 dragons to be apart of."
"It's 100, Cloud," said a smaller, Mudwing looking dragonet said. His eyes were blue like his mother and his smile was warm like Clay's. "I'm Squelch, nice to meet you."
"Sunny," Sunny laughed. "Good to meet your acquaintance. Would you like to come down for tea?"
"Sure, as long as I stay in a dry part of the grass," Peril smiled, looking alive. "Not like I'll burn that up too."
"We'll find some leaves for you."


Twenty minutes later, Glory had arrived with her dragonets now, and Sunny made sure it was Glory. Her daughter, Princess Hyacinth had a bag full of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Prince Poisonwing was carrying a basket full of fruit, and Prince Kolluth had an egg strapped to his chest.
"You're having another one?!" Sunny screamed when Kolluth landed. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO NAME IT??"
"It's not mine, Sunny," Glory said. "It's his and Seashell's." Kolluth seemed to grow embarrassed and took off the little  net and rested it on the picnic blanket.
"You did it with her?" Sunny asked, surprised. He shook his head.

"I'M NOT VERY HAPPY ABOUT IT EITHER." A familiar, furious, GORGEOUS blue Seawing showed up quickly with her three children. "EVERYTIME I SEE THAT EGG IT REMINDS ME HOW A DISAPPOINTMENT I AM."
"Tsunami," Glory scolded, eyeing as Seashell immediately ran over to Kolluth and grabbed the egg. "They're kids. We never even told them about 'it's until after they had the egg."
"Still," said Hyacinth, who butted in their grown up conversation. "Such a bad influence to the rest of us."
"HYACINTH, SHUT THE ACTUAL FUCK UP," Kolluth cursed at her. Hyacinth rolled her eyes as Glory went to punish him.
"And I repeat, a bad influence-" she stopped, noticing Cloud for the first time. "CLOUD!"


An hour later, everyone was with their cliques. Peril, Sunny, Glory, and Tsunami in one; Venus, Mossstone, Gill, Reed, Squelch, and Poisonwing in another; Cloud and Hyacinth in one; and Kolluth, Seashell, and the smooth, white egg in another.

By the time Peril had to leave, most of the food and tea was gone and they were all having fun. The kids were flying and the adults were talking with one another.
"And then there were rumors of Anemone and Pike hooking up together during Anemone's 'heat month' and then She ended up getting pregnant." Tsunami's blue wings tilted from the wind and she looked up at the clear sky.

"Crazy," Glory sneered.
"OH REALLY, GLORY?" Tsunami roared. "And what have YOU been doing?"
"Well," the Rainwing queen yawned.  "The Nightwing village had been rebuilt, the Arboretum had been renovated, Princess Hyacinth is learning to be a teacher in one of the Rainwing elementary schools, Poisonwing finally has a girlfriend, and Deathbringer has been away at some assassin meeting in the Mudwing kingdom."

Sunny giggled. "Amazing. Well, Starflight is getting the library back up, I've been staring at Gill flirt with Venus for the vast five minutes but she's rejected him horribly." She stopped to stare at the heart broken, blue Seawing and the small hybrid dragonet. "It isn't going to well."

They laughed, until Tsunami growled.
"What?" Sunny and Glory asked together, but Sunny was full of concern while Glory was concerned whether or not Grandeur was doing her substitute job.

"From what I've heard from Clay," she started, swishing her tail. "is that there is a major Skywing meeting with almost all the tribe. And the reason for it is for some guy named Claude that supposedly came in the middle of the school year to enroll his "non binary" daughter and then she never came. They're talking about something called "teknologixs.""
"Teknologixs?" Glory wondered. "You mean technology?"
"Something like that," the Seawing muttered. "Anyway, Queen zriby said something about being the most superior and richest tribe."
"Mother said something about that!" Sunny exclaimed, bouncing up. "She was angry hoe the Skywings could think so highly of them selves because they were/are the richest country and had the most entrepreneurs."
"Country?" Tsunami asked. "The hell is that?"

"Well, I heard from a queen meeting that they're going to distribute boundaries and create their own countries," she shrugged.
"How come I wasn't invited to that!" Glory gasped. "I-I'm a queen too. . ." She threw her wings around her in a dramatic flare, fake crying. She turned her scales a vibrant blue, but some pink edged it's way through.
"Oh, Glory," Sunny consoled. "Poor baby." She patted the Rainwing's head and she raised her head immediately.

Tsunami and Sunny laughed at her, and then Glory herself started to laugh.

Sunset came quickly, faster than lady night, and soon two moons were creeping into the sky. Tsunami and her family had already disappeared in the night sky and Glory wasn't too far behind her. Sunny had already started to pack up her picnic, the only evidence of the food she brought was crumbs at the bottom of the basket. Venus helped her pack and Mossstone ate the remains.

Soon, they too flee to their own home (with sunny doing all the work) and ended up there with Starflight making a nice beef dumpling stew.

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