"Shut up, you nerd!"

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Hyacinth woke up with a bright smile.
Her scales were a soft blue and she immediately changed them to bright purple and torquise. She jumped from her hammock to the floor to search her bags, looking for a particular gold crown with opal stones and white gloves. She twirled, opening her butterfly wings a d ran over to Cloud, who was still snoring.

"Wake up~!" She sung, puncturing the hybrid's shoulder with her golden claws. "Cloud~ we have SCHOOALLLLL!"
"No duh," Cloud mumbled, shaking her off. "Thought it was still summer. . ."

"Not you fallin' asleep," Hyacinth growled playfully. She turned bright yellow and realized that the rest of her claw mates were awake and groaning at the sight.

"TURN OFF YOUR SCALES," screamed Reed, who had his green wings covering his face. "The fact that I am your brother in law does NOT mean you have to BURN my EYES."
"Eyeball scorching," replied Sludge, the boring, brown Mudwing. He jumped down from his rock ledge and yawned, stretching.
"Reminds me of the rainforest!" Magenta giggled. "Keep wearing that."
"DO NOT," snarled Walrus, the hilariously terrifying blue-gray Icewing. With a groan, he jumped literally on top of Hyacinth, grabbed a black bag, and walked out the door.

"I didn't know Reed was your brother in law," Cloud smiled, final waking up. "You never mentioned it."
"My brother and his sister are having an egg," she replied as she watched Sludge walk out the door. "They're both five." She smirked at Cloud's shocked face. "Unexpected pregnancy. No 'sexual intimacy,' but instead a lot of kisses and smiles."
"Reassuring," Cloud said.

There was a loud gong and they both jumped.
"That's the first warning," Cloud explained. "We're supposed to be in our classes by the third bell." She grabbed Hyacinth and Magenta's Talon a d took running in the halls.

Already, a mob of dragons already were in the traffic, trying to get to their classes on time. The second bell had already gone off when they reached the main Hall and had to find their classes. Hyacinth pulled out her schedule and read: Math with Mrs. Wave.
"Do you have math?" Magenta asked anxiously. Her scales were magenta, but pale green was spotted here an there. "I don't want to go to class alone."
"We all do," Cloud reassured her, putting an amber wing over her back. "I memorized our schedules and arranged them so that we'll have classes with each other." She took a glance at another Skywing with purple packs. Her eyes were stunning too, and so were her scales.

"Oooh," Hyacinth grinned and Cloud glared at her. "You have a crush on her!"
"She's a they/them, but her parents call her a she," Cloud shrugged. They walked to the class, and already, Hyacinth could see her brother Poisonwing.

"Poisonwing!" Hyacinth giggled and ran over to her brother. He smiled at her and opened his wings for a hug. "Oh my GOSH I  L❤VE my winglet!"
"Good," he smiled. He spotted Magenta and went over to her, giving her a hug, too. "Hey, Maggy."
"You might not wanna call her that 'cus there is another student here named Maggy," Cloud said.

Then, a teacher came out of the math cave smiling. Mrs. Wave was dark blue Seawing with bordeaux (aka red) pearls as necklaces and smaller pearls as earrings. "Good morning class," she said, her voice slithery but kind. "Welcome to math class. Take a seat."

They did as they were told, and Hyacinth took a seat in the very front. There was already a long piece of charcoal and paper in front of them. Magenta sat next to her, and Poisonwing followed suit next to his girlfriend. Cloud took the rest behind them, since there was only three seats up front.
"I'm Mrs. Wave," Mrs. Wave introduced. "First, we'll be learning about circles, diameter, radius, and circumference. Does anyone know pi?"
"3.14," Hyacinth answered, forgetting to raise her hand.
"Good job," she smiled. "Just remember to raise your talon. Does anyone know what circumference is?"
Poisonwing raised his talon, but Hyacinth rose her hand first. "The enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle."
"Correct!" Mrs. Wave cheered. "Diameter?"

Cloud raised her talon. "A straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body. Like a circle or sphere."
"Amazing!" She clapped. "I have such smart students!" She turned around and started writing on the black board.

"They're nerds," a voice snickered from the back. Hyacinth whipped her head around and glared at an Icewing who was talking to a Sandwing. "Show offs."
"Hey!" Hyacinth growled, standing up. "Shut UP."
"You shut up, you nerd!" The Icewing growled.
"Typhoon-" Mrs. Wave started, but Hyacinth had already jumped out of her chair and lunged toward him.

"YOU SON OF A WALRUS!" Hyacinth screamed, hooking her claws on his neck. Typhoon screamed and blew cold breath in her face that she barely missed. They fought for a few seconds before Poisonwing pulled them apart. Hyacinth still stood her ground, trying to jump over her brother so she could jump HIM.

Did she regret fighting him? No. Did she regret bringing a bad name for her family reputation and stating what a terrible dragonet she was going to be throughout the year? Yes.

Definitely yes.

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