Revenge for Queen Coral Part 3

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Queen Glory was worried. It had been three days since Tsunami disappeared and eight hours since Sunny had come to congratulate her on the achievement.

"Tsunami doesn't even let me be Head of School," Glory remembered Sunny muttering.
"Well, I am a queen, and I do have the utmost maturity between the five of us, so OBVIOUSLY I'd be the one to be head of school," Glory said, and then got a necessary glare from her friend.

"HELP." Glory said out loud, but of course nobody came to her rescue. That memory was warm and hilarious, but it was time to be serious. Sure, Tsunami would probably be back soon, but Glory had enough to worry about.

Deathbringer was called to some assassin meeting, so Hyacinth and Grandeur were running the rainforest and repairing it. Glory was doing her work at the school, signing papers and working on job requests. She was also supposed to be grading school work, but Clay offered to do that.

"Glory?" Somebody from the doorway asked. She looked up and smiled.
"Clay," she breathed. "What's wrong?"
Princess Auklet is here to see you," he said. "She seems quite frantic about it." He walked inside, his muscles wrippling as he sat down.
"Where's Queen Anemone and Tsunami?"
"That's what she wanted to talk to you about. I'm worried about it, too," he muttered. His fat tail flicked and he looked around as he stood up.

In her mind, Glory could only think the worst. Had Queen Anemone been assassinated? Was Tsunami dead? Was there really no hope for the Seawing tribe? Glory for up, shaken, but decided to follow him. They traveled to the Main Hall. In one of these classrooms, they sons were in there.

A green Seawing was pacing at the entrance, speckles of blood splattered all over her.
"Queen Glory!" She exclaimed, bowing quickly. As they got closer, she ran over to her and gave her a tight hug. Although Glory didn't feel quite comfortable, it seemed as if she needed it quite well. "Oh, it was horrible!"
"What?" Clay and Glory asked together.
"We were in the midst of finding and killing Moray, until her dragons started attacking us. They killed seven of our soldiers!" She cried.
"Is Tsunami okay?" Clay asked, genuinely concerned.
"I- I don't know," Auklet admitted, and Glory's heart dropped. "Last time I saw her, she was on fire and badly wounded. Her neck was burning and I could see the muscle inside of her shoulder. She had deep wounds all over, especially her face and neck." She burst out crying. "I really hope she's okay. I hope she's alive!"
Glory's head hung and she dipped her head. "If she's dead, then that'll be a reason for me to kill Moray. Or at least help. Where is she located?"
"Northeast of Jade Mountain."
"That's so close to the school!"
"Where our kids are," Glory grumbled. She muttered a curse and narrowed her eyes, turning a deep red and violent purple. "Let's kill that biatch." Clay smiled at her, fighting wars not to laugh and make the conversation innapropriate.
"That's what Tsunami said before she- you know," Auklet said, her green wings shaking with fear. Her tail flicked multiple times, until it started matching the shaking speed of her wings. "We need to fight back now. We don't know when Moray might kill them, and they might not be able to fight back."
"Tsunami could," Clay thought.
"No, she wouldn't," Glory objected, placing a finger on her the side of her muzzle and looking up. "If Tsunami is as badly wounded as you described, she would be sore when she wakes up if she fainted. If Moray would kill her, it would be when she is unconscious, rather than awake. Moray would kill her either way, and she'd kill Anemone, too, which mean you would be queen and a threat to the throne. Plus, you have no heirs because of no dragonets, but Seashell could be a possible heir, if she even wanted to be queen. . . Dang, this is a hard decision."
"That was like a dictionary explaing to me what a dragon metamorphosis is," Auklet whispered to Clay, who smiled with his teeth.
"Then it's settled," Clay said after a while. "We go kill Moray."
"She's more powerful than you think," Glory said, still thinking. She could hardly even concentrate on her thoughts with Clay's diarrhea mouth. HE KEEPS HIS WORDS RUNNING.

"This is a quest for later," Auklet finished. "We don't even have an army, more or less ten dragons to fight with. Well get killed instantly, and then there will be no hope."
"Hopefully, all we know will be willing to help us," Clay said. "And then we'll have a feast after."
"If we survive until then."

"I'm gonna murder you. And then my pets will truly have a feast! Haha, I'm gonna murder you!"
Tsunami woke up to singing. Her head was in a daze, and her vision was blurry. Her breathing intensified,  inhaling smoke. She coughed, her throat raspy.
"Please. ." She whispered, barely audible. She tried to blink away her pain, her neck and shoulder dried and sticky with blood. "Don't. . ."
"Oh, your majesty!" Said a familiar voice, but it somehow seemed to change. "You're awake, but your sister isn't. Maybe she's dead and I'll finally get the throne!"
"NO!" Tsunami yelled, and immediately regretted it. "Don't do this!"
"Too late!" Moray laughed, her rail twitching as if it was having a mild seizure. "I was supposed to be queen, but your spoiled sister took it before me. But once you and Anemone is dead, I'll find and kill Auklet, and then I will be truly queen of the Seawings!" She laughed maniacally, twirling around on the stone floor. Tsunami frowned at her, breathing heavily. Why was the air so foggy and thick?

"Once the smoke does the trick, you'll be dead, dead, dead!" Moray giggled, dancing around the stone room.

Once Tsunami's vision cleared, she could see three bonfires behind the gray green Seawing, and eight guards posted behind  that. One of the Seawings looked small and oddly familiar. She was smiling, holding a sharp Narwhal spear and had blood splattered across her face, and some was still dripping.
"Moray, please-" Tsunami begged, and then got stabbed in her other shoulder by something sharp behind her. She twisted around to stare at the smiling Skywing with another narwhal spear. Her blood was dripping from the tip of it, and she flinched away. "Well, what do you want me to call her?"
"Queen Moray," said a familiar voice, as a small dragonet stepped forward. Her dark green scales and her familiar smell. . . Jade! "Your majesty, would you allow me to kill her? She took the love of my life away from me. Even her daughter is a menace."
"No!" Tsunami shrieked, her heart dropping even lower. She looked around frantically, but she was alone.
"I'll allow it, and you could kill her daughter as well," Moray laughed.

Jade wasted no time raising her narwhal spear into the air, and bolting it toward her. In a split second, Tsunami twisted and rolled on her side, trying to get up. The green dragonet slammed the spear into the floor, cracking the rock and making little bits of it into the air. Tsunami stared at her. She was going to die by a blood sucking, vengeful dragonet.

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