The Egg

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      Glory stared at the smooth, dull rainbow egg in front of her. It's speckled a bit, and she stares harder. If only she had better eyesight, she could maybe, just MAYBE, get a teeny weeny glimpse of her dragonet.
       It was only two weeks after their wedding, and only one after Glory had her egg. Eggs take a year to develop and hatch, which means she would need to tell her husband about it soon. They'd never discuss having children, but Grandeur motivated it so she and Glory wouldn't be the only heirs to the throne. They even talked about it three days ago.
"Who will come after you if you die before me? I can't mate anyone anymore," Grandeur had said.
"Me and Deathbringer hasn't thought about it yet," Glory remarked. "And what about my friends?"
"You can't do everything undet your friends' approval."
"But I don't want them to hate me about it forever."
"Eh. Do what you want. You're queen, not me," Grandeur shrugged. Glory frowned at her.
"Well, if I have dragonets, I can count on you for being queen for me," she smiled. Now, it was Grandrur's time to frown at her.
"I retired from that job. I'm not planning on taking over those dragons again."
"You want your dragonets to live, right? Then DO IT. Your majesty's orders."
      Glory smiled at that conversation and then looked at the egg. She bent down to peer at it more. She nudged it with her nose, and something inside moved. She stood up, backed up, and then bumped into something. She turned around and almost stepped on her egg after she jumped. Kimkajou was standing there, and then she looked at the egg.
"OH MY MOOOOOONS!!!! AN EGG! A DRAGONET! SIDBSJSHSKDBFIDGDNSJ!!" uttered the dragonet. She bounced on her talons and then scooped up the egg before Glory could say otherwise. "He is so BEAUTIFUL!" Glory tilted her head at her.
"How do you know it is a 'he?'" Glory asked, taking her precious rgf away from her.
"It might be a he. Or a she. Or even a they. But I'm pretty sure it is a he. Or a she. . . .OR NONE OF THEM! But mainly, I think it is a he," Kinkajou smiled, and Glory laughed.
"I'll take you word for it.

One year later

       Glory couldn't believe it! The months had been going on for so long, and still, she hasn't told her husband about it. What is worse enough is that she'd been telling a lie to him, trying to make a readon why she'd been out so long. She had to leave her egg with Kinkajou, and she wasn't the best babysitter of them all. . .
       But one day, Glory was about to leave when Deathbringer stopped her. She started to panic but kept her scales cool and mint green.
"Yeaahhh," she said a little to cool, and he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Glory. Tell me what's wrong. Right now. You keep leaving and not coming back. You aren't being a good queen plus a wife," he said, making Glory's heart stop.  
A bad wife. Something she never ever wanted anyone to call her in her lifetime.
"Im sorry," she stumbled and sat down. Her vision started to get a bit blurry at the top.
"Don't be sorry. I want you to show me what you are doing each day. Are you
Meeting someone else?" His eyes widened with anger and confusion. She quickly shook her head.
"Never. But I do need to tell you something. Just. . . Just follow me," she said, dizzy with disbelief and flew off the edge toward where her egg was perched. She landed and grabbed her egg, which she safely tucked under a bramble bush.
      Deathbringer took one look at it and almost fainted. His shaky talons grabbed the heavy egg and cradled it in his muscular arms.
"It's an egg," he whispered, his eyes widened again at her. "Is this yours?"
"It's not mine, Deathbringer," she said, and his face fell. " It's ours. Me and you. Our egg."
       Our egg.
       That sounded good in Glory's mind. Not Tsunami's egg, not some random Rainwing's egg, but our egg. Glory smiled at him and ducked under his wing. He kissed her forehead, and they sat in that position for an hour, cradling their egg and holding each other with their wings.
"Wait, how are we supposed to tell your friends?" Deathbringer asked, killing the moment.
"I'll send a messenger to them. Let's just keep this moment to us, shall we?"Glory whispered, and she felt Deathbringer's head go back and forth. She looked up and kissed his neck, and instead of him kissing her, he kissed his dragonet.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora