Twenty One

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I wasn't sure how long we've been stuck in this damp cell. It could've been a couple a days or even a week at best. I've tried to calculate the hours that passed by counting the trays of food that were sent to us each day.

However that varied considering how much food that was given. It would be a large food amount that could last Levi and I the whole day. Or even two trays of food that would have small portions. Either way I had carelessly lost count and gave up on trying again.

No guards were posted outside the cell as well. In fact, Levi and I were the only ones down here. The only time I were to see another person was when I shouted for them on the floor above to use the restroom or when they allowed us out one by one to clean ourselves.

With nothing to do I sit atop my bed while staring blankly at the flickering torch light in the hall. There was barely enough light, the corners of the cell were dark as night. Levi has not spoken a decent word to me ever since we were locked up.

I would either get a unique curse from him or a smart-ass insult. It was annoying as hell but I gladly return the favor but with a little bite to my words. His presence even made my mood foul but alert as ever.

I couldn't even get a wink of sleep due to his overwhelming presence. I was well aware of the many times I wake up in the middle of the night and see him sitting on his bed staring at a wall or the flickering light. Not once have I caught Levi sleeping or dozing off.

I pondered at the thought wondering if he ever slept at all. I could ask but had no indulgence to keep a conversation going.

"You're going to burn your eyes if you keep staring at the flame." I hear Levi grumble. I roll my eyes at his comment before releasing an exasperated sigh.

"I'm not going to burn my eyes, idiot. Mind your damn business for once."

Levi scoffs but doesn't say more. However, I did hear heavy breathing then some muttering to my left. Curious, I tear my eyes away from the light.

It takes me moment to readjust to the dimness in this cell. I didn't want to admit it but, my eyes did sting a little when I blinked. I was able to finally see something on the floor just a couple feet away from me.

It went up and down swiftly like it was doing push-ups. The bottom part only grazes the floor before pushing itself back up again. I stare at it for a long moment, awing the gracefulness it had as well as the strength.

I curse the damn lighting, I could only make out the outline. I couldn't see what it was no matter how much I squinted. A loud sigh rings in my ears and the figure stops moving. My lips begin to pull down into a small frown as displeasure meets my eyes.

"Why did it stop?" I huff to myself.

"Why did what stop?"

I flinch to the husky voice. The hell? I never anticipated for this thing to speak. Hell, I didn't even anticipate it's voice to rumble whatever that's inside me.

Secretly, I found that enjoyable. I watch it as it slowly stands, its head thrown back as it wipes the sweat off with a hand. I tremble atop my bed, my lips becoming dry.

I couldn't hear anything besides the loud beating of my heart. It stalks towards Levi's bed, the light finally cascaded down its figure. The body was human, its skin the color of ivory.

But sweat was making it glistened in the torch light. Its bare back was faced towards me and I was surprised at the amount of muscle in their back. They were all cut and defined, the way the light was bouncing off their muscles suddenly had me gaping like an idiot.

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