♛Forty Three

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God damn it, what am I doing? I feel like an idiot standing out here for god knows how long. I've faced almost everyone living in this building already.

It was embarrassing each time to tell them I was waiting for someone. Emma already informed me of her tonight's activities with Hanji and Nifa. I wasn't sure how long those three were planning to drink.

They act like they could hold down their alcohol. And here I am, standing beside Emma's apartment door waiting like a damn dog. I don't even know what brought me here.

Yet, with that thought in mind I couldn't find it in me to leave. My hand unconsciously grazes a part of neck. I click my tongue at the memory of earlier's events.

Damn woman, I think irritably. Giving me such marks truly was a pain in my ass. To think, she would actually do such a thing.

I never even done that to her. I lower my hand and cross my arms purposely. I'll make sure she knows not to overstep her boundaries again.

I'll make her remember what she can and cannot do. And hopefully, she'll be just as vulnerable as she made me today.

"Okay, just one more step."

My ears perk to the sound. I whirl my head to the stairway. Two people, linked together by an arm over the other's shoulders, stumble up the stairs.

"I can walk, Edward. And I know how many steps are here. I live here damn it."

"Hey, I'm just looking out for you."

I immediately grit my teeth at that irritable voice. I've never realized how annoying his voice was. Emma and Edward stumble closer, I stick to my spot and eye them up and down in disgust.

Do they have to be so close? However, as they got closer I take notice to their dirty attire. Dirt was smeared all over Emma's pants.

Her hair disheveled and her face featured a small cut on her cheek. Something in me explodes and begins to run through my veins. I push off the wall and stomp over to them.

"What the hell happened?"

They both abruptly stop before me, clearly Emma was surprised to see me. I was sure I caught a curse word from Edward, however. He seemed in bad shape as well but I could care less.

What I cared about was him releasing his grip around Emma. I eye him more closely, despite the height difference he was like any other idiot. Stupid and clingy.

"Levi!" Emma suddenly splutters with wide eyes. "Um, what're you—"

"I asked a question, Lieutenant!" I snap, turning my attention to her. "What. Happened?"

Emma bites her lower lip and nervously looks to the side. I keep my intense gaze on her, I bet there was bruises blooming under her clothing.

That suddenly didn't seem like a thought I wanted to think over. I scoff with the gesture of my head.

"Damn it, never mind," I growl. "Get inside and wash up."

She perks her head up, locking her eyes with mine. All I could do was narrow my own. I fully expected her to light up her usual feisty tantrums but, she simply pulls away from Edward.

She bids him a soft good night and walks past me to her door. Once I heard the door click, I turn my attention to the Cadet. A long, cold silence spreads itself between us. I could sense the tension in the air.

"What are you doing here, Captain?" Edward questions tightly. His eyes narrow, his shoulders begins to broaden.

I puff my chest slightly, so this brat thinks he can take me on? I praise him for his confidence but I sure as hell hate the way he's looking down on me.

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