Forty Nine

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"Needed?" I repeat, puzzled. "Needed for what?"

The Scout sucks in a breath and braces a hand on the open door. "I—I have no clue but, Commander Erwin said it's urgent."

I didn't need more information than that. I wasn't sure what could be important but, I must head over to his office. I hear a small groan behind me. Edward had begun to sulk as well as sagging his shoulders.

"How convenient," he mumbles. But his disappointed expression disappears into thin air. He instead, straightens his spine and gives me a small smile. "Let's talk afterwards, okay? I'm kinda curious about your reaction to my confession."

I blush immensely at that. His words ring in my head like a bell. I'm in love with you.

God damnit, I'm not in the mood to turn him down. On top of that, he seemed hopeful and I wasn't sure why. Does he think I would reciprocate?

I swallow thickly at the thought. How do I let down a friend easily? I manage a small nod and a tentative smile.

"Alright. See you later then." Quickly I dash out the mess hall before Edward could say more.

His whole little speech, the way he apologized it seemed—wrong. His words felt rushed, forced even. Yet, he still had that sincere look in his eye as if he truly meant it.

Did he truly? I'm sure it's up to me to decide if I should believe him or not. However, I did feel something when he apologized.

Maybe it was because I felt guilty for yelling at him or maybe because I sympathized with his reason to be stressed. I knew for a fact though, if it were Levi captured by those guys I would make him my top priority too. I already stood before Erwin's office door.

I shake away all my previous thoughts and push through. As I stride in I see Erwin standing behind his desk frowning at papers atop them. Two men stood before him.

A tall man with black hair had his back facing me. I could see the unicorn symbol on the back of his jacket. I knew it was Nile Dawk, Commander of the Military Police.

The other one to my right was Levi. His back was also turned but I could tell his arms were crossed.

"Why did you need to see me?" I question in a way of greeting. I strode towards the three, stopping between Nile and Levi. "What's so urgent?"

Erwin doesn't respond immediately, as expected. So instead, I turn my attention to Nile. He also frowned at the papers but he seemed to be lost in thought.

"Commander Dawk?" I quested. "What's going on?"

For a moment, he doesn't respond but he did suck in a breath. He shakes his head before looking down at me.

"Unfortunately, there has been another murder," he responds solemnly. "And it's someone you know."

"Elise Butcher." Levi informs monotonously. My breathing stops, a cold hover runs down my spine.

Elise, one of my Squad Members. I haven't talked to her or to anyone after that mission went to hell. Heck, they even lost respect in me and started to compare me to the serial killer tormenting Trost.

I don't blame them though, who knew what crazy rumor they heard that was close to the truth? But despite all that, I haven't talked to her. It burned a hole in my chest.

Despite how difficult it was, I swallow down that lump in my throat. I slowly turn back to Levi and Erwin. Levi looked worse than I felt.

His eyes were darker, strands of his hair cascaded a small shadow over them. He didn't even meet my gaze.

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